Those who were considered potentially suitable were sent information packs, and asked to supply documentation to support their application; preference was given to applicants who provided notarized documents in their response. [40] They were recruited by the Rhodesian Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) from a French military base in Djibouti. [61] These pay rates were lower than those in some other armies; for instance, they were around half the levels in the United States Army and between 50 and 60 per cent of the Australian Army's pay scale. Save my name and email to use for future comments. [85], In 1977 the British government provided a tentative response to an American proposal that the United Nations Security Council adopt a resolution requiring UN members to prevent their citizens from serving in the Rhodesian military. It is commonly known as a" Mozambique Drill" because it comes from a story told to Cooper from Rhodesian Mike Rousseau, a mercenary during the Mozambican War of Independence. The bottom line: Accurate head shots are hard. Successful applicants were then offered a rank in the security forces. [2][3] Accordingly, the government issued Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) from the United Kingdom in November 1965, with the colony becoming Rhodesia. It takes focus, determination, and plenty of practice to pull off the Mozambique Drill quickly and effectively. Mike Rousseau was a trained soldier so he instinctively presented his handgun and shot the guerilla twice in the chest, launching both rounds in quick succession. He turned a corner and came face-to-face about 10 paces with a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. [92] Many of the Americans wrongly believed that their government opposed their presence in Rhodesia, with articles in Soldier of Fortune and works by the author Robin Moore also claiming this. Its a port city in southern Mozambique where it can be hot with humidity over 80 percent. [19][20] In April 1979, 60,000 members of the military and police were on active duty to protect that month's Rhodesian general election. [93], The legality of volunteering for the Rhodesian Security Forces varied between other countries. [102] He also wrote the novel Crippled Eagles which was based on the experiences of American volunteers. At the time of UDI, the Rhodesian Army had a strength of over 18,400, including 15,000 reservists, the Rhodesian Air Force had a small but modern fleet of combat aircraft and the paramilitary British South Africa Police included 7,000 full time and 25,000 reserve personnel. Titanfall Blisk is working under a new long-term contract with the IMC on the Frontier, providing Combat Intel and Counterinsurgency services. This was because they believed that it was being fought to sustain white rule and prevent communists from taking over the country. Those who did so received amnesties as part of the British government measures associated to end of the conflict. The ZAPU argued that the failure of the British and US governments to stop the flow of volunteers was a barrier to reaching a negotiated settlement with the Rhodesian government, and demanded in 1977 that this be halted. There arent a lot of guarantees in a gunfight, but the Failure Drill just might be your best defense in time of need, particularly if you are facing an opponent wearing body armor. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. [56] The desertion rate among foreigners serving in the SAS was particularly high. "All too many of the other great tragedies of historyStalins atrocities, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Holocaust, to name but a fewwere perpetrated by armed troops against unarmed populations. As he turned a corner, he bumped into a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. In 1977 the pretender to the Albanian throne, Leka I, asked the Rhodesian government to train a battalion of Albanians that he hoped to recruit. [86] The United States government did little to slow the flow of volunteers to Rhodesia. Frankly, I dont know of many shooters who maintain the level of skill to pull this off consistently at 3-5 yards. The JEWS CAN SHOOT trademarks are owned and controlled by Doris Wise Montrose. Rousseaus exploit turned into the Failure Drill and was included in the Academys curriculum starting in the late 1970s. Although in most situations, the two perfectly placed shots to the chest should disable an attacker, there are several reasons they could fail. Position a silhouette target (preferably with outlined V1 and V2 zones) five yards from the firing line. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, much of Africa burned. here to send us a message. This little rhyme, refers to the Mozambique Drill. Accurate hits will beat fast misses every single time. They could also be wearing body armor. Taken aback by the failure of his double tap to stop the threat, Rousseau took a moment, leveled his pistol at the charging mans face, and fired a third round. Get free updates when we add new tips, articles and more! The young African not only failed to fall, but he advanced toward Rousseau with murderous intent. The Mozambique drill, originally developed by a Rhodesian mercenary, MIke Rousseau, is a standard practice drill for self defense. Guerrilla fighters were swarming the airport and Rousseau turned a corner and nearly bumped into a FRELIMO fighter wielding an AK-47. If you can successfully perform the drill in under five seconds, youre doing better than most law enforcement officers. Portugal said it supported the Mozambique people and designated it an overseas territory in the 1950s in lieu of calling it a colony, but it was still a colony no matter how Portugal presented it. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'democraticunderground_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_2',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-democraticunderground_com-medrectangle-1-0');report this ad FRELIMO was the dominant political party in Mozambique fighting for independence from Portugal. The French troops were being withdrawn from Djibouti upon that country's independence, and French intelligence agents helped facilitate their recruitment by the Rhodesian Army. Rousseau immediately brought up his Browning HP35 pistol and fired two bullets into the target's upper chest, usually enough to incapacitate or kill outright. [81], The British government was opposed to its citizens fighting for Rhodesia. If youre looking for some variety in your training, one practical application of the drill is to fire the first two shots to the targets center mass (V1), then take two steps back to create distance before the third shot. [34], American and Australian volunteers who had fought in the Vietnam War were generally well regarded by Rhodesian soldiers, and were often posted to the elite SAS and Selous Scouts. |-- General Discussion [60] Foreign volunteers who openly expressed extreme racial views were deported. page. Rumored to have begun with Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau and adopted into coursework at Gunsight Academy, the Mozambique Drill is intended to drop an advancing threat immediately. However, here we are more concerned with your shooting than tactics, because the subtle nuances of the proper tactics can vary from situation to situation. [22] The number of white conscripts in the security forces was also increased by considerably expanding the age groups of men who were required to serve and the periods of active duty reservists needed to undertake. Heads bob around erratically and the effective zone is relatively small. [41][42] The CIO regarded this as a success, but all other elements of the Rhodesian government were sceptical. The military took steps to prevent material encouraging enlistment with Rhodesia from being circulated in its bases and service newspapers, however. [13], Guerrilla activities began in 1966, and mainly involved small groups operating in northern Rhodesia. These articles frequently highlighted the experiences of Americans who were fighting in Rhodesia. It sought to attract more white immigrants to the country, but from 1973 onwards the white population decreased. [7] Fighting at the airport at Loureno Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau rounded a corner and encountered an enemy combatant, armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, at 10 paces (7.5m (25ft)). 20 Best Concealed Carry Guns In 2023 (Updated! He named it after the country where the incident occurred, dubbing his drill the Mozambique Drill., Practical Variations to the Mozambique Drill, El Presidente Drill Assessing Your Shooting Skills, The Best Self Defense Ammo Ballistic Testing. [16], The Rhodesian Security Forces were considerably expanded over the war. ), Shoulder Holster: 8 Pro Up-Top Carry Options (2023). One would figure two slugs to the chest would drop the enemy fighter, but no. The volunteers frequently received a hostile response from Rhodesians in the units they were posted to, and many ended their contracts early as a result. Home There is evidence that the Departments of Justice and State tacitly encouraged Americans to volunteer for Rhodesia as part of efforts to prevent the country collapsing before a negotiated solution to the war could be finalised. [26][34] Other volunteers were expected to pay their own way. Forum Categories As the story goes, a Rhodesian named Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. If the target is still advancing and active, apply a third, more surgical shot to the head to shut down the threat. [35] Organisations representing veterans were another method used to contact potential recruits. What the drill emphasizes is shot placement and the ability of the defender to end the deadly encounter quickly. This led to a negotiated conclusion to the war that involved a transition to majority rule and the establishment of Zimbabwe in 1980. No use without the express written permission of Doris Wise Montrose is permitted. [105], Modern white supremacist and far-right groups continue to provide a positive portrayal of white rule in Rhodesia. By September 1964, things began to change. [1] From 1962 its government was led by the Rhodesian Front political party. [62] He had previously attempted to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces, but was rejected. Failure in a gunfight is not an option. These volunteers felt that Ian Smith had betrayed white Rhodesians by signing this agreement. [65] Most of the volunteers served under Rhodesian officers. The Rhodesian government attempted several strategies to address these shortages. [11], UDI and Rhodesia's racial inequalities led to the outbreak of the Rhodesian Bush War. While Im no gunfighter and there isnt any (sane) person who wants to learn gunfighting from me, Id offer another alternative that might be more slightly attainable to more people, and which is suggested by our own Stephen Wenger based off of his decades in studying armed self-defense. This proposal was quickly dismissed as the Rhodesians did not see how they could arm or use large numbers of non-English speakers. certified instructor prior to handling any firearm and be sure to read your owners manual. Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Many of the Europeans had previously served with the French Foreign Legion. [75] The Rhodesian Army only learnt of Lamb's history after his death during an operation in 1976. Silveira v Lockyer, (9th Cir. Rousseau then aimed for the head, and fired the shot that finally put the enemy solder down. Its a handy tool to have in your defensive tool box just in case shots to center mass dont accomplish what they are supposed to do. If any of your three shots land outside the V zones, you have failed the drill. [4][5][6], According to anecdotal history, the technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau, engaged in the Mozambican War of Independence (19641974). Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Rousseau was fighting at the airport at Loureno Marques, which is now called Maputo. Today, with the proliferation of zombies in our culture, it could be called the zombie drill or zombie check, because a head shot is the only way to kill a zombie. Remember that 9mm ammo circa late 1960s and late 1970s was marginally better than 9mm ammo from WWII. He finished the job with a headshot. As the story goes, a Rhodesian named Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. [32] For instance, the American neo-Nazi Harold Covington claimed to have served in the Rhodesian Army before being deported due to his racism. If any of your three shots miss, you have failed the drill. [36] Neil Grant gave a lower figure in 2015, stating that over 10 per cent of the unit were foreign volunteers. Rhodesian officers also sought to use their networks in other militaries to attract volunteers. Your goal should be three accurate shots in under four seconds. This is a drill created during the Mozambique War of Independence, when a Rhodesian Mercenary (Mike Rousseau) had an up-close encounter with an opponent wielding an AK-47. Rousseau then lowered his weapon to the ready position. [29] Advertisements were also placed in other American magazines, including Shotgun News and Shooting Times. However, for reasons lost to history Rousseau was reduced to his sidearm, a GP35 Browning Hi-Power in 9mm. The Rhodesians' brutal counterinsurgency tactics also proved counter-productive. Let your fellow shooters know share this article using the Facebook, Twitter and other social media icons below. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. [98], The ZANU won the February 1980 Southern Rhodesian general election. After a quick assessment of the situation, Rousseau tried for a shot to the mans central nervous system. Relying on instinct and training, Rousseau delivered a double tap to the combatants chest with his Browning Hi Power pistol and, Upon hearing the story of Rousseaus encounter, Cooper incorporated a three-shot drill into his training at the famous, . It was finished in 1980 and published in 1991. [36] In 1976 some current and former British soldiers were sent unsolicited leaflets that encouraged them to enlist in the Rhodesian Army and explained its conditions of service. 2003) (Kozinski, J. During a fight, he bumped into a guerrilla soldier armed with an AK-47. Military historians Paul L. Moorcraft and Peter McLaughlin believe the number was likely around 1,400, but have noted that estimates from other experts range as high as 2,000. [95] On 21 December that year the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 460 that, among other things, called for the British authorities to expel all "mercenaries" and South African forces from Southern Rhodesia. Two to the body and one to the head is guaranteed to stop a threat. Jews Can Shoot is a civil rights group that honors the memory of the Holocaust to preserve, protect and defend the Second Amendment and was formed for the purpose of education regarding gun laws, gun rights, legal precedent and cause-related advocacy. Rousseauarmed onyl with a pistolturned a corner and encountered an enemy. [99][100], A range of works have provided positive portrayals of the foreign volunteers. The British military did not take up a suggestion by the FCO that it warn servicemen against enlisting with the Rhodesian Security Forces on the grounds that serving as a mercenary was not actually illegal. [70], Ware and Campbell wrote in 2022 that the foreign volunteers had little influence on the war, and the pressure from western governments on the Rhodesian government to agree to a transition to majority rule was of greater importance. List of battleships of the United States Navy, List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces,, Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, USMC manual CMC-37R of 8 Feb 2006: METHOD OF TARGET ENGAGEMENTS. Robert A. Sadowski has written about firearms and hunting for more than fifteen years. The party was deeply committed to maintaining the white minority's status, with this motivating a decision to declare independence from the United Kingdom rather than submit to a transition to majority rule. He was fighting in the Mozambican War of Independence 1964-1974. All other white military personnel, other than members of the Selous Scouts unit that had a reputation for atrocities, were given an assurance that they would not be required to leave the military. At the start signal, draw your weapon and fire two shots to the chest (V1 zone), followed by one shot to the head (V2 zone). Felons can be high on adrenalin or drugs to the point that they do not recognize or respond to pain. |-- Latest Breaking News [18] As the war continued, additional army and police units were raised and the periods of active service reservists were required to undertake was increased.