There are, of course, lot of questions and we are working through them. READ MOREUpdates as of April 2, 2020: Educator Resources at Theatre Educator Pro’s Click to Teach/Click to Learn Section. Read the wording for the proposed change here. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to cast a shadow as the La Jolla Village Merchants Association approved its strategic plan for the coming year during its Jan. 13 meeting, its first of 2021. Troupe director, Robin Christopher, and her students struggled to find a silver lining. States are already looking to revise their budgets for the current and next fiscal years, and many are seeking to cut millions of dollars, including from education budgets. Education Reimagined has launched a distance learning resource center with links to virtual learning tips, free films and documentaries, and resources for uplifting spirits during COVID-19. COVID Induction Points; Thespian Troupe Membership; The International Thespian Society; Chapters; ... Educational Theatre Foundation; Club 29; The Legacy Circle; Donors; Disaster relief; Resources. Classes, and large events on campus, are expected to resume April 6. Know that in this difficult time, your EdTA national office staff and your chapter leadership are here to support you. In service to the theatre education community, these resources are being made available to all, compliments of EdTA’s Theatre Educator Pro. The fall production was shifted from a live audience to a virtual audience because of the pandemic. Online Resources You Can Use NowCurated Resources for Creating Online Learning : EdTA’s Theatre Educator Pro has added both resources for online learning experiences for students and resources for project-based learning aligned to standards. Built to accommodate 800 guests, the auditorium could seat slightly more than 100 under current safety guidelines. You can also add your own personal stories about how theatre has helped you and your students cope with these trying times. On March 10, as a precautionary measure IU suspended in-person teaching for two weeks following their spring break from March 23-April 5. Jim Howard, a drama teacher at Westwood (Mass.) The Rock and Roll Forever Foundation. Much as was the case with sporting events this fall, school administrators could be forced to make day-of decisions on whether to host student performances. Hopeful that students will perform in spring 2021, school staff have taped off sections in the school auditorium to allow for social distancing. Please continue to check our website for ITF updates and the Centers for Disease Control and your state government health websites for the most current information on the coronavirus. Shaping lives through theatre education. Here’s what we do know: The Educational Theatre Association and International Thespian Society remain open for business. The new Covid-19 vaccine being rolled out across the UK has been deemed halal by a leading medical association and a team of scholars. Virtual ITF is open to all Thespians and theatre students; their teachers, parents, and families; and colleges, industry leaders, and artists. News, items of interest to theatre executives, and other NAST information, and information regarding COVID-19. Theatre Alive! Save The Music Foundation. The health and well-being of theatre teachers and students is our first priority. ... English: International Drama/Theatre and Education Association . For more information see: Please continue to check our website for ITF updates and the, Recommendations for Reopening Theatre Programs Guide, Guide to Building an Arts Education Advocacy Day, Thespian Honors, Regalia, and Spirit Shop, Recommendations for Reopening School Theatre Programs,,,,, Curated Resources for Creating Online Learning, Broadway Licensing Livestreaming Approved for 400 titles, MTI Emergency Video Recording/Streaming License form.”. Officials have put high school wrestling, considered a high-risk sport for COVID-19 transmission because of the sustained contact between participants, on hold in at least three dozen states. Check out the TE Pro’s Click to Teach/Click to Learn section. COVID Induction Points; Thespian Troupe Membership; The International Thespian Society; Chapters; ... Educational Theatre Foundation; Club 29; The Legacy Circle; Donors; Disaster relief; Resources. More options in the resource libraries on Convinced that the show must go on, schools have livestreamed shows via social media, hosted outdoor performances, staged socially distant plays in near-empty theaters, and are planning for radio renditions of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” and other holiday classics to keep drama students and audiences engaged. The nature of theatre is a communal activity, and we need each other more than ever. “I […] Without the live event, the organization behind the festival has stepped up by offering more virtual classes and productions. EdTA and ITS Virtual Backgrounds Now Available. A policy paper by the agency’s Global Education Monitoring (GEM), warned that global aid on education might decline by $2 billion as a result of recession caused by COVID-19. “We had a lot of teachers who created really cool classrooms with tables and recliners and flexible seating arrangements, and all that had to disappear,” said Amy Miller, the director of theater arts at New Albany (Ind.) We will host workshops and masterclasses and bring some of the best artists in the country to work with your students. The need for personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies and a reluctance to use shared costumes and props could lead to bare-bones productions or sideline shows altogether. Together, we will get through this and ensure that our students and schools will too. Institutions are faced with difficult decisions about how best to continue serving their educational and research missions, while also protecting individual and public health. For assistance with these induction or payment options, please email or call 513-421-3900, ext. Licensing Updates: Streaming Rights, Postponements, and Cancellation OptionsBroadway Licensing Livestreaming Approved for 400 titles, Licensing Updates: Streaming Rights, Postponements, and Cancellation Options. Broadway producers also turn to the school for trial runs of popular shows before they are licensed to high school theater programs across the country. Join AATE for Arts Advocacy Day; Benefits of Theatre Ed; CUR Experts List; EDIA; Plays for Young Audiences; Publications. For ITF, EdTA will comply with all Indiana local and state advisories. Need a unit that can last through several days of instruction? Make a donation; Educational Theatre Foundation; Club 29; The Legacy Circle; Donors; Disaster relief; Resources. The move followed a lengthy brainstorming session during the group’s December meeting. Yet the Wisconsin Athletic Association, the state’s governing body for high school sports, canceled plans for high school football championships this month to curtail travel and mitigate the risk of coronavirus transmission. With in-person classes and after-school rehearsals, Jones wears a mask between 10 and 12 hours per day. In that sense, rehearsals and performances have become cliffhangers for students and teachers. Without ticket sales to prop up their budgets, the survey found that nearly 25 percent of drama teachers and theater directors are operating with budget cuts this school year. Many more details will be announced soon.Updates as of March 25, 2020: Member SupportThe Educational Theatre Association and International Thespian Society remain open for business. As school districts across the country restrict travel we are exploring options to participate in International Thespian Festival online. Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for parents, schools, colleges and universities: closures, exams, learning, health and wellbeing. adjudications, auditions, the inaugural International Thespian Excellence Awards Showcase (aka the ThespysTM), performances, workshops and masterclasses, and more. EdTA is in close touch with our ITF site hosts, Indiana University, who also are tracking this evolving situation. Historically Black Colleges and Universities National Band Directors’ Consortium. Pittsylvania Education Association requests more transparent reporting of COVID-19 cases in county schools Jan 12, 2021 Superintendent Mark Jones says the … Arts Education Is Essential: As policymakers plan for school reopening in the fall, NAfME joined 52 other organizations in a statement that supports an arts education for all students. The Washington Education Association is asking the state to move teachers up the priority list to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. About NAST All information on this website is updated as necessary to reflect the current policies and work of the Association. Without this funding, the inclusion of theatre as part of our students’ well-rounded education will be in serious jeopardy. “Sometimes, we don’t even know what’s going to happen the next day.”, Coverage of leadership, summer learning, social and emotional learning, arts learning, and afterschool is supported in part by a grant from The Wallace Foundation, at On March 16, Please reassure students who were planning on participating in Thespys™ at any cancelled chapter event that they may participate in the Thespy. Each lesson plan comes with all you need for a web-based project including links to high-quality content, suggested tools, a rubric to guide student learning and best yet they are all standards-based. Listen in for tips and techniques as well as a showcase of rich online theatre content. In This State, Voters Will Decide, Does Social Studies Build Stronger Readers? A full year without live theater would be gutting for students, said Tracey Gatte, the drama director at Harry S. Truman High in Levittown, Pa., one of four schools in the nation to win the Outstanding School Award last spring from the Educational Theatre Association. We want to give every opportunity to students during this time of event and performance cancellations. Wed., January 27, 2021, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Click on “EdTA Zoom Backgrounds or “ITS Zoom Backgrounds. An opportunity to reinvent ITF in a matter of weeks. EdTA’s Director of Educational Policy, James Palmarini participated in an Americans for the Arts Stimulus Package update on March 31. The link below will guide you to NAfME’s Grassroots Advocacy Center, which contains a pre-written letter and a tool that will identify your Senate and House legislators to whom you will send the letter. Like Truman High in Pennsylvania, Indiana’s New Albany High was honored by the Educational Theatre Association with its Outstanding School Award in April—and had to celebrate the accomplishment virtually with family and friends sharing the news on Facebook. That is why Roshunda Jones, the theater director at George Washington Carver High School in Houston, has hosted two virtual shows this school year and is pushing ahead with plans to host a socially distanced performance of the musical “Dreamgirls” in January with limited attendance, even as COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations continue to rise in the region. We’re excited that going virtual will open up this opportunity to so many more –including those for whom ITF was previously out of reach. Corey Mitchell is an associate editor who covers special education, English-language learners and other special populations. Update for the IDEA Community Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on IDEA2020 Congress. Feel free to reach out with questions about student points and inductions; our member service team stands ready to help. “The show will go on, and we can adapt to whatever we need to,” said Aimee-Lynn Newlan, the executive director of the Illinois Theatre Association. EdTA Webinar and Facebook Live: Let’s Talk Teaching Theatre Online – A 2 Part Conversation, Let's Talk Teaching Theatre Online, Part I: 7 p.m. Eastern, Wednesday, April 22, 2020  Join a panel of educators as they share tips, techniques and lessons learned after one month of online teaching theatre classes. The international association for school theatre. “We’re going to find ways to make that magic happen.”. The shipping fee for your entire order is only $3.95. It will take place during the same week in June as planned. Tina Fey and Wayne Brady have joined the lineup for this year’s Educational Theatre Foundation Gala. With COVID-19 limiting school theatre activities, EdTA is extending induction and payment deadlines so no student’s achievement has to go unrecognized. ©2021 Editorial Projects in Education, Inc. : A Celebration of School Theatre, to … We are in close touch with our ITF site hosts, Indiana University, who also are tracking this evolving situation. Get unique Zoom backgrounds for all your virtual rehearsals, classes, and meetings. Written by a team of EdTA staff and vetted by the organization’s Chapter directors national Board,  and  Advocacy Leadership Network, the Recommendations guide suggests protocols, specific advisories, and resources regarding live and virtual performance, curriculum, instruction, and resources, and includes an extensive list of documents that also offer guidance for restarting arts programs. The EdTA office is open, with staff working in the office or at home utilizing our remote-access system. “It’s devastating to think that my kids won’t be able to be on stage,” Gatte said. Call 513-421-3900 or email Thespian FestivalEdTA continues to monitor developments regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact upon schools, travel, and gatherings. Celebrating your students is so important! Choose from some of the best resources for creating online learning for your students, collected by theatre educators like yourself as the Educational Theatre Association. EdTA has been producing the International Thespian Festival since 1941 as a live event. Howard is flanked by Lucy Vitali, who portrays Juliet, left, and Cassidy Hall, who portrays the nurse. Be part of Education Week's campaign to share your stories of passion and dedication. Education News How One University is Transforming Stephen Schwartz’s Working For the COVID Age. Youth Theatre Journal; Incite/Insight; Advertise with AATE; National Standards. The drama program at Truman High was the inspiration for “Rise,” an NBC television series that aired in 2018. This month, the school called off two performances of a scaled-down bluegrass musical—then reinstated them at the last minute to give parents a chance to see the show live. Educational Theatre Association - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact on Schools, Travel, and Gatherings. While. A New Study Suggests So. The classes and product demos are listed here; the link stays the same each week. Updates as of June 24, 2020:EdTA Releases Guide for Reopening School Theatre ProgramsThe Educational Theatre Association has released its Recommendations for Reopening School Theatre Programs guide. “In this difficult year marked by show cancellations and school closings, we want to ensure that troupe directors are able to give as many Thespians as possible the honor they deserve,” said Julie Cohen Theobald, EdTA’s executive director. Students are still spread out, but now they are in desks instead of couches and they are reading for parts from scripts on computer screens, rather than on paper. Normally July 31, the induction deadline will be extended to September 15 for graduating seniors and eighth graders. Educational Theatre Association. Education Secretary Pick Has Roots in Classroom, Principal's Office, From ‘Stunning’ to ‘Surprising’: How News of the Capitol Attack Was Repackaged for Schools, How Public K-12s Can Defend Against Today’s Cyber Threats, 5 Strategies to Ensure Student Engagement Online, Examining the Evidence: Catching Kids Up at a Distance, Branding Matters. The Educational Theatre Association's resources to support online learning during the Covid-19 crisis. In light of the travel restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a proposed change to this requirement. Many companies, from costuming to ticketing, are offering flexibility. Branding your district matters. The Fund has been made possible from a generous donation from Netflix. The debate over school extracurricular activities often pits public health considerations against the need to keep students connected to school during unprecedented, uncertain times. She spent the spring scrambling to connect with students who felt overwhelmed by virtual classes. The Educational Theatre Association has released its Recommendations for Reopening School Theatre Programs guide. For more information see:  Indiana University update page | Monroe County Health Department | Indiana State Health Department. Due to the measures that have been taken to fight the spread of the coronavirus, states and cities across the country are struggling to maintain even the most basic services. Give to Theatre Education Donate Now The Educational Theatre Foundation and its partner organization, the Educational Theatre Association, believe that every child in America deserves access to theatre … The British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) said it had taken all the available information into account including the increased risk from Covid-19 to those who are from an ethnic minority. While Broadway and other professional theater performances are focused on the audience experience, “in school, it’s really about the process and what it [means] for students,” said Julie Cohen Theobald, the executive director of the Educational Theatre Association. The Illinois High School Theatre Festival, which typically draws 5,000 high school drama students, has already canceled its January 2021 event, with plans to reconvene in 2022. In addition to playwright Don Zolidis, who has granted permission for his work to be livestreamed, playwrights Jeff Grove and Jonathan Dorf has granted permission for his work to be live streamed and playwright D.W. Gregory has granted permission for Radium Girls  to be livestreamed or presented as a webinar. COVID-19 Resources; Advocacy. EdTA is in close touch with our ITF site hosts, Indiana University, who also are tracking this evolving situation. At the Orange County School of the Arts, a charter school in Santa Ana, Calif., all productions will remain online until June, said Donald Amerson, an instructor who teaches movement and Shakespeare courses at the school. Some schools are taking a more cautious approach. Students at New Albany High School perform another scene from their November production of "Bright Star.". According to a database managed by the National Education Association, a substantial number of reported COVID-19 cases in Michigan schools have involved high school athletics. Fri., January 22, 2021, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. The webinar will be streamed free to the field on EdTA’s Facebook page. For 40 years, we've been committed to empowering our readers to drive change. Many more details will be announced soon. As the spike in COVID-19 cases around the country has led more schools to shut down or delay reopening plans, schools may face tough decisions about the fate of winter arts activities, forcing a changing the focus from “Will the show go on?” to “Should it?”. Rumel presented a paper on COVID-19 school employment issues earlier this month at the Education Law Association, a professional group for professors who teach education law and others in the field. Our goal with Virtual ITF is to honor, inspire, and engage theatre students and teachers. Going hand-in-hand with the just-announced extension for inducting Thespians until September is the need to be able to award students points when the usual ways to earn them—rehearsals and performances—are not available. COVID-19 Resources; Advocacy. But in some places, things are a little less magical. EdTA is partnering with the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) in a coordinated outreach to Federal legislators throughout the country. This webinar will provide you with practical tips and strategies to elevate your brand from three veteran professionals, each of whom has been directly responsible for building their own district’s brand. How it looks for each school could be different. Miguel Cardona, chosen to lead the U.S. Department of Education, photographed in his 4th-grade classroom at Israel Putnam School in Meriden, Conn., in 1998. Education Reimagined has launched a distance learning resource center with links to virtual learning tips, free films and documentaries, and resources for uplifting spirits during COVID-19. Ballots will be distributed around May 22 and voting will be open for seven days. We’ve done the research for you. Most Popular Stories. Those that advocate for finding a way to allow students to perform, whether it is on stage or on an athletic field, maintain that other factors besides safety are at play. COVID-19: guidance for educational settings ... "UK Theatre" is the operating name of UK Theatre Association, a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, whose registered office is at 32 Rose Street, London, WC2E 9ET, Company No 323204. The Federal Guidelines are available here.Updates as of April 7, 2020:Member SupportDeadlines Extended for Spring 2020 Thespian Inductions. Americans for the Arts- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource and Response Center. COVID-19 Aerosol Study (Results as of 11/13): ... Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) Resources. Your students (especially seniors) may appreciate the recognition now more than ever. “This is what motivates some of the students to come to school, to pass their core classes,” said Jones, a member of the Texas Thespian Hall of Fame. Palmarini advises EdTA Chapters and other small theatre arts organization to review the Department of Treasury Guidance on loan eligibility. Theater productions are not the only programs that face an uncertain winter. While schools are closed and cannot receive shipments, Trophy Awards, the official provider of ITS awards, trophies, and plaques, will ship your order directly to your home at no extra charge. Call (513) 421-3900, ext. The event, hosted by the Educational Theatre Association, ... 2020 edition of Education Week as Theater Educators Struggle to Keep Shows Going Amid COVID-19. Youth Theatre Journal; Incite/Insight; Advertise with AATE; National Standards. Members link for the Zoom on TE Pro:, USITT is now presenting free webinars on Zoom and their Facebook page, two times a day, Monday through Thursday, at noon and 4 p.m. Eastern time. We are one of the Philippines' pioneer theater groups. Classes, and large events on campus, are expected to resume April 6. Membership induction packages will continue to be shipped daily. High School perform the musical “Bright Star” earlier this year. ... EDUCATIONAL THEATRE ASSOCIATION is a GuideStar Exchange Gold Participant. Washington voters will consider a statewide mandate for comprehensive sex education. What is still not clear is whether small state-based 501(c)3s organizations, such as EdTA Chapters, are eligible to apply for funds. May Issue of Teaching Theatre Moves Online. Flags are placed on the National Mall, with the U.S. Capitol behind them, ahead of the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, on Jan. 18. Relief ; Resources ask questions about student points and inductions ; our member team... “ we ’ ve got you covered virtual much like everything else last summer Resources. Extended for spring 2020 Thespian inductions Theatre Arts Education Advocacy Day ; Benefits of Theatre as of! 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