Lets see if they have something to say. Though many think tanks declare themselves Independent, both the US Congress and various press organizations have rated Peterson truly neutral and nonpartisan---a rarity. At first, EPIC focused solely on government surveillance and issues having to do with cryptology. Founded in 1974, Cato Institute moved to Washington, DC, in 1981 in an attempt to become more influential. They hope their specialists will eventually move on to populate Congressional staffs and the executive branch as alumni of pro-intervention think tanks have been doing for decades," the Boston Globe reports. Mercatus has provided more than 100 testimonies to Congress on topics such as government transparency, subsidies, taxation, regulation, corruption, and Austrian economics. National Bureau of Economic Research's Joseph Stiglitz ranks on our list of The Top 50 Economists from 1900 to the Present. His opinions are his own. Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft Discovery actively promotes a Teach the Controversy campaign, which aims for US public high schools to teach theories of both natural selection and intelligent design in science courses. "[22], The Quincy Institute's co-founders include:[11]. MediaBias Ratings is not affiliated with RAND. That withdrawing from Syria is the right choice does not mean it will be easy. (Chicago, IL) The Worldwatch Institute is a Washington, DC--based think tank devoted solely to global environmental concerns. Dear media: How many nuclear bombs does Iran have? In addition to maintaining websites and groups such as privacy.org, the Public Voice coalition, and the Privacy Coalition, EPIC publishes the online EPIC Alert every two weeks. Theres not one acknowledgment in their criticisms as to why so many believe getting out of these absurdly expensive wars would actually be a boon for an emerging era of great power competition rather than a bust. Though it does deal with nationwide issues, the Institute is perhaps best known for its work concerning California. [2], "Its founding donors Soross Open Society Foundation and the Charles Koch Foundation have each contributed half a million dollars to fund its takeoff. With headquarters in New York and offices in 18 major cities around the world (including Washington, DC), Human Rights Watch is a powerful organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights. (Washington, DC) (Houston, TX) Believing that people are best helped by a free marketplace, and not government regulation, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) promotes Libertarian ideas through analysis, education, advocacy, and coalition-building. [1], Following its official opening in September 2019, the Quincy Institute plans to issue four reports. The Institute's nearly 150 research fellows research, write, and publish their findings for everything from public consumption, to the basis for conferences, to information for media programs. (San Francisco, CA) This raises an interesting question: Will the Quincy Institute back Trump policies that approximate restraint, even if those policies fail to possess an internal logic? Its mission statement is as sensible as it is refreshing: The Quincy Institute is an action-oriented think tank that will lay the foundation for a new foreign policy centered on diplomatic engagement and military restraint.. It also needs to flesh out how the United States should bolster its noncoercive capabilities, so as to put the lie to accusations of isolationism. They join the Cato Institute, the Center for the National Interest and New America in the heterodox foreign policy basket. The popularity of a think tank's official website, ranked against all other websites, as determined by the average number of monthly visitors (specifically, organic search traffic), number of keywords/phrases for which the site ranks, and the monetary value of the traffic as gauged by those keywords. [10][non-primary source needed], The Quincy Institute states that it is a nonprofit research organization and think tank that hosts scholars, participates in debates, publishes analysis pieces by journalists and academics, and advocates for a "less militarized and more cooperative foreign policy". The Center analyzes the impact of federal and state government budget policies from a Progressive viewpoint, and as such, generally argues for more spending for social programs and fewer tax cuts. Founded in 1999, the New America Foundation is a relatively new, yet widely cited, think tank that was recently named the 25th-best think tank among those to watch. The Foundation seeks to bring new voices and ideas to the public eye by literally investing in exceptional individuals and policy ideas that transcend the political spectrum. CSIS regularly publishes books, reports, newsletters, and commentaries targeted at major decision-makers. [7][12] Bacevich said: "Our purpose is to promote restraint as a central principle of U.S. foreign policy fewer wars and more effective diplomatic engagement. When the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft was founded in 2019, the mainstream media celebrated its emergence as a beacon of hope for a more In the fall of 2019, a group of historians and foreign-policy scholars founded the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. [1], Initial funding for the group, launched in November 2019,[2] included half a million dollars each from George Soros' Open Society Foundations and Charles Koch's Koch Foundation. The Institute works both in the United States and globally, evenly splitting its energies between the two. The Claremont Institute, founded in 1979, aims to teach the practical application of the principles of the American Founding, in order to establish a limited and accountable government that respects natural law, private property, promotes a stable family life, and maintains a strong national defense. Not surprisingly, Claremont is a favorite amongst a number of Classical Liberal and Young Conservative organizations. Since then, it has expanded to include programs and research on a much wider variety of topics, including government transparency, electronic voting, identity theft, medical record privacy, commercial mining data, and the use of the Freedom of Information Act to publicize documents. Cirincione said he "fundamentally" disagrees with Quincy experts who "completely ignore the dangers and the horrors of Russias invasion and occupation and focus almost exclusively on criticism of the United States, NATO, and Ukraine". In order to most successfully combine accurate research and effective solutions, IAD consists of a Board of Directors that includes more than 100 public and private leaders from the US, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Barbados, and Panama. With the belief that currently existing science and technology could be applied to improve the conditions of world populations, the Institute focuses on addressing important global issues such as sustainable development and the needs of the world's poor. It is also worth mentioning that George Soros remains a very polarizing and controversial figure. The Manhattan Institute also publishes the quarterly City Journal. Since its official establishment in 1961, at which time the US citizen groups were consolidated, the Atlantic Council has provided a forum for the world's political, business, and intellectual leaders. WebWe make bias transparent so people can avoid being manipulated and decide for themselves. (New York, NY) (Washington, DC) Recently, Third Way has been directly involved in policy issues such as the economic benefits of green energy, deficit reduction, proposals to reform Medicare and Medicaid, the repeal of Don't ask, don't tell, and new trade accords with Korea, Colombia, and Panama. Its scholars research the ethical dilemmas in issues such as deadly conflict, human rights violations, globalization, economic inequalities, and the role of religion in politics, among other things. The Hudson Institute is an American, conservative, non-profit think tank founded in 1961, in Croton-on-Hudson, New York, by futurist, military strategist, and WebThe City of Huntsville will host The Bias Inside Us from April 24 through May 20, at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology (601 Genome Way, Huntsville, AL 35806). Daniel DePetris (@DanDePetris) is a contributor to the Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog. Website: https://quincyinst.org (New York, NY) Unlike nearly all of the other think tanks on this list, Reason's research, analysis, and articles are all aimed at the general public. Since then, it has expanded to include a wide range of security issues, including international peace organizations and nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. Founded in 1907, the Russell Sage Foundation has become what is likely the foremost institution for research in the social sciences. When the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft launched in 2019, its founders chose a name that would connect the group to a primordial era of U.S. foreign The Mercatus Center's Vernon L. Smith ranks on our list of The Top 50 Economists from 1900 to the Present. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) was founded in 1981 by Robert Greenstein, a former political appointee in the Jimmy Carter administration. Founded in 1973, the Heritage Foundation rose to prominence during the Reagan administration and the Conservative Movement of the 1980s. American think tanks are constantly researching solutions to a variety of the world's problems, and then arguing, advocating, and lobbying for policy changes at local, state, and federal levels. The billionaire philanthropist is a personification of the liberal international order, best known internationally for his support for pro-democracy and civil society movements around the world, movements that foreign governmentsparticularly Russias Vladimir Putinoften paint as tools of U.S. power and influence. Today, Belfer works towards a dual mission of preparing future generations of leaders, and providing leadership in advancing policy-relevant knowledge about the most important challenges of security and . other critical issues., (New York, NY) [1], Charles Koch is a founder and provided the funds to launch QIRS.[1]. Founded in 2019, the Quincy Institute is a Washington-based foreign-policy think tank that brings together scholars, activists, and former officials of both left and right, most of whom have little in common but a belief that the U.S. should be more accommodating of murderous dictators. Correction: This article originally said that the Koch brothers are supporting the Quincy Institute. Heritage also publishes a number of political theory books, and partners with the Wall Street Journal each year to publish the Annual Index of Economic Freedom. An increasing number of Democrats are taking on foreign policy sacred cows including support for Saudi Arabia and the relationship with Israel. The Lexington Institute was founded in 1998 in order to promote America's ability to project power around the world so that we can not only defend the homeland of democracy, but also sustain the international stability in which other free-market democracies can thrive. Its three main issues are national security, education reform, and US relations with Cuba. The Woodrow Wilson Center Press publishes a number of books each year by fellows and other resident scholars, as well as the Center's journal, Wilson Quarterly. The bigger surprise of the two may actually be Soros. Today, Freedom House publishes a number of books and reports by both its fellows and prominent statesmen, though it is most famous for its annual "Freedom in the World" report, which ranks each country's degree of political freedoms and civil liberties. Upon its founding in 1989, Stimson focused exclusively on arms control. Other institutions, like think tanks, must harness the intellectual firepower needed to rethink foreign policy. Urban Institute was founded in 1968 by the Lyndon B. Johnson administration in order to study the nation's urban problems and evaluate initiatives set in motion through LBJ's Great Society laws. The throughline between the Obama and Trump years in foreign policy is members of both administrations complaining about The Blob. Both presidents campaign on fresh thinking in foreign policy. It has been described as realist and advocating for restraint in U.S. foreign policy. EPI deals with 12 main issues (including education, immigration, race and ethnicity, and health), and runs three major programs: the Economic Analysis and Research Network, a nationwide network of advocacy groups; the Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy, which addresses economic inequalities faced by minorities; and the Broader, Bolder Approach to Education, a national campaign that seeks to remedy issues faced by children in education. Though its headquarters are located in the Embassy Row neighborhood of Washington, DC, it also has centers in Moscow, Beirut, Beijing, and Brussels, which make it a unique global network of policy research centers. (Washington, DC) Today, Urban conducts nearly 200 individual projects at any given time, the subjects of which range from the cost-effectiveness of crime prevention to the success of immigrant children in US schools. Well, it turns out a lot of people can. Stimson also runs the "Security for a New Century" seminar series, through which it works actively with the US Congress. David Klion, "Go Not Abroad in Search of Monsters: The Quincy Institute, a new DC think tank, will fight the Blob at home while advocating restraint overseas", This page was last edited on 26 January 2023, at 16:44. Established in 1968 as part of the Smithsonian Institution, the Center named for former President Woodrow Wilson seeks to commemorate the ideals and concerns of [Wilson] by: providing a link between the world of ideas and the world of policy; and fostering research, study, discussion, and collaboration among a full spectrum of individuals. Though officially a Centrist organization, most critics tend to agree that it actually leans toward the Liberal or Progressive side (Wilson was one of the first Progressives, while Democrat John Kerry is a current member). How does the Quincy Institute propose getting from where we are now to a world with a smaller U.S. footprint? As stated in its mission statement, the Guttmacher Institute aims to generate new ideas, encourage enlightened public debate, promote sound policy and program development and, ultimately, inform individual decision making about some of the United States' most divisive topics, including abortion, contraception, HIV/AIDS, and bioethics, and other sexual and reproductive health issues. Acclaimed author Walter Isaacson is Aspen's current President and CEO. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. And the difficulties of extricating troops from Syria serve as a warning about military interventions more generally. (Washington, DC) With the motto Progressive ideas for a strong, just, and free America, CAP deals in major domestic issues such as Economic Policy, Education, Health, Security and International Affairs, and Social Policy. Named for the famous Austrian School economist, the Institute's stated mission is to promote the Misesian tradition of thought through the defense of the market economy, private property, sound money, and peaceful international relations, while opposing government intervention. As such it has become, perhaps more than any other institution on this list, the darling of myriad Young Conservative groups. It has been described as realist and advocating for restraint in U.S. foreign policy. EPI also publishes State of Working America, a regularly published book that breaks down the economy's impact on the living standards of working families. In fact, referring to the program's success, Time magazine said, Not since the Heritage Foundation helped guide Ronald Reagan's transition in 1981 has a single outside group held so much sway. Since then, the Center has remained highly influential with the Obama Administration, especially in the form of appointments. It is the Charles Koch Foundation that is doing so; David Koch is not involved. The bipartisan nature of this vision is evident in the fact that both the libertarian-leaning Koch Brothers and liberal billionaire George Soros have supported the organization. A recent Century Foundation report advocating a reduced U.S. presence in Syria does an excellent job of being candid about the costs of restraint: The Quincy Institute needs to be honest about the costs as well as the benefits of military withdrawal. The initial approach, as Bacevich told me, was a lean and mean group of thinkers to start with, a fairly narrow focus: ending endless war; democratizing the formulation of foreign policy, which implies ending the elite monopoly; and putting U.S. policy in East Asia and the Middle East on a sound basis based on prudence, realism, and restraint., Unsurprisingly, this focus on restraint has led to a predictable sorting of critics and cheerleaders. The National Bureau of Economic Research has been committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professional, and the academic community. In fact, NBER is best known for accurately providing start and end dates for recessions in the United States.