Type: [20] Luffy advanced forward on the passage and encountered Garp who destroyed a part of the bridge, panicking Inazuma. The elevator however was too far beyond and then its shaft was blocked. Birthday: 革命軍 幹部 イナズマ,ワンピースを読まない人は人生の半分を損している!この格言をモットーにワンピースを知らない方にワンピースを読んでもらいたい。もちろん、読んでいる方にも今以上にワンピースを好きになってもらいたいという思いです。 Heeding the advice from Jinbe over the Den Den Mushi, they all hung on to Iva's huge head and using another Hell Wink, blasted their way into the ocean just as Magellan cornered them all at the pier. At the meeting table, Inazuma sat next to Ivankov, waiting for all the revolutionary commanders to arrive.[26]. As either personality he is very loyal to Ivankov, he will usually do nothing until given an order. マゼラン サカズキ. F[3] その反政府的な活動から、イワンコフ共々「海底監獄インペルダウン」LEVEL5に投獄されていたが、二人はLEVEL5・LEVEL6の中間層の空洞を利用し「LEVEL5.5 ニューカマーランド」を建設し、同じく収容されていた多くの仲間達を集い、囚人という立場とはおよそかけ離れた絢爛豪華な生活を送りつつ脱獄の機会を伺っていた。 指示を受ければ以心伝心のレベルで即座に行動に移し、戦闘においても決して平静を崩さず、阿吽の呼吸でその任務を手堅く遂行している。インペルダウンにて強敵・マゼランにイワンコフが一人で挑んだ際には、退路である上階への階段を切り離す既で手を止め、彼の無事を願う言葉を投げかけるなど、その信頼の篤さがうかがえる。, ONEPIECE 革命軍 カニちゃん Early concept of Inazuma from One Piece Green. Auch aß er einst von der Scheren-Frucht, wodurch er die Kraft hat, seine Hände oder einzelne Finger in Scheren zu verwandeln. Having caught up with the rest of their allies, Inazuma and the rest were not given a moment's rest as Magellan came at them with his most powerful technique. その後、ルフィが革命軍総帥であるドラゴンの息子と知ったことで、ルフィの義兄エース救出にも協力する事になり、イワンコフらと共に脱獄作戦を決行した。逃走中、足止めのためインペルダウン署長マゼランと直接対決するが、為す術なく毒攻撃に敗れる。 Inazuma é um lutador realizado que é capaz de lutar ainda mantendo a sua pose e pouco vistosas, segurando seu copo de vinho. Nonostante Inazuma appaia sia come uomo che come donna, il suo aspetto è simile in entrambi i casi. ワンピース(ONE PIECE)とは、漫画家・尾田栄一郎の代表作であるとともに日本の少年漫画を代表する漫画作品の一つです。1 1997年『週刊少年ジャンプ』に掲載され、その後20年以上にわたり連載が続いています。 [16], Fortunately, Inazuma was picked up by Ivankov. Inazuma Eleven Wiki - Inazuma Eleven ist eine Fußball-RPG-Reihe für den Nintendo DS/3DS, auf der auch die gleichnamige Anime-Serie Inazuma Eleven, bestehend aus 127 Folgen, beruht, und zu der es auch einen Manga gibt. [24] Inazuma made it to Momoiro Island with Ivankov. August 3rd[2] 石畳などを切り出して自分の前に展開し、相手の進行を妨害する。, トランプのスートの一つである「クラブ」のような髪型と、額の稲妻型の傷跡が特徴。 inazuma, One Piece are the most prominent tags for this work posted on September 13th, 2009. Affiliations: 平時・戦闘時問わず常にワイングラスを手に持ち、合間合間にグラスを傾けワインを味わう姿を見せている。, 作中では頻繁に男性と女性の姿が入れ替わって登場しているが、これはおそらくイワンコフの持つホルホルの実の能力によるものとおもわれる。基本的に男性の姿で行動することが多いため、本来の性別は男性であるとおもわれるが、男性時は常に険しい表情でサングラスを外すことがない一方で、女性時にはサングラスを額に上げて素顔を晒し、普段より柔らかい笑顔をみせることが多い。 Inazuma Occupations: Iva decides just to wait until Inazuma is recovered.[19]. [9] Even the Level 6 prisoners compliment his skills. …英語でカニを意味する「Crab(クラブ)」と掛けているのだろうか? Inazuma has clothes and hair that is orange on one side and white on the other. Inazuma was treated for his poisons on the escape ship to Marineford. As a man, Inazuma is mostly serious, calm and level-headed, almost emotionless. Create an account Log in Like しざーはんず 阿修羅男爵 inazuma One Piece kanichann 11 9 … As a woman, Inazuma is warm and cheerful, in sharp contrast with her male persona. それ以降はイワンコフのパーマの中で療養していたが、マリンフォード頂上戦争末期には戦線に復帰し、処刑台に続く橋を作るなどしてイワンコフと共にルフィのサポートにあたった。だが、エースを殺され憔悴したルフィを援護するため、追撃する大将"赤犬"を抑えこもうとして返り討ちに遭い、イワンコフ共々重傷を負って終戦を迎える。, 大鋏(おおかなばし) Official English Name: Though this move seemed foolish due to the waters surrounding Impel Down being a Sea King's nest, they were fortunately saved by a school of whale sharks that Jinbe called for aid.[17]. At least 100,000,000[1] KEEP OUT(キープアウト) Chapter 536; Episode 438[1] Romanized Name: The stairway they came down was no good either as it was suddenly closed behind bars. No.676 イワンコフの部下の革命家。 "チョキチョキの実"の能力者で、腕をハサミに変えることができ、どんなものも紙のように切ることができる。男性の時と女性の時がある。 属性 タイプ1 タイプ2 レアリティ コスト 速属性 斬撃 博識 4 18 能力スロット数 コンボ 価値 最大Lv (経験値) 3 4 500 Inazuma finds Mr. 2 and Luffy in Level 5. From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc, https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Inazuma?oldid=1759960. [6] On top of Inazuma's forehead, there is a distinct lightning bolt shaped scar that goes over Inazuma's right eye. One Piece Green: Secret Pieces revealed an early concept of Inazuma. Inazuma ate the Choki Choki no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows him to transform parts of his body into scissors and manipulate whatever he cuts as though it were paper. Read more information about the character Inazuma from One Piece? すべての機能を利用するには 楽天IDでの会員登録が必要です 楽天IDで会員登録 楽天IDをお持ちでない方はこちら 商品説明 イナズマ フィギュア 高さ26cm ポリレジン素材 正規品 プロフィールご確認お願いい … [10], After cutting up some more of the floor and making a pathway, Inazuma and the others escaped with the help of Crocodile's Devil Fruit powers on the ceiling. As a woman, Inazuma wears her glasses on top of her forehead, her jaw and body are also more rounded in shape, and the scar seems to move more towards the right side of her head. There she explained things to the ballet dancer alongside her leader. 南の海出身の革命家で、革命軍“グランドライン軍”軍隊長エンポリオ・イワンコフの下で副隊長を務める。 ワンピースのインペルダウン編に登場するイナズマの存在をご存知でしょうか?手をハサミのように変形させ、どんなかたいものでも切ることが出来るチョキチョキの実の能力者になります。そんなワンピースのイナズマですが、実は男性声優と女性声優2人が演じられています。 Inazuma a les cheveux et les lunettes bicolores : orange d'un côté et blanc de l'autre. After witnessing the encounter and Luffy's use of Haki, Inazuma took them before Ivankov. For his membership, he was incarcerated into Level 5 of Impel Down, but his comrade, Emporio Ivankov, freed him and led him to Level 5.5, "Newkama Land".[11]. Statistics Though he appears to primarily fight with his Devil Fruit powers, he is also a proficient physical fighter, proven when he sent a wolf from the ferocious Wolf Unit flying with a kick. Eternal Log, Inazuma's wanted poster is revealed. Kamabakka Kingdom; Newkama Land; Revolutionary Army; Impel Down (former) エンポリオ・イワンコフ モンキー・D・ルフィ ベンサム inazuma, One Piece, kamen rider w, One Piece 100+ bookmarks are the most prominent tags for this work posted on February 27th, 2010. When Luffy and his companions started causing a ruckus in Impel Down, Inazuma and the rest of Newkama Land witnessed their exploits on the monitors they hacked into. are the most prominent tags for this work posted on September 19th, 2009. 革命軍幹部。サウスブルー出身。サングラスや髪の色も含め、服の右半分が白色、左半分がオレンジ色をしているのが特徴。ワイングラスを持っていることが多い。登場のたびに男性であったり女性であったりするため、ア ワンピース3D組立パズル第5弾(40)イナズマの作り方 JOYBOX 株式会社パシフィック湘南 https://www.sonnettekun.com/ English Name: Thoughts on Inazuma's power compared to the other "blade" type fruits like the Supa-Supa no mi? Revolutionary; Prisoner of the Great Prison (former) [21], Later, when Ivankov used Hell Wink on Akainu,[22] the admiral took revenge and attacked Inazuma and Ivankov, knocking both to the ground. Though both of them were barely alive after being defeated by Magellan's poison, they quickly caught up with the rest of their allies on the top of Impel Down using Iva's Hell Wink to propel them up the prison. 各チームのユニフォームをイメージしてワンピースを描いてみました!※世宇子中だけアフロディが I capelli e i vestiti sono per metà arancioni e per metà bianchi. It was first seen in Level 6 of Impel Down where he cut the floor, flipping it as it was paper and laid it over the staircase, so the sleeping gas could not enter the area. As a woman, Inazuma is warm and cheerful, in sharp contrast with her male persona. inazuma eleven, One Piece, fashion, Inazuma Eleven Girls are the most prominent tags for this work posted on July 24th, 2019. Because of this misunderstanding, they both decided the time to escape from Impel Down had arrived, and decided to assist Luffy in rescuing Ace from Level 6.[9]. Paramecia, Inazuma[4] is a newkama and the deputy commander of the G Army in the Revolutionary Army who serves under Emporio Ivankov.[5]. Them before Ivankov also quite rectangular in shape would lead directly there his somewhat jaunty pose and holding glass... With Marshall D. Teach and his men Luffy 's use of Haki, Inazuma blocked the sleeping gas pouring... Make matters worse, sleeping gas by cutting up slabs of the floor and the... He then used his Devil Fruit powers to create a walkway to Ace 's Execution platform for Luffy either he! And Iva decided to help them the Revolutionary Army moved their base of operations to Momoiro Island Ivankov. Were dispatched, were they not deterred basic appearance is different depending on his current gender, Inazuma the. Was a Revolutionary from the inazuma one piece of the Great Prison ( former ) Christopher! [ 25 ], fortunately, Inazuma and Iva decided to help Mr. 2 and in. 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No good either as it was suddenly closed behind bars elevator that lead! Inazuma blocked the sleeping gas was pouring through it Arc, https: //onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Inazuma? oldid=1759960 sua abitudine quella...