Here is one response. Almost everything and everybody: political parties, institutions, the media, etc. Turn to the Teaching Section to see the conclusion of this revelation. I returned to praying for my friend on the platform. That can happen to whole groups of people – senseless hatred. I had watched as Clint had progressed over the course of the last 20 something hours – his color was changing, his countenance was coming back, he was taking less and less pain meds, test results were being changed… things were being flipped upside down. At Hanukkah 1994 when the heavens opened to me—according to the prophetic word of Bob Jones and many other prophets for twenty years before—I asked the Lord that I be able to write down exactly what He or an angel was saying. . Thank heavens, we do. I am willing, Lord, but I cannot do this myself.7 You must do this through me! Most of the fifteen years I lived in New York City were spent in the West Village—and most of that, on West 11th street. I had to go home to feed the baby, get all my babies ready for bed, and make sure my mother-in-law was hanging in there. Bob Jones, Gwen Shaw and I often talked by phone about how the enemy was trying to take “out” our generation before we could impart to others that which had been imparted to us. When he did, the tall staff he was carrying to help him stand (after a recent knee surgery) shattered as he struck the earth the 9th time. But God has sent a message – not only to America – but indeed to the world through this election. Then His light will touch every corner and purge the malignant growth from generations of corruption, thievery, and lies. Are we shocked by the lack of sound reasoning and decent behavior among the lost? Perhaps a few lessons. With “original” rights he has cleansed the land and called forth the chapel to be built on top of the ridge. But there is much still to share and I am so grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to pass it on to you. [The faint picture is from my journal. Can one “get into trouble” when passing from the earthly sphere into the heavenly? 2. Daily, I was going to Heaven each morning, but I had no idea the Lord would ask me to gather a few of those experiences into a book. Another “simple sign” was given to a group of young men staying on Pore’s Knob (the larger mountain facing Prayer Mountain). They are: The Bible sets before the children of God the later days of this era of earth’s history. We just hope it won’t be this day. Freely, our friend, Bob Jones gave my husband and I permission to relate his story. Being private property removes either a building or lands from certain legal designations: A. If the Lord so wills, we would love for you to come one of the Friday mornings to be with your brothers and sisters from around the world to fulfill the Lord’s command of, “At a time of rain, pray for rain.” We don’t want just a taste of revival, i.e. Some on Earth never learn it.”. If you live long enough you have seen it all—well, maybe not all—but a goodly portion of it. She had written a book on prayer and was preparing to travel to yet another state to teach prayer to those in a mega-church. Warriors! What say you, dear children of the Living God? November 2015 While waiting for a cup I stepped out into the large lobby. Most people thought the Charismatic revival began in the l970s because that is when it had spread to more of the nations. A chapel was designed to have glass on all sides. Now, here is Bob Jones as he interprets a dream. That, dear friends, is entirely supernatural. Hum – hum, oil from on high, Also, in the book, the Lord decided which experiences He wished to share. When we are moving out of our usual level of protection—that bubble or shield that has been built up through repeated battles and hard won victories—begins to thin. But we have also seen the ingenuity and originality of mankind. I woke up. Anna Rountree, Heaven Awaits the Bride, Official site. I would have a wonderful time getting to know you better. There were six staggered levels of rooms on the left side: six at the back and six on the right side. She became a Christian 17 years ago and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Truly, there are no words to express the all-encompassing love radiating from His near presence. I could see the age of the photos by the early style of the photography. Each household is here giving a physical response to this prophetic word. View Anna Rountree’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. We will find new brothers and sisters of like mind in these special locations – which will add to our joy and to the stability of His body. Even though I lived through the glory days of the Charismatic Movement and then saw fires ignite in locations like Brownsville later, I am still awestruck when He is gracious enough to be with us as we pray or encourage us with signs that indicate that He is “on the move”. We want to do a good job – for it is the Lord’s and being readied for the Lord’s people. We cannot in good conscience leave him standing alone. Fire had fallen in the room. Lack of accountability on the part of both leadership and congregations for the life they live have been covered over with a marmalade of so-called “love”. The spirits smiled at one another and sang: There is oil in the spindles, August 8th is Bob Jones’s “resurrection day” – as he called it. I mentioned this to the wife of one of our prophetic members and when she relayed this to her husband – instead of the word “attack” her husband heard “flack”. I have noticed, as I look back at these early recordings in my journals, how many gifts and empowering’s were given very early. It was the Holy Spirit. Thank heaven, we have had a couple of professional sound engineers who are helping us “set up” in the closet. Mantles are mysterious and we are just starting to explore them. I am merely sharing the dedication stone in order that we may thank the Lord for him together.]. They did not seem to notice me as they sang together while they worked: Every little seam, Joins the living stream With the Lord’s help, I plan to start sharing small sections of the (raw) transcriptions. He had withdrawn. Then referring to the contents of the note, the scribe spoke: “If not now – when?”2 He alluded to the message from the Lord to “Stay the Course”. We stepped over the police tape and turned to watch the building burn. We are (still) waiting for the road crew to complete the upgrade on the work to the road that goes to the top of Prayer Mountain. I pray our Father receives the desire of His heart. Use your ammunition wisely. These were dabbled in by everyone for a while; but eventually older and more mature teachers stood up to refute them and they passed out of fashion. For us, we remain quiet and pray and silently allow the Lord to mend us. The only firm ground beneath us is “The Rock”: Jesus. I am sharing with you the recording process because even though I was going to heaven daily, my husband did not. There were demonstrations, deaths from overdoses and groups with exotic names and violent agendas. “It is hard for them to die.” He then related the Biblical story of the body of a deceased man hastily thrown into the grave of Elisha the prophet. Our choices should no longer be multiple and scattered; but like soldiers in the trenches, our choices should be simple, few and life sustaining. (That’s a relief.) We know he is God’s “trump card” and God’s “final trumpet call” – but another prophetic symbol was given due to the fact that he is the 45th President. A dear Christian purchased this small house when it became available – and seeing the need – gave it to the ministry for our use. When we walked in I asked the leader why they had left the service. The enemy bathes in stolen worship – renewing himself in that which belongs to God, putting his hands all over that which is sacred and secret. To his delight, all the pain left too. In each, the penalty for losing is death: spiritual, physical, moral, relational and on and on or a half-life (what we call zombies) where we are trying to suck life out of false gods… the dead feeding the dead. 1. There was a spring offensive even in Biblical times: 2 Sam 11:1a – “Then it happened in the spring, at the time when kings go out to battle…”. Everything before was wiped away. The journals were not burned, just covered with ashes. A New Year, A New President, A New Citizen. No writer has been here continually for the past twenty-two years and truly, I am only completely familiar with Prayer Mountain. How you have trusted us. This did not seem to worry us. 427 likes. The Lord has brought to us here in Moravian Falls, two wonderful worship leaders and one of our ministry assistants is being brought along to grow in accompanying them on the QChord. We get by with a little help from our friends….It is possible that “help” might go both ways–friendship certainly does. Nothing in life or in this world compares. The pictures here are shown right from my journals of twenty-three years ago and the raw material from these journals transferred to the books. Graciously, the Lord “saved” me, filled me with His Spirit, gave me a prayer language, and told me I would be marrying the minister of the church where one of “the twelve” was pastoring. February 2017 We can get too excited and run ahead of God, or worse, embrace a stance of pride instead of deep wonder and gratitude for all that He does and will do. In the next floors police were helping people evacuate. Therefore, the Lord refused to allow the mantle to be passed down in the family line. I returned to Mike Bickle. A healing revival is coming and we need to be “up” and “going” when it “hits” us – instead of running to catch it as it passes. The Lord released him to do so. However, at present we are able to see the strategy turned upon the Lord’s anointed with heart stopping effects through the attack of at least two human, world leaders (I’m sure there are more brave and anointed souls, I just am not familiar with them.). We have forgotten what it’s like – that life. It seems as though most of the body of Christ has been in the wilderness a very long time. The world system is sinking to its knees all over the globe. Did I seek to overthrow the political regime? Anyway, that is the word Wayne Stafford heard. I will be forever grateful to Steve and Joy Strang for their bravery. Blue birds mean revelation. August 2013 Our wants and needs should reflect this. FIRST OF ALL The earth shook for they marched in time with one another and the vibration of the marching shook the whole earth. Prayer Mountain belongs to the Lord and He is loving and welcoming. We are participating with Him in Kingdom management. Skip to primary content. Bob said that he found himself on the beach in the middle of an unusual situation. Then the observation/ restaurant took a direct hit from a bolt of lightning and burst into flames. After learning of the older prophet’s schedule, the leader of the worship group approached Al and I saying he knew the older prophet would be ministering at his friend’s church Sunday night—but what if he was invited to a nearby retreat center beforehand—like Friday night, Saturday and Sunday morning? But if we are in the beginning of the last days— if we are the ones chosen to represent our Heavenly Father in such times, we should feel honored. The location is a place apart. For this reason, often I could only put down a few words or a half a sentence at a time. Almost immediately the angels on the ridge and those from a wider area (sort of like surround sound) join in a chant supporting the high voice. Fell asleep March 10, 1898 The lightning would bang and flame when it reached the top of the antenna. His life of dedication and service to our Lord is one we should all hope to emulate. As we walked up the hill, he continued, “There is a type of suffering in obedience, but the rewards far, far outweigh the pain.”13, From the top of the hill, we could see a broad plain below. People were running around in this lobby. There is much that the body of Christ does not understand about what is, and what is not in God’s “legal” will. Very exciting. But the good thing about it, is that – at last we are going to get to use all that training,. Until then, I hope you are enjoying getting to see and hear the angels the Lord has arranged for you to know though these actual experiences. I was taken there by Jesus. If you know your brothers and sisters are going through the same bashing from the enemy, it is helpful. You may bat-back the false doctrine like a tennis ball, but all the while, that which is in the spirit of someone so deceived as to deliver to you false doctrine, will be propelled right into your spirit. Come,” He said, and once again He became the white Eagle. But a truth about Him is not Him,” the first spirit added. At intervals, now, I want to share with you situations or occurrences that I have seen or experienced that may be out of your realm of knowledge. For both buildings and land, returning them to private property removes them from being a 501 (c) (3) – that is, from being under the umbrella of a ministry or church. It’s here… the glorious days of summer. 1. The hotel/apartment had been evacuated. Also, we can see it in the daily news. Bob Jones quietly began a sabbatical. This unrighteous judgement was based on spiritual arrogance. There are not many of us – the “old guard” still alive… (Bob Jones, Gwen Shaw and I would share over the phone the most recent demonic attacks coming against each of us. “We are creatures of light. If you cannot see or use the player above, here is a direct link to audio of The Song of Ascent instead. The Hebrides are islands off the mainland of Scotland on the west side. Therefore, we have put up a few signs to help everyone: These signs are near the gazebo. I am merely sharing a request made to me—which in many ways has changed my life. The animals wallow in mud to cover themselves with as much dirt as will possibly keep the flies off of them. You can read them under the Prayer Meeting Section. Truly, I know of no one going up in an anointing that is not somewhat “off balance”. We have been dumped onto the beaches of Normandy. In the same thirty-one years, we have received upgrade after upgrade of our spiritual equipment. We anointed him with oil that supernaturally came out of a Bible – [that His Name Is Flowing Oil Ministries brought to us for the purpose of healing] – and decreed God’s blessings and promises for healing over him, including Jeremiah 30:17. Just hearing, seeing and recording the spiritual experiences, was about all I could manage at the time. Also, seeing our Heavenly Father more clearly and being drawn into a deeper intimacy with our God, is truly “heaven on earth”. Born September 27th 1805, Some of the produce in the garden….huge. The top doctors’ group from all the different clinics – Trauma, Critical Care, Thoracic, etc. The members of my staff are parking down the road in a neighbor’s driveway, in order to give you room in the ministry’s parking lot to park your own cars. Your thoughts define me you are inside me, you are my reality. As I stood in wonder at the gravity of what He had said, an angel appeared on the path beside me. Therefore, to clearly understand that which is being said, the hearer must wait until all three components come together cleanly and firmly. We are seeing the devil in all his raw, self-aggrandizing butchery … and dear children of God, this is just the beginning unless we begin to take up arms in prayer against this butcher and his minions. But also, we have grown in our understanding that emphasis on the gifts alone has allowed a damaging imbalance in the body of Christ. This was given twenty years ago: October 19, 1975. For he is small?’, 3 The LORD changed His mind about this. driven into my driver’s door. It was as though some corner had been turned, some outcome decided upon –something– something was and is different. They are singing in an angelic tongue – which I do not understand. The next time I saw the mantle, the Lord did not give me a choice, He put it on me. “We go now to the bowels of the dragon.”, [Recently I was asked a question by a pastor’s wife – and in answering it – I felt many of us may be passing through the same test. When the time comes, all that training will snap into place. The anointing had been given. Goodness, I want all the angels serving the Lord by assisting me to have all that they need for their work—and, hopefully, to enjoy their assignments. We cannot expect non-believers to understand that he is now a “new creation”. I simply put them side by side into the manuscript. We, the Father’s children, can’t allow Beelzebub to win on our watch. This stain was on the hem of the robe and on the cuffs of the long sleeves, discoloring the garment to the knees and elbows. On August 8th, he died, went to Heaven, and was sent back by the Lord. She has given herself to every demon. Since major markers happen in my particular life in 20 year cycles, I am looking forward to the next exciting step.]. There was an atmosphere for miracles being cultivated in that little room. “Come down, my Lord,” I said. To Christians, we see the fulfillment of promises (even through a family line). Even with the king trying to kill him, he would not raise his hand against the Lord’s anointed. It’s like He’s hovering…as though He is protecting or covering the bowls. The little “mountain’s” name: PRAYER MOUNTAIN was given to it by this couple who wanted to display God’s generosity through hospitality to all. 1. The Word says: “first the natural and then the spiritual.” A natural act in response to a prophetic word says that you believe that He is in the prophetic word and that you are ready to respond to His next step. I thought to myself, “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts4”. The Lord knew into which times He was calling us before we were even born. Moravian Falls, NC 28654. We have been growing and maturing – planting our feet and sharpening our weapons. It is not only that life itself has become accelerated, but that our Heavenly Father is pouring out an increased anointing on His children. Now, let us look at our friends, the Angels. For many years we could not see behind the boulder where the enemy had been hiding. But what about now? The stings do not kill, they just drive them – turning them again and again to address false and misleading stories or turning to protect family or friends from the daggers being thrown at them – from world leaders, the press, their own party, those within the government seeking to undermind – lies – betrayals – the entertainment world, the rock stars, the comedians, etc. I had never seen a seal like it. I think the most exciting part of this to me is that it is the Lord who is calling for this. Light must flood every corridor, and every lurking malady must be healed.”. Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn. These two leaders are doing what God has anointed and called them to do at this time. the experience of his servant by enabling Within the mist, angels were at play. It is now a classic. We want you. Those in turn lift the bowls to angels a little further above the earth. I was in the midst of intense light. The “studio” has been set up in my downstairs closet. There is a team of highly dedicated and anointed intercessors that stand before the Lord on your behalf daily. Blazing light was on the other side of the threshold. I pray constantly. During that year we were attending a small, but highly prophetic, worship group that functioned like a very small home group. Almost the whole world believes that there was fraud in our elections… (that’s whether they may be for the outcome of fraud or against it), just as when everyone knew that O. J. Simpson murdered his wife and her friend (which he admitted years later), still many – though not believing his innocence – pulled for his receiving a “pass” in the trial. Dear children of the Living God, do you not know that while sitting under any of it, the deadliness of the doctrine comes from the teacher’s spirit as well as their words. The foliage was stripped from the trees. I tore out the page and handed it to him. The people were deaf and blind to sound reason. It shows how “out of whack” we have been. Still, I was careless, as he had said, and was mentally running around many tracks in torment and weariness until each thought was taken captive to Christ.8 Earlier in my life with Christ, my mind could usually do as it pleased, but not now.9 Narrow and narrower was the way, but in this obedience to His Word was life. But what about now? 976 West Meadow Parkway Moravian Falls, NC 28654 Just exactly what do we mean when we ask this question? However, due to a true gift of hospitality on the part of the couple who purchased the apple orchard and turned it into a Christian retreat center, the others that acquired land from the original couple or near them, felt that this couple had set the godly standard for God’s land. Thank you so much for your recent correspondence. This dream and vison are a warning from God. Thankfully no one was out on the street. The generation that will flood the churches when we hear these young women and. 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