Hello, OK well I read your situation and I honestly need your help! Pray constantly and get busy with wholesome activities. So here I was, feeling pretty good, feeling like I turned a corner. Cause he used to say he will never ever leave me. Thanks for Dr Okosodo. If it helps, stay off Facebook for a while until your ready to deal with it. All thanks to Dr UZOYA for his wonderful spiritual help. Never miss a thing with GirlsAskGuys notifications on your browser. Anyways, she seems SO HAPPY without me. No, our goal is to inspire your ex and make him or her realize that life would be even better with you in it. I want to be very clear about something right off the bat. I actually now realize that me and my ex were never meant to be and I'm actually now glad it happened...he was so wrong for me. No, our goal is to inspire your ex and make him or her realize that life would be even better with you in it. My friends are all setlle down, his friends aren't . I love her so much and am completely lost without her I have no motivation to do anything. Just try and be positive xx, Babes, you will get over it. The initial reaction of a "dumpee" (a person who gets dumped by a lover) is to try all things humanly possible to try to talk, cajole or beg his/her ex to change his/her mind. He was out all the time, surrounded by people, and was clearly enjoying life. He has gone through five relationships that I know after me. Believe him and do all he ask you to do and never doubt him in any way. They are still together now and every time I see them they are always laughing and smiling and having fun. him feeling horrible and miserable? And i still can't even eat or get out of bed. So now you’re probably wondering what exactly you need to do. He said he tried to reconcile things but it didn't work because he felt we didn't communicate. His email: dr. okosodo1@gmail. Don't pay ur x any mind, you'll never get over the relationship with that attitude. I would obsess about my ex and was miserable thinking he was happy. You’ll be showing them that your life is interesting and fulfilling, and they’ll start to want to become a part of it. Some people even dive headfirst into a new relationship, which is actually nothing more than a rebound relationship. the page is flipped, new chapter is on. Your ex is no exception to that rule. 5 SIGNS THAT YOUR EX IS OVER YOU and what to do to fix it. I read this post and instantly thought of my ex-wife and what her life is like now. You've got to go out and try and enjoy yourself. Maybe he wasent feeling the same. TRULY HAPPY for the first time in my entire life. They might even excessively brag about how great things are in their life. A person who is happy after a breakup isn’t wallowing in heartbreak and misery. He may be doing that just to make you feel that way and it looks like its working. I feel so alone. You should divert your attention to work that needed to be accomplished daily. I have been rejected by my husband after three (3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer, one day when I was reading through the web, I saw a post on how this spell caster on this address dr. okosodo1@gmail. He cut me off completly out of his life and he is happier. I had something similar happen to me. She says she's 10x happier without me and that is killing me inside. That’s worth so much. If your ex is happy without you then he was able to move on immediately. I disrespected her wishes in the relationship so she got depressed and now she doesn't want me back ever. Do something to make yourself feel happy, hang out with friends or go shopping, if that's what will make you happy. I’m not talking about saying, “Hey, I’m happy without you. Tell yourself that your ex is happy because of what’s happening in his life at that moment … in any case, try to have as much human contact as you can, without pushing too hard. it helps a lot. This is why I always stress the importance of maintaining balance in your life, even when you’re in a relationship. he's being a typical man. I tried to warn her but she thinks she is different, something special, better than all the rest and can heal him. The perception of control will reduce your concerns that your ex is thriving without you in his or her life. Focus on being the best you that you can be. I asked her how she knew, she unblocked my Facebook and went through it for the first time in 2 months (not sure if she was trying to find the new girl). com his Mobil number is +13019098775. my ex looks so happy without me. Did they have other projects, hobbies, and friends that they devoted their time to? Now I think I'm some sort of bad influence, since all of them have what most would consider a "bad life", or worse. He always used to tell me we should have gone out more and now he is with his new girlfriend he seems to be having a wonderful life. He is still looking for his next prey. I also thought that it would never happen and it took me about 8 months and finally I met someone else and I'm so happy with him. and hydrated! She doesn't believe me when I say I can make her happy … just do things that seem like theyre gonna be fun, even if they dont seem that fun on the moment you're thinking about it. 9 out of 10 times they aren’t concerned about your feelings. I've now realized it was for the best...you will too xxx. Nicole, the client that I spoke about above, admitted that she would have felt better if she saw that her ex was unhappy without her. First things first, I want you to take a moment to think about all the things that were important to you that got put on the back burner while you were in this relationship. 2. Or was the relationship the only thing that mattered in their life? No! If you’re familiar with my philosophy, then you know I always say that anything is possible in love as long as you’re willing to make the effort. because I feel like I'll never get over it. I can't stop thinking that he has this amazing life and I've got nothing. You’re just becoming a new and improved version of that person, which is all the more attractive. com have help a woman to get back her husband and I gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 5 days that I will have my husband back. For some people it’s their physical healthy, for others it’s their hobbies or friends. So now that we’ve gone over some indicators that your ex might be happy right now, let’s talk about what you can do in order to attract them back! Think about taking classes like salsa or yoga, going rock climbing or surfing, taking a little road trip with some friends this weekend, checking out that new cocktail bar that opened up last month… Fill up your schedule with things that make you feel good. Your life should be all about you and no one else. Refuse to Let People Talk To You About What Your Ex is Doing: When my ex and I broke up, I just didn’t want to hear about him. your happiness is the important stuff now. One of my clients, Nicole, was telling me that she and her ex had broken up recently and he seemed like he was having the time of his life. Another way to gage a person’s happiness after a breakup is to think about how balanced their life was before the breakup. this is what I'm going through now. I'd love to know how you feel now. I know he wasn't alone on his vacation! Since the BU I have spoken to her two times, mainly because she still owes me money. This prevents depressed, sad people from bringing them down and ruining their happy vibe. Study harder, improve your grades. Maybe but don't sit around and hang on to it. If you’d like to read more about emotional dependency and how to fight against it, I encourage you to read this article. keep yourself safe! Ignore looking at your ex. But, I constantly had people asking me if I was okay, or asking me if I saw this or that about him. My Ex Is Happy Without Me : What Should I Do?So many people think my ex is happy without me I should move on and our relationship didn’t mean anything. We tend to forget that breakups are hard on both people involved, and that feelings don’t just disappear overnight. Shut those messy people down. his email; driraborspellcaster@gmail. Every single person has their own way of processing pain and dealing with a breakup. “You know what the worst part is?” she continued. Could you please help me? Its hurts so much to think that I made him so unhappy. You can't stop him from going out and having fun, but you can keep yourself from enjoying life by worrying about what's going on in his life. Keeping … A healthy relationship is not built on addiction to one another. If you focus on yourself and your self-esteem … every single day. We spent everyday together for like 3 almost 4 years. You want to know if your ex is happier now that things have ended between you and if that means that all hope is lost for getting back together. I mean, think about how many women you have liked/been attracted to, in your life. All the other times, he has came back telling me he misses me and loves me. Someone who is not really happy would go out of their way to try to convince people otherwise. I got a brill family mind. What did you do in 8 months that helped you? Do this at least for a little while. She missed him and wanted to be a part of it, and even said, “I have to admit that I’m jealous of the way he seems to be so happy without me. I would never take him back, but I no longer believe that his life is so blissfully wonderful. As you grow older, you will look at relationships in a different way. That said, some people are very good at covering up their emotions with a big bright smile. Perhaps you’ve found yourself in this situation as well. Don't make the assumption that they are so happy. Can a man make a woman happy without money? When the hell this gets better? Remember those pics don't mean a thing, he could be doing that to make you feel bad when really he's not over you. Hello everyone, My girlfriend dumped me on the 28th of July and told me we could still be friends. I had to explain to her the same thing that I just told you. Fortunately, you CAN get your ex back if you follow the advice you find on this site, but there are certain factors that you’ll need to take into consideration. Many people who are trying to get back together with their exes ask me, “Is my ex happy without me?” They want to know if the person they love would prefer life without them and if they feel like they’re better off. Confessions of a Ladies Man: Nice Guys are Assholes, Bad Guys are Authentic. “He seems so much happier without me. nah, focus on the important stuff! If someone just makes you sad, but you're not happy without them either? She even posted on her blog today: THAT AWESOME … So some weeks I don't go out. The goal here isn’t to make sure that your ex is miserable without you! So first things first. Post pictures on social media in which you look happy, post pictures from the mini trips you’re taking and from the fun new restaurants that you’ve been checking out. My Ex Is Happy Without Me. We were together for 3 1/2 years. I nodded sympathetically and sipped my drink. I refused and went NC straight away. Next up, you’re going to come up with all kinds of new activities that you’ll begin doing. Its as if I never knew him. He goes out a lot more, he is dating, smiling, etc. Well. Why you want it? | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. my ex looks so happy without me. But this time before he broke up with me, he told me he didn't love me anymore. Take up a new hobby. x he obviously thinks the grass is greener...believe me though it will all change for him in time. Not only im falling aparte in a million pieces but he is actually doing much better now without me. The trick to spark their attention even more might be via the No Contact Rule, so click here if you want to find out if this powerful tool is for you! So, if I send my ex roses, buy her some of the things she really likes (e.g. Even if you are no longer connected on social media, word will travel through your mutual friends or your ex might even get curious and start snooping through your photos one day. Funny thing is, he refused to communicate with me. Both people in the relationship need to have fulfilling personal lives so that they can come together and lift each other even higher. All Rights Reserved. Maybe because he broke your heart? I don’t need you.” When you can’t be happy without your significant other, you fall into emotional dependency, which is one the biggest relationship killers. A sign that your ex actually is happy with his life is that he does not feel the need to go out of his way to tell you that he is happy. Look kid, I know that it's hard to see your ex be happy without you, but she's probably genuine. I felt happy. Your ex will take notice. Yes, this feels awful, but is it the end of the world? I wish I had this information years ago. However, the more time that I would go without hearing from him, the more I wonder how things are going for him and what he was up to. But I changed my ways for her. Focus on YOU and not him. Wishing you all the best in life and love, Your coach when your ex seems happy without you. After calling it quits 4 times before, my ex boyfriend broke up with me for the 5th time. My ex fiance abandoned me during our pregnancy. With this testimony right now i am the happiest man on earth and our love is now stronger than how it was even before. If he's happy so what! im sorry you feel that way, but what would you rather have? But question why he is having a good time. Another reason why your ex may have texted you to say that she was happy without you is that… 2. No, you do not need to be friends. It can really hurt our ego and make … The strongest relationships consists of two happy people – not two people that cannot find happiness in life without their partner. perfume, jewelry, chocolates) and generally make her feel like a princess, then her feelings for me will change and she will want to get back together again.” If she is feeling happy without you, it’s absolutely essential that you allow her to see and feel that you are happy without her. Now he's completely happy with someone else. I always recommend dancing for guys but am very big on it for girls too. My ex dumped me 5 months ago because things got boring and he got a girlfriend 2 week's later which hurt A LOT. dont have prejudice in therapy, if you feel like having it. and he just left. My name is Natasha Jones from Australia Greetings to everyone that is reading this testimony. Well, a happy person isn’t moping around, feeling sorry for themselves. Aren't you happy without them , I mean life is going great without kids, no labour pain! How can i believe in someone else again too? Ladies why do you want kids? Just go with the flow and if things don't always go as you may have plan, that's cool things don't always work out the best but they work out. A breakup is a pretty big blow to a person’ pride, and negative thoughts tend to surge up – especially when you start to think, “Ifs my ex happy without me?” You might be hard on yourself right now and you might be thinking that your ex is happier without you because you didn’t meet their needs. They know that it isn’t likely that their ex is going to want them back if they’re feeling happier without the relationship. But he has told me to leave him alone. I wish him and his girlfriend all the luck in the world...because honestly she needs it...he's a total loser xx You'll be fine...be positive and stay strong...message me whenever you want...i'll try and help you, Can you please help me because I’m in the same situation, Sometimes when you've been together for a long time you get stuck in a rut hun and things can become boring and the 'same old'. After everything we had shared don’t you think he would be missing me?”. Instead of fixating on “He or she is happy without me,” get busy with things that improve your life. Focusing on Yourself Boost your self-esteem. com, Cried a hell of a lot, talked with my family and friends about it...and little by little felt better.I honestly don't really know...but what I do know now is that it was for the best.Time is a great healer...you will get over him and find someone new. Reality Check: Police Kill African Americans at a Disproportionately Low Rate. He says anything I do now to try and reconcile things makes me look delusional and only justifies his reasons for leaving me. Its as if I never knew him. Sometimes, however, you can make an extremely educated guess. They aren’t playing the victim, they aren’t posting nostalgic quotes on social media, and they aren’t throwing themselves a pity party whenever they talk to someone. Then, last week, one of my friends told me that my cheating ex-boyfriend is having a baby with his new girlfriend and she’s already six months pregnant (it was unplanned, apparently). Even if right now you’re looking at your ex thinking, “ You are happy without me ,” it doesn’t mean that you can’t make him or her even happier than they are now. All thanks goes to Dr. UZOYA for the good work that he has done for me and people he has helped. He even told me she was his meal ticket home. Take the time to really think about this, and then begin reintroducing these elements into your life. She’s trying to make you feel hurt and jealous to get emotional revenge for how you treated her during the relationship Sometimes, a woman will feel bitter and angry over what happened between her and her ex. The next day she texts me about my dog who died and said sorry. We have had our arguments here and there but every time we argue, i'm always the one trying to work things out. If he or she does try to celebrate your birthday with you post breakup, it's because he or she misses you and wants you to know that even though you're not together, he or she still cares. If you see your ex happy, remind yourself that his happiness is not caused by your lack of presence, but rather because of his environment. you guys had an amazing 8 year lasting relationship, thats something to be cherished, but now its time to surround yourself by your friends and/or family, and try to unfocusing on the "need" to have him and focus on your wants. Your ex cares enough to remember when your birthday is and go out of his or her way to wish you a happy birthday or even bring you a gift. Just remember this is not just down to you! I don't understand how he can be so happy after leaving me in the dirt. Neither person should feel like a weight on the other, and neither person should should feel like they need the other in order for their life to have any meaning. Cause i feel like i can't take it anymore. Hi. They have only been married 6 months and already taking separate vacations! Ive seen him on Facebook etc with his new girlfriend and he looks completely happy. © 2021 Elite Communication Coaching, LLC. If they had other things that they cared about, they won’t feel as though they had lost everything after the breakup. I will keep sharing this testimony all over the world. In this article, I’m going to give you the keys for knowing if your ex is happy without you or not, but I am also going to explain how exactly to make your ex begin to realize that they could be just as happy, if not happier, with you by their side. My thoughts were, I get it your happy without me, you made your point (justification or make me jealous). You can't worry over something that you can't control, that's one life mistake a lot of people make, I've made that mistake. I just feel like I'm missing out and he has this wonderful life without me in it. How can we tell if your ex actually is happier without you? I can't take this pain anymore. Okay so me and my ex broke up 3 months ago, we haven’t talked for one month but then it was his birthday so i congratulated him, then we started talking again, we are friends now 2 months after break up, but i still love him and i don’t know if he feels the same, he told me he lost feelings but it don’t look like that. Finally,I opened my eyes and accepted that he was an asshole and hurt many people. I was with him for 9 years. She can have been head over heels in love with you, and still be really glad you're not together anymore. i want to testify to the general public how my relationship was restored back by the great power's of Dr UZOYA after 3 year of loneliness, my ex wife called me after my contact with Dr UZOYA caster spell that brought my ex wife back and start a good home, now we are happily married. Then, I started thinking about past ex-gf's, at least the ones I am able to see what's going on with them on facebook. After 9 months, I am still not able to get over him. I know it hurts babe I've been there but I can assure you he's really not worth it. Simply put, it’s a bandaid to help cover up the pain of breaking up with someone they loved. On earth and our love is now stronger than how it was even before setlle,. It can really hurt our ego and make … I nodded sympathetically and my... 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