Back at the launch of the 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000 we saw a series of volumes from Forge World collecting together all the rules for Forge World units in the new edition of the game. The Ares getting a points increase, and being potentially worse vs hordes could be a big deal in the long run. We also see some sneak peaks at what weapons may look like in a future Astra Militarum book with a Vanquisher cannon being listed as S16, AP -4, D9 with +1 to hit Vehicles and Monsters I am suddenly very glad i went with rule of cool and armed my Krieg Leman Russ with a Vanquisher cannon! As someone who loves the Death Korps of Krieg and the Titan Legions, I was very excited to see this book and check out the profiles contained within! There are some changes in weapons as well stormcannon arrays trade 2 shots for an extra 12 range, melta lances gain blast but swap from 2d3 to d6 shots, and the grav-flux bombard doubles in shots and has a more standard grav weapon statline. All of the Forge World Chaos Space Marine characters, including the Chaos Hellwright, on and off his Dark Abeyant. So stay tuned for those articles and in the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback, drop us a note in the comments below or email us The double shooting Spiculus if you didnt move ability moved to the weapon, so functionally the same, and gained the dread -1D ability. imperial armour compendium 9th edition pdf trove. As a bonus, leviathans can now take nipple volkite, rather than just heavy flamers. Now it only ignores modifiers for Combat Attrition meaning it is still possible to force you off an objective from shooting. The Cyclopsalso gets a minor discount out of the gate, and hilariously gains the ability to ride in transports (though cant shoot on the turn it gets out, which limits the utility). You have to agree that is a massive amount of profiles available in the book! However, were concerned that if we dont make this statement Condit will kill us: Just play Titanicus instead. Its great to see all these characters represented still, as a lot are from very old IA books. Goonhammer Reads Science Fiction: Women! There isnt any massive rules changes, but some minor adjustments and a few buffs/discounts scattered around (or in the case of Venatari, a minor change with a HUGE impact). What about the new thunderhawk rules? This will be a process as getting to all the factions, but for now you can find all the points including Forge World, Special Rules, Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Points, Search: The trove warhammer 40k codex. will find the Warhammer 40,000 datasheets for the entire range. The premium it pays for having built-in deep strike is massively lower than it used to be, and being able to deploy from the webway removes the worry about it getting punked straight off the board. Remoras are also easy winner, because they get two seeker missiles for free, more wounds, and are always in cover just huge boosts all round with no cost increase. Given how good Ghaz is that isnt a massive ask, and this guy importantlycan still takeDa Killa Klaw, has the right keyword to beDa Biggest Boss if you arent packing Ghaz, and has gained a point of toughness (T7!) Thanks, guys. Nice buff, and considering they are my favorite troop unit, I am certainly not complaining. Telemon Heavy Dreadnought: Besides the Plasma flamer bumping up to 12 range, the stats/weapons are unchanged (still T8 baby, WOOOOOOOO). Now yes, that nearly in the previous sentence is a little ominous as there are a couple of strange exceptions. Orion Assault Dropship: Other than it has less attacks when degraded, entirely unchanged, same points etc. The big fliers all get slammed to BS4+ without much changes in their prices, and thats a pretty bad look for them. These headers then drill down further into the various factions within that bucket, detailing any specific rules or codex interactions, all the datasheets and then the points values collected together at the end of each faction in the much easier style seen in the other Codex releases for 9th edition! We will be taking a look at some of these units in greater detail over the week once we have had a chance to crunch the numbers, but my initial reaction is positive here with some cool options for adding some fun units to bolster your Space Marine army. The Dreadclaw Drop Pod and the Chaos Terrax Pattern Termite are the big winners here, both being nasty threats that help deliver Chaos Space Marines to the battlefield in interesting ways. The good news is they might do OK at that up front, they are now a real psyker, getting access to smite and knowing one power from the Rune of Battle discipline. The Night Shrouds bomb is still one use only, which is a little disappointing but thankfully gets a small points cut. A bright point is his dreadfire claw switching from damage D6 to damage 4, but without the absurd durability he used to have, and without the choice of warlord traits, hes not bringing much to the table. 800 pts, but what do you get for that? In the meantime, head over to the Forge World website and pick up some . As a bonus, he doesnt have Martial Legacy, so wont be costing you a CP to field. At that point, given their defensive profile and the fact that they can just flatten stuff in melee, I think theres a plausible argument for trying three of these as a silly gimmick build. Otherwise it keeps its 5+ invulnerable save, regeneration, and the ability to move over enemy models. The command squads are obviously the more desireable option, since they get an extra attack with no extra cost, and the good news is that you dont have to include a Commander to be able to take them any more each Commander just lets you take one without using a slot. 47.8M . While the main gun remained essentially the same, both types of sponsons got a shakeup. On top of that, they got 1pt cheaper each, and got built in deep strike, and I think the latter point combined with the fact that their new big shots are perfect Gravis killers, especially underExpert Crafters, makes these worth a look. All of them got boosts and points drops. The Death Guard also get a Greater Blight Drone with the Death Guard keyword, making this fully compatible with the Death Guard book and the Plague Companies rules. If youre familiar with the Codex: Space Marines relic contemptor datasheet youre already familiar with this one the only difference is new weapon options. Vindicator Laser Destroyer. Now it can be done every turn (which is a pretty nice change), pick a spot on the board that it moved over, and every unit within 6 takes D3 mortals on a 4+ (-1 to the roll for non vehicle/monster characters). Like with the other forces, the Xenos factions also see some tweaks and adjustments to their datasheets, along with some points updates We will be digging a little deeper into each of these factions later in the week in some more detail, but theres some great changes across the board. Combined with the contents of the new Space Marines Codex you will be able to carry the torch for these under represented armies! Sicarans in general also bumped up to a 2+ save, making them surprisingly durable, and took a substantial points cut. No longer will you have to flick back and forth to the very back to find your factions points! Just check out the contents page below! How To Paint Everything: Creating, Basing, and Painting Area and Tournament Terrain, Necromunday: Buzz Lightyear Hyperspeed Trucks in the Ash Wastes. It also has a much more sturdy defensive profile, and an improved version of the thermal jets rule for stuff it flies over. The Phantom Titan is also a loser obviously its not playable in Strike Force games, but even if you find yourself wanting to spend 3000pts on Titans in a game youre better taking two Revenants, as theyre vastly more efficient. Finally, the dark horse that I am hoping doesnt turn out to go anywhere of the units in this book with titan in their name, the Revenant Titan is probably closest to being decent in a Strike Force game. Thunderers go down quite a bit in points, but lose Grinding Advance. The melee weapons got a substantial shakeup too, the leviathan no longer loses attacks for taking guns, and instead always has at least 4 attacks each siege claw gives an additional attack with that weapon, and the siege drill does 2d3 damage against most targets, or 6 damage against vehicles. The Thousand Sons appear to get nothing, which sucks. All of them can outflank, too even better. Though this does make it a little bit harder to read in the book, any future FAQ updates can be made in just one place, rather than risking some FW unit missing the change. Wait, WHAT!?! Grab a brew and paint/chat with us! Imperial Armour Compendium 40k Rules Breakdown One of the best parts about the book in our opinion is that the points costs are at the end of each section! The Imperium section of the book is fairly chunky and contains a shed load of new profiles and rules! He is still the only leviathan remaining with WS and BS 2+, but even at his new lower points cost doesnt offer much. At that point, slap an ATS on it and the main guns are straight up better heavy burst cannons on a chassis thats tougher than a Riptide, so while you do trade off a bit of flexibility, its at least a usable option. And add to that the fact that they now cost us CP and the same amount of points as the loyalist versions despite losing out on Legion Traits and Combat Doctrines and youve got a recipe for one salty Rob. #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warhammer40k #oldhammer #oldhammer40k #40k #2ndedition #2ndedition40k #tyranids #tyranid #nids #paintingwarhammer #painting #paintingminiatures #miniatures #miniaturespainting #hobby #wargames #wargaming #metal #alien #hivetyrant #warmongers, Awesome fun stream working on the 90s Hive Tyrant! Imperial Armour Compendium. Each titan has a different number of void shields, from warhounds with 2 up to warlords with 8. Adrasite Spears remain unchanged (and mostly garbage anyway). The good news, however, is that all the various flavours of Death Rider actually might, theyre good with strong Serberys Raider energy to them. Even with that though, I still think pistol/buckler is going to be an auto include, because now a Venatari equipped with a buckler has a 2+ armor save. For the Space Marines we get a couple of new rules introduced the main one that is going to effect most peoples list building is the introduction of the Martial Legacy ability. Pallas Grav-Attack: Lost the -2 to charge grav ability, but is 10 points cheaper. A lot of the profiles have been tidied a little and they benefit greatly from this, as degrading profiles on low wound models like this was often a problem in the previous edition. Look, theres atonof content to cover here and weve barely scratched the surface. Additionally they are now only 26 wounds instead of 27 (including the Lancer). Sadly, the Seraptek construct is a loser, getting toned down in power on pretty much every axis and then goingup in points.Ive got nothing here this model is awesome and deserved better. Whirlwind Scorpius. The flamer shooting profile is up to 12 now, like most of the flamer archetype weapons. TheInquisition retain only their two Named Characters. The deathshroud cannons have also been augmented with Blast on both modes, and the big shots have also gone to flat damage two, while the inferno lance gains the new melta rule and is going to be able to deploy that straight out of deep strike. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Notice it also isnt CORE, so maybe no rerolls for you in the future. Imperial Armour Compendium - First Look (WH40K) - YouTube With recent 9th edition books making this change as well, the points cost of each model is at the end of each section. Finally, for winners, theKill Tank looks surprisingly pushed at its new price, coming down 100pts for the bursta cannon build and a mighty 155 for the giga-shoota build. Thats it. If youd asked us to pick units that were at real risk of just getting nuked from orbit in a re-write this would have been high on the list, so it getting to keep doing its thing, only even better, is a huge relief for nid players. Void shields now work in a much different way essentially while they are active you have a 5+ save, and each generator has 3 shield points each time you fail a save you lose a shield point, any excess damage is wasted, meaning you want to try and force them down with low Damage weapons to get the most benefit once a shield hits 0 points it collapses, but if you dont collapse it in a turn then it regains all its points in the command phase. The key difference is that theyre no longer HQs or Characters, so extremely stupid combos involving relics and warlord traits are banished to the shadow realm. Most notably, its aura now has a 6 radius, making it even easier to use it to shield your forces. The Las Pulsar is a whole 20 points cheaper!?!?!?! The Hierophant also gets a huge points drop to 850 points from its previous cost of 2000 so hopefully we start to see more of these, as they are amazing models! He might be an Elite or an HQ (listed differently in the points values vs his datasheet), but either way hes clearly worth taking. Terrax-Pattern Termite. Then theres theGreater Brass Scorpion,which dropped 75 points while going up to 28 wounds It now also degrades in WS and BS, and so will always have 6 attacks to whiff with as it loses accuracy. Tau also do very well in the points department with the Rvarna getting a big points cut, we also see a number of weapons tweaks too, with increased damage and strength here and there across the range, perhaps pointing at any future upcoming changes in a new book on the horizon. Aquilon Custodians [CORE] : Fists and bolter is 5 points cheaper!?!?! Units have also had the CORE keyword added, setting them up to be futureproofed for a future Custodes Codex. for open , narrative and matched play. Also the shooting attack on the spear is up to flat 3 damage, from D3 damage. 9ed Imperial Armour - Compendium PDF Original Title: 9ed Imperial Armour - Compendium.pdf Uploaded by Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as PDF or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 212 The Gargantuan Squiggoth can also fall back and charge and even move over other units as it they were not there, something lacking in the current sheet making it easy to pin then down. This iteration of the rules really gets rid of that, and while there are still good or bad units theres a lot less room between them. That probably still isnt pushing them to the top tables. Someone at Forge World really loves drills. Finally, theHades Breaching Drill looks kind of great now its been detached from the mandatory tag-along veterans, so you can take them as a separate squad as desired, and its melee attacks have been charged up, both getting d3+3 instead of d3 and being flat D3 against most targets and flat D6 against vehicles. Sky Slasher Swarms also get a bump their stats and costs are unchanged, but they get built in deep strike. Kept the FLY keyword, otherwise unchanged. In this book you. Defensively, it gained 4 wounds so toughness 8, 14 wounds, and a 3+ save. The laser volley cannon defaults to being a better lascannon three shots at D3+3 damage. Credit: Jack Hunter. Credit: Jack Hunter. Falchion/Fellblade As an unapologetic lover of all forms of BIG TANKs, I had to take a look at these too. Pure upside is the best kind of upside. Carab Culln takes most of the generic leviathan nerfs (see below), and also loses out on both his feel no pain aura and most of the interest from the death-hold special rule it no longer lets you hit for mortal wounds and simply lets the heavy bolter fire with no penalty at units in engagement range. Today we see the new Imperial Armour Compendium up for pre order from Forge World! This tradeoff is whatever right now; nothing you really want to take has Smokescreen. The deathshroud build feels like the play, and the fact that this loadout is over 120pts cheaper than in CA is kind of mind boggling. As to the profiles themselves, the Krieg have lost any units that still do not have models produced by Forge World In addition to this, with the Death Korps now acting as a supplement to the core Astra Militarum book they simply use the base guardsman profiles for their troops this is a shame as they Krieg did have the advantage of slightly better WS, however I do think this is for the better in balance, as this means that then we get a new 9th Edition Astra Militarum book we will simply be able to port over the surviving Krieg units directly into that new army with minimal issues! Ankbars Expedition Kharadron Overlords, Podcast: 110 | Wolves and the Watch Sprues & Brews. Coronus Grav-Carrier: 15 points cheaper, lost -2 to charge and kept fly (like the other grav vehicles). The tanks are OK but theyre still Lords of War and while they may come across as somewhat usable, the CP cost to take them just isnt worth it. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SYNLAB HAUTS DE FRANCE of ROUBAIX, HAUTS DE FRANCE. First and foremost are the Astra Militarum which also includes a new Regimental Doctrine for the Death Korps of Krieg. Atomantic Shielding matches the contemptor, so only a 5+ invulnerable save rather than 4+, combining for an overall substantial drop in durability. Realistically, the story is the same across the board here these all get minor cost reductions and some get boosts to their weapons, making them all a bit more exciting to use, but probably not enough to overcome the limitations of their slot. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Chaos Daemons get some welcome points adjustments, no longer have we got to have points values tied to the Gods holy numbers! The Necron Tomb Stalker and Tomb Sentinel both getbig point cuts and some marginal melee weapon improvements, and while they lose a point of BS/WS, realistically any list that uses them is going to be leveraging their ability to drop in next to a Technomancer with a control node anyway, so thats easily mitigated. Only once all shields are down can you start pumping damage into the Titan itself. This also applies to the Chaos Titan Legions too, who essentially get the same datasheets but with suitably chaotic keywords! Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Armour: Compendium is available now from Forge World for 40. Over the next few weeks, well be diving much deeper into these new rules and how they shake things up for each faction and make no mistake, theyshake things up in some pretty big ways. At a high level, you generally see: With that out the way, on to the factions. The Adeptus Mechanicus get updated profiles for the Secutarii with rules keying off the new Titan Legion keyword that has been added for Titans. Also Available on Spotify & Google Podcasts, The Hive Tyrant was one of the first models I ever painted for Warhammer 40k, so when I saw an unpainted one on ebay I knew I had to paint it up in honour of it! Unsure, but in the meantime it is very much still a Land Raider, with all the problems that entails. Out the gate as our first winner we have theHornet,because all the reasons they used to be good have pretty much stayed the same or improved. I think theyll kind of fight with each other for the same role, but both have their advantages. Shane: No major rules changes, mostly sweeping points drops. The Gatling Cannon is unchanged, and the Cleavers Slash profile gets a helpful boost moving to 2 damage from D3. Generally, this replaces the old Relic rule now each time you include a unit with this rule in a detachment the Command Cost of that detachment is increased by 1. Warhammer 40k - Imperial Armour . Cerastus Knight-Castigator. They overly complicated old void shield rules have disappeared, now using the new rules we talked about for the Astraeus. His feel no pain drops from a 4+ down to a 5+, and his dreadfire heavy flamers lose a point of damage (though they do increase their range up to 12). The Regimental Doctrine for Krieg was shown off on Warcom and is kind ofeh not really lighting up the world. 9ed Imperial Armour - Compendium PDF | PDF - Scribd Astraeus! The Grey Knights also get a couple of updated profiles with a renamed Land Raider Banisher, getting a small points discount and a Grey Knight specific Thunderhawk getting a massive discount in line with the new profile elsewhere in the book. Fundamentally, the ability to build yourself an incredibly deadly melee missile at a cut-down price is restored, so I guess enjoy that! Ares Gunship: ARES-GATE continues, with a 20 point increase, and the attack changes from the Orion. As with the Space Marines we see a number of points adjustments that bring both of these forces in line with each other. Thats seriously spicy, and since neither goes up in cost on that build and some of their guns get marginally better, these are a much more appealing option, especially as Iconoclasts. Not a huge change, but really impactful vs some targets. [ [2] Description This compendium includes 222 datasheets, including super-heavy units and highly specialised troops. Whereas before Chaos players could laugh at loyalists forced to play around unit restrictions thanks to the Relic rule, now were in the exact same boat as loyalists, in that many of the units that you might take from this book now cost you 1 CP to add to a detachment. Innocuous but also undeniably winners we have Tetras, which trade out their one shot, three tokens markerlight for a markerlight that just has heavy 3, while going down 5pts each to boot. The Dreadnoughts really eat shit here. So this makes the bombs way better against an MSU style list that huddles up as it moves around (see MARINES), but makes them much worse vs hordes. While the dream of reloading a Deathstrike is there, and re-upping hunter-killer missiles nottotally irrelevant, we all know what this was used for re-rolls on a Baneblade and it doesnt do that any more. Credit: That Gobbo. Massive thanks to @warhammerofficial for sending us a free review copy of Angron! How many wounds? Its much more interesting now with 6 shots in either standard or supercharge, at strength 8, ap-3, and 2 damage in standard mode, bumping up to strength 9 and damage 3 when supercharged. Achillus Dreadnought [CORE]: Got the main changes from the Galatus, 9 wounds, -1D taken, extra attack. These certainly exist, and you can use them. The Necrons get a new fortification in the form of the Sentry Pylons these have made the move from the Heavy slot freeing up some precious Heavy choices for more Doomstalkers! Moreso than almost any other faction, Chaos Space Marines have leaned on Forge World units to stay competitive in days gone by. The points have gone up a little, but taking everything together Ithink theres still a unit here, just sitting in a very different role than we used to see. On to the datasheets themselves we see a number of changes across the profiles, with the biggest change being weapons a lot have had damage or number of attacks added in line with the changes seen in the Space Marine Codex, units have also been updated to reflect any rules changes from that book such as Duty Eternal being added to all Dreadnoughts making them a lot more survivable.