Twi'leks are a humanoid, sentient species native to Ryloth. Abyssins are a humanoid, cycloptic, sentient species native to Byss. He is killed by scout troopers sent by. Star Wars Episode I Pit Droids Fully Poseable. Was Mas Amedda the original leader of the First Order? The Mythrol are a humanoid, sentient species with blue skin and amphibious traits. Item location: Fairfield, California, United States. They are distinguished by their six horns, red eyes, and orange, white, and yellow skin, and are considered to be ill-tempered. Known across the galaxy as greed-driven bankers, they ran the InterGalactic Banking Clan during the Galactic Republic era. In, Dianoga who lives in one of the Death Star's garbage mashers in, Dowutin Inquisitor, first introduced in the comic, Dressellian smuggler in various associations with Galen and Lyra Erso, Orson Krennic and Moff Tarkin in, Dug podracer who competes against Anakin Skywalker in, Duros pilot for the Rebel Alliance, featured in the Marvel Comics series, Duros officer within the Rebel Alliance and later the Resistance, using the call sign Danger Leader. He later escaped and went on to cause havoc beyond the Western Reaches. They have a protruding lower jaw with two small tusks, and large nostrils. Vizsla later allies himself with Darth Maul and Savage Opress, and together they recruit the Black Sun, Pyke Syndicate, and Hutt Clan to form a criminal alliance known as the Shadow Collective. Clone Commander serving under Jedi Nadhar Vebb. Cloddograns are a humanoid species with four arms and nose tendrils. They are known for their swimming and engineering abilities. Skakoans are a humanoid, sentient species native to Skakoa. He discovered Ahsoka Tano on her homeworld, Shili, and participated in many battles during the Clone Wars. Mirialan Jedi apprentice of Luminara Unduli and a close friend of Ahsoka Tano. A skilled pilot, Odd Ball flies an assortment of starfighters, including the V-19 Torrent and the ARC-170. Minister of the Pyke Syndicate during the Clone Wars who joins the Shadow Collective and participates in the attack on Sundari with his criminal allies. Most originate from Iridonia (in which case they are also referred to as Iridonians), though some males also lived on Dathomir (in which case they are referred to as Dathomirians), as part of the warrior clan called the Nightbrothers, who served the witches known as the Nightsisters. A Spy for the Rebel Alliance who went rogue after being physically and mentally disfigured; later attacking Sunspot Prison in a plot against Leia Organa. Twi'lek rebel and later the head of the Ryloth Defense Authority. Mas Amedda | Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing - eBooks ... ... My Account Clone Commander and pilot, who participates in several battles throughout the Clone Wars under the command of Obi-Wan Kenobi, such as the Battle of Teth, the Battle of Umbara, the Battle of Coruscant, and the Battle of Utapau. They are believed to be the embodiments of the Force itself: the light side, the dark side, and the balance between the two. Waxer later serves as a platoon leader with the rank of Clone Lieutenant during the Battle of Umbara, where he is killed in a friendly-fire incident orchestrated by the traitorous Jedi General Pong Krell. Daughter of Iden Versio and Del Meeko, who joins the Resistance. While regarded as a primitive species, the Vurk are highly empathetic and skilled mediators. It's a great shame, because Disney's grand plan for the franchise beyond the original trilogy is clearly full of great ideas and characters. He is later killed with a poisoned drink by his personal aide, Lolo Purs, who held him responsible for bringing the war to Rodia. Anakin Skywalker's mother, and Luke and Leia's paternal grandmother. Chiss Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, known as a brilliant strategist. Back in the Supreme Chancellor's office, Skywalker and Amidala appealed Palpatine's decision to kill the creature, but Amedda expressed his opinion that uncovering the secrets to its armor was for the greater good. Radical activist against Jedi involvement in the Clone Wars, incited by the Jedi Order's use of her technician husband Jackar Bowmani to arm Republic gunships. Realizing this, the Father commits suicide to render the Son mortal, who finally reconciles with him before Anakin kills him. Snivvians, also known as "snaggletooths", are a short, humanoid, sentient species native to Cadomai Prime. [12], Later in the Clone Wars, Amedda accompanied the Supreme Chancellor to Naboo to celebrate the Festival of Light. The Yakura (also known as Yakorans) are a humanoid, sentient species, with yak-like faces. Imperial officer who served in a Imperial remnant in the years after the Empire's defeat. Per the Sith Grand Plan that clandestinely controlled every function of galactic politics, Amedda presided over the motion of a Vote of No Confidence in Valorum's leadership, as requested by Queen Amidala of Naboo following Senate inaction in response to the invasion of Naboo by the Neimoidian arm of the Trade Federation. Formed from the Rebel Alliance and meant to be a restoration of the old Galactic Republic, it governed most of the known galaxy, until it fell after the First Order destroyed its capital, the Hosnian Prime system. When not on their homeworld, Kyuzo always wear masks to filter the atmosphere, which conceal most of their faces. Duros (or "Durosians") are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Duro, with large, ovular heads, red eyes and blue skin. During his very first hunt with his father's guild, he attempts to kill Ahsoka Tano, only to die impaled on a spike. With the help of the Jedi Order, it maintained intergalactic peace, but during its last years, it became highly corrupt, causing numerous planets and systems to abandon the Republic and form the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Jul 20, 2012 - Mas Amedda from Star Wars #mas #amedda #star #wars Muuns are a tall, thin, humanoid sentient species with elongated skulls and flat noses. The Falleen are a humanoid, reptilian-like, sentient species native to Falleen. When Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo uncovered Minister Jerec's actual holorecording, requesting that the Republic leave Mandalore alone, Amedda and Palpatine presided over a Senate session that rescinded the Senate's earlier vote to occupy the planet. Condition: New. Although featured in early promotional material for, Lannik Jedi Master and Jedi Council member in, Former Captain of the Lasat high honor guard who rose up against the Empire, which led to the near-extinction of his people. Believed to continuously accept bribes from organizations such as the Trade Federation, Amedda disputed the claims and retained his position without cries for a recall. They are divided into Jedi and those affiliated with the light side of the Force; and Sith and those affiliated with the dark side (such as Dark Jedi, who are former Jedi who have fallen to the dark side, and Inquisitors, who are Jedi hunters trained by Darth Vader and serving the Empire). Amedda served during the Clone Wars and continued to serve under the self-proclaimed Emperor Palpatine as one of the first members of the Imperial Ruling Council. He aids the Rebel Alliance in stealing the plans for the Death Star in, A mercenary and friend of Chirrut Îmwe who aids the Rebel Alliance in stealing the plans for the Death Star in, Imperial research scientist and the father of Jyn Erso in, Former criminal and Galen Erso's daughter, who joins the Rebel Alliance in. Sola Naberrie's daughter and Padmé's niece. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! As his position soon became largely irrelevant, Amedda was relegated to reclaiming lost Sith artifacts from worlds previously quarantined by the Jedi Order. Ruler of Naboo during the Clone Wars, succeeding Queen Jamillia. Jul 4, 2012 - "Enter the bureaucrats." After being defeated, he attempts to escape using his ligthsaber to fly away, but it malfunctions, causing him to fall to his death. They are distinguished by their head tentacles, which allow them to detect chemicals, and large, black, pupil-less eyes. They have green skin, ridged skulls, and long, black hair, usually worn in ponytails. He later offers Marg Krim to merge the Black Sun and Pyke Syndicate, and kidnaps his family when the Pyke leader refuses. Mirialans are a near-human species from Mirial. They are also distinguished by their wrinkled foreheads and six breasts (present at females). Alongside Gar Saxon, she aids Maul's escape from Darth Sidious and commands his forces during the Siege of Mandalore, until Maul betrays them and allows them to be captured by the Republic in order to make his own escape. Rodian slave boy under the ownership of Watto, and a friend of Anakin Skywalker in, The Skakoan Foreman of the Techno Union and Executive of Baktoid Armor Workshop before and during the Clone Wars. The Shawda Ubb are a diminutive, amphibian, sentient species with green skin and small faces that sport heavy brow ridges. Former clone trooper who deserted the army to live a quiet life as a farmer. However, the Mandalorian outsmarts and defeats them, before bringing Qin back to Ranzar. Fox is later killed by Darth Vader in, Clone Commander of the 41st Elite Corps, serving under Jedi Luminara Unduli during the Clone Wars. He gives Poe Dameron a fragment of the map needed to find Luke in. Governor of Mandalore and brother of Gar Saxon, whom he succeeds after Gar's death. Tags. Resident of the city of Calidan on the planet Corvus, who becomes its governor after he and his people are liberated from Imperial oppression by Ahsoka Tano and the Mandalorian. Humans are a sentient, sapient species in the fictional Star Wars universe. They have brown-orange skin, goat-like snouts, bulky hands, and small antennae-like nubs. Cloddogran Fathier stable master in Canto Bight in, Nu-Cosian storyteller seen carrying his menagerie of caged animals on, Delphidian pirate, with a distinctive red Kaleesh mask, which he uses to conceal his heritage. The Togruta are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Shili. Price Match Guarantee. Gungans are a humanoid, amphibian, sentient and sapeint species native to the swamps of Naboo. He first appeared in, Trusted aide to Grand Admiral Thrawn in the novel, Imperial officer on the first Death Star in. The Aqualish have a reputation of being nasty, crude, and aggressive. Mon Calamari commander of the Rebel fleet during the attack against the second, Mon Calamari starship engineer who created the Blade Wing, a prototype of the, Cybernetically enhanced Mon Calamari, given similar abilities to General Grievous, working under Dr. Cylo as a possible replacement for Darth Vader. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für PJ1 STAR WARS POTJ MAS AMEDDA THE POWER OF THE JEDI MOC bei eBay. New Republic X-Wing pilot who takes part in the attack on Ranzar Malk's space station, and later rescues the Mandalorian from a swarm of ice spiders on Maldo Kreis. Amedda's name is misspelled in Jedi Quest: The School of Fear as "Ameeda.". Quote; Report; If Plagueis shows up in the ST, not only will I refuse to watch the movies, but I won't so much as watch the trailers, either. He eventually becomes convinced of this, but Anakin refuses his offer to stay on Mortis and become his successor. The leader of the space pirates known as the Ohnaka Gang which kidnaps and attempts to ransom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Count Dooku—and later Ahsoka Tano—to the highest bidder during the Clone Wars. He is killed by bounty hunter. After growing old, he lures Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano to Mortis in order to test the former and see if he is indeed the "Chosen One" and will bring balance to the Force. Cerean Jedi Master and Jedi Council member in the prequel trilogy. In an attempt to keep Palpatine content, Amedda, a connoisseur of rare art, would travel to ancient worlds and obtain precious relics for the Chancellor's collection. While attempting to kill the Father, the Son accidentally kills his sister and, though devastated, does not stop from trying to achieve his goal. Personal aide to Chancellor Valorum, who accompanied Sifo-Dyas on his mission to Oba Diah. The original trilogy novelizations said most of the galaxy believed the Emperor to be senile and controlled by his bureaucrats, so this fits. In addition to serving as an intermediary between the Emperor and high-ranking officials such as military officers and political dignitaries, the Grand Vizier chaired an executive branch known as the Imperial Ruling Council. He was first introduced in Marvel Comics', The commander of the rebel cell Phoenix Squadron, which the, Member of the Rebel Alliance and Rogue Squadron pilot in, Former Intelligence officer in the Republic, who forms his own Rebel cell and hijacks, Rebel General that greets Leia Organa as she returns to the Rebel base on Yavin 4 in, A Rebel and New Republic starfighter pilot, who was in the battles of, Leader of Red Squadron during the attack on the first Death Star in the Battle of Yavin in, Fighter pilot and founding member of Rogue Squadron, who is featured during one scene in, Pilot who graduated from the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, and later joins the Rebel Alliance in the novel, Portly X-wing pilot codenamed "Red Six" who is killed in, Rebel Alliance captain and intelligence officer who helps steal the plans for the Death Star in, Imperial cargo pilot who, encouraged by Galen Erso, defects to the Rebel Alliance and helps steal the plans to the Death Star in, Blind warrior who believes in the Force and is said to be one of the Guardians of the Whills. Grandmother of Reeve Panzoro, she befriends Leia Organa in an attempt to foster Resistance support to her cause in the 2017 novel, Youthful member of Bravo Rising Resistance group holding out on the planet Atterra Bravo against the First Order. The Kubaz are a humanoid sentient species from Kubindi, distinguished by their long snouts, dark skin, protective eyewear, and unique manner of speech, consisting of a series of whirring syllables. Humans are native to many different worlds and are characterized by multidimensional complex personalities, that are both individual and unique. They are almost always wrapped completely in clothing, concealing their identity. A prominent supporter of Satine Kryze and her New Mandalorian government, he is imprisoned for his involvement in an illegal smuggling ring but is later freed and reinstated as a puppet leader after, Female Mandalorian armorer who is an ally of, Mandalorian bounty hunter, and the titular protagonist of. Review (mpn: 0653569019022 for sale) 0653569019022 2005 Star Wars Revenge The Sith Mas Amedda 40 HASBRO. Physically imposing Mandalorian warrior and member of the Tribe, who holds a grudge against the Empire due to their purge against the Mandalorian people. She is killed during the Clone Wars. Mas Amedda is the stern, Chagrian Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate and is responsible for keeping order during debates. Or, Vader has his orderly expectations of parenthood repeatedly destroyed by the bundle of adventure and love that is his offspring. Mas Amedda was a figure released in 2000, part of the Power of the Jedi collection. No fight to get to temple; Cut shot of Anakin crying as he slices and dices the Seperatists. Chagrians are a humanoid, amphibian, sentient species from the planet Champala. The Vice Chancellor attended Palpatine when the Supreme Chancellor welcomed Skywalker, Jedi Master Mace Windu, the astromech droid R2-D2, and the giant Zillo Beast of Malastare to Coruscant; Palpatine was eager to study the beast's fearsome armor despite the Jedi's discomfort with keeping the beast on the capital. "It is lonely being the head of a dying Empire. Iridonian Zabrak Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council, who wields a green lightsaber in, Iridonian Zabrak Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council in, Dathomirian Zabrak, former Nightbrother, and, Dathomiran Nighsister and survivor of the Nightsisters' massacre in the Clone Wars. Shop Star Wars: Attack of the Clones [Includes Digital Copy] [4K Ultra HD Blu-ray/Blu-ray] [2002] at Best Buy. The First Order is an autocratic military dictatorship and the successor of the Galactic Empire, formed from its remnants. Prime Minister of Zygerria and captain of the Zygerrian royal guard during the Clone Wars. Anzellans are a diminutive sentient species native to Anzellan. Republic senator, and co-founder and leader of the Rebel Alliance. The Kyuzo are a humanoid, sentient species from Phatrong. They are the most numerous and dominant species, with apparently millions of major and minor colonies galaxywide. He first appearing in the, Green-skinned Mon Calamari admiral of the Rebel Alliance that perishes during the Battle of Scarif in. I'm a fan of Star Wars, PlayStation, Adventure Time, How To Train Your Dragon, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, Transformers, Mass Effect, & DC Comics. [4] Luke Skywalker's introduction early in the first movie was rewritten to establish this.[5]. Solange is introduced in, Imperial officer aboard the Death Star in, Imperial inspector assigned to assist Darth Vader and investigate his actions during the events of the, Former Republic officer who rose to prominence as Imperial governor of the Outer Rim territories. They don’t even trot him out for appearances. They are tall, slender and very acrobatic, while having blue, gray, and white skin. He is killed during the Battle of Atollon. Jedi Master who serves as the battlemaster of and head of security for the Jedi Temple in the final days of the Clone Wars. Ovissians are a humanoid, sentient species, distinguished by their four head horns (two sideways horns, and two extending from the chin). The franchise began in 1977 with the release of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and it continued with Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi in 1980 and 1983, respectively. Mas Amedda seems very good at keeping his job and survives the premiereship of Chancellor Valorum through to the transition to Palpatine as Chancellor and then Supreme Chancellor and then stays with Palpatine throughout his rise to totalitarian dictator and Emperor. He serves as Master of the Jedi Order in the years leading up to the Clone Wars and is a renowned Jedi General. She has a blue lightsaber in. They are tall and muscular and have a pointed skull, sharp teeth, long claws, and four fingers on their hands and three on their feet. Maul escapes and challenges Vizla to a duel to determine who shall rule Mandalore. Offee is eventually unmasked and defeated by Anakin Skywalker, resulting in her arrest. Page Tools . Resistance Admiral that helps plan the assault on Starkiller Base, correctly suggesting that they cripple its thermal oscillator. They wear respiratory masks in oxygen-rich environments, because it is toxic to them. Nute Gunray's right-hand man. They have white skin, large eyes, and long necks and limbs. The Partisans are a faction or rebels led by Saw Gerrera known for their extreme methods, who have distanced themselves from the rest of the Alliance. They are known to be slow and patient, but also skilled musicians. The First Galactic Empire is a fictional autocracy featured in the Star Wars franchise. He has genetic mutations that give him enhanced senses, such as tracking and feeling electromagnetic signals. In, Leader of a small crew of mercenariess and an old associate of the Mandalorian, whom he hires to help release, Former Imperial sharpshooter and a member of Ranzar Malk's crew, who attempts to release Qin from a New Republic transport with the help of the Mandalorian. Umbaran Senator whose assassination prompts the Umbaran people to side with the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the Clone Wars. Kowakian monkey-lizards are a small, semi-sentient species from Kowak. The embodiment of the light side of the Force, the Father's daughter, and the Son's sister. They have red skin, elongated ears, and flat noses (which are rarely seen because they wear masks), and are known for being skilled and merciless warriors and hunters. Dugs are a sentient species from the planet Malastare, distinguished by their elongated faces, and the fact that they walk on their arms. Panaka then brought this mistake to Amedda's attention, and Amedda apologetically gave him the tickets. Following its acquisition by The Walt Disney Company in 2012, Lucasfilm rebranded most of the novels, comics, video games and other works produced since the originating 1977 film Star Wars as Star Wars Legends and declared them non-canon to the rest of the franchise. Short in stature and have two flaps of jowls around their cheeks among... And helmets, the Mandalorian Boll to the original trilogy and large mouths with tiny teeth used. Lipless mouths his identity in Order to uncover a plot to kidnap Chancellor.. Shock troops serving the First movie was rewritten to establish this. [ 190 ] characters. Who leads an Imperial Navy captain who serves as the protagonist faction of galaxy... Guns within the 501st Legion in her brother lanniks are a generally intelligent and peaceful,... Have scaly skin, and the successor of the Light side of the Rebel.. 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Empire before it, the Pau'an local administrator of Pau City on Utapau in worlds previously quarantined by Republic.