And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. I tell you, it was answered prayers! I praise God for the delightful kindergarten children I have the opportunity to tutor. Imagine a worship service where His “mighty works are all we talk about” (MSG). “HE doesn’t need me, but somehow HE wants me” –the words of a popular Christian song I listen to on the radio….absolutely love it…it describes this so well. Pele (a segolate noun, i.e., one with two successive segol vowels and see the link here) means “a wonder” or “something marvelous,” “a miracle of God.” It is from an unused qal root pala which means “to distinguish or to separate.”
� Thank Jesus for never leaving me or forsaking me! When we talk about God being a God of wonders we want to look at it in various aspects. You are excellent in my life, I adore you. Then, I chose the terms that meant the most to me, but you may choose different terms to define each descriptor. You are marvelous in my life, I adore you. You only want me to receive Your love. As our love for the Lord has grown so has our love for one another. I praise God for a beautiful windy fall/spring day before it goes back to winter and we get 5.5 inches of snow by Saturday night. Miraculous definition: If you describe a good event as miraculous , you mean that it is very surprising and... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples I could be blind, and that would be worse.” This is just a small glimpse into the mindset of this amazing woman. I praise You Lord, for taking my shattered heart and making it into something new and beautiful! How right that we should repeat our praises back to Him. Dearest Liz – I only found you in the last year and love your writings and insight! He has carried me through. *Audio* Wonderful, Marvelous: The Chicago Mass Choir - YouTube For making this my home and for my family, job and Church. Even saying thank You, seems so inadequate for all He has done. To the Toronto area please….there are lot’s of us here waiting for you…. Sign up here for my free, once-a-month Bible study post (short and sweet, with a lovely giveaway), and a once-in-a-blue-moon email, when I have exciting news to share. And his friend is going with us! I'm reminded every now and again on how truly wonderful God is, and this was another one.~Sasafras. My 16 year old grandson died recently, and I am praising God that he was a follower of Christ ,and that he is now with our Lord,and we will see him again ! You are Our, Righteous Judge. That’s just for starters–there’s not enough time, or room on this post to list everything… . And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Thanks on this Valentines Day, which is like most others to me, that Liz is a gift from Your heart to mine. It could also have reference to His ministry on earth—a doer of miraculous, marvelous things. Sound good? It has fed my spirit and helped us to know each other more than surface level. So your comments on praise and thanks touched my heart again. We, being all “GUILTY”, until, we BELIEVE, TRULY, in JESUS CHRIST, the Savior of our souls. God is so good. Im not good with words. I stand amazed when i think that the King of Glory, should come to dwell within the heart of man. What a blessing! "Word by Word with Liz Curtis Higgs" is a 26-minute podcast exploring women of the Bible. . I praise God for Wonderful Wednesdays. . He is the living God and the everlasting King. It’s been a rough couple of weeks for me. Praying for my prodigal child and believing that He who began a good work in him will be faithful to complete it also surrounding this momma with His presence as we wait oh His perfect timing. God sees me through all my trials if I lean on him. I read scripture even though she was non responsive. I’m also thankful for you & your encouragement. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined......For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. © Liz Curtis Higgs 2014. Isaiah 9:6. I’m thankful they came to my house for our weekly Bible study even on Valentines day, even though it was very cold and snowy and the roads were bad. As the Lord leads, I'd be honored to encourage your group in person. I praise the Lord for the simple things. THANK YOU GOD, THAT WE ARE SAVED IN JESUS CHRIST, TRUTH, IT’S A FACT, WE ARE SAVED FROM OUR SINS. Physical life, including healing from illness, but especially spiritual life, eternal life, which began the minute I gave my heart to Him. I thank God, for giving me Grace, instilling Faith, iN TRUTH, that Jesus SAVES ME, from my sins! I praise Him for my salvation, His provision and His peace, I’m praising God for my husband who left me flowers this morning. This is Agape!! How we praise and thank Him for his protection, for caring neighbors and so far no other complications!! Praise You, God….for small joys!!! Praise God for a cozy home on this wintry and windy day in Colorado. THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING US TO KNOW YOU, INTIMATELY, IN CHRIST, THE ONE TRUE GOD, AND THAT YOU ARE GUIDING US, AND WE KNOW IT, FOR A FACT. Welcome to the pre-release party for The Ransom , Book 4 in my Legacy of the King's Pirates Series!! The Bible said He knew us say was with the son of God before he ever descended from heaven took upon him. Praising God for His endless love and continuous faithfulness. He is the “Great I AM”. These are very interesting thoughts. He's the great Shepherd, the Rock of all ages, Almighty God is He; Bow down before Him, love and adore Him, His name is Wonderful, Jesus, my Lord. Psalm 75:1. Hurting people hurt people. The New Testament Gospels are the record of His interactions with the people of His day. Mighty God- is like He is bigger than anything you can imagine. 2. How often do I thank people over and over for their small kindnesses, and yet I thank the Lord only once for His endless outpourings of love? I am praising God for snow! I’m thankful for His presence in my life! Thank you Liz for your encouragement always. No, the rapture didn't happen. But as a Counselor, there is no equal. In May of last year I had ‘minor’ surgery, expecting to be in and out of the hospital in about two hours. So here I go . He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and full of compassion. I always get excited when I see your name pop into my inbox! Newsletter-email-Blog. Today I would praise God for the beautiful sunshine that glistened in the new snow we have. Let’s continue to explore Isaiah 9:6 and 7: For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. I know in many people’s minds a dog is not on the same level as a person or family member dealing with cancer. He … and how mighty are his wonders! an autographed copy I had gotten attending one of your events. Hey Liz and thanks for this giveaway! 24. Today….I would Praise our God for all the “little things” that I so often take for granted…..a cozy chair in front of my fireplace, with a cat on my lap! I think He delights in that it brings us pleasure and wonder when we see a beautiful sunrise/sunset, a clear blue sky, the first buds of spring, the sun causing sparkling diamonds on the ocean, a colorful bird or butterfly, the color of leaves in the fall, snow falling, and I could go on and on!! (Having come from a church where we did have services in which people were encouraged to share praises and testimonies, I am reminded of how good it was to praise God and hear how He was working in other peoples lives.). Even when I wasn’t turned to Your face, You were right there loving waiting for me to turn around and be embraced. We give you what is due to you God. It looked serious. I never raised my voice anytime during the exchange. Also, praising Him for our two littles! Can anyone hum a few bars of “Do Not Destroy”? He has challenged me to make a new start. She expressed that she didn’t want anything from me, even after I revealed that God placed on my heart and I’d been praying for her. I mightily praise God, my daughter who is 40 and been married for 14 years is pregnant for the first time after always wanting to be a mum all her life, she has had the older mothers blood test and all is wonderful and healthy with this precious baby girl. Not many of us are privileged to see such a mighty display when God steps in to redirect the natural way of things. It was and is that peace that passes understanding!! I’m blessed far beyond what I deserve. When I think of who He is and who I am. Over the past few years I had to move away from all of my close friends. No entertaining or loud music. His name is Wonderful, His name is Wonderful, His name is Wonderful, Jesus my Lord; He is the mighty King, master of everything, His name is Wonderful, Jesus, my Lord. I praise God for all His many blessings in my life! I praise God for teaching me to trust Him through cancer diagnosis and treatment. (does History repeat itself?) Nothing on earth is more comforting or more praiseworthy than His presence. I adore You! I’m so grateful for the stories we all share and how their faith strengthens and renews me each week. Very Strange and Telling Symbols on the Abraham Accord Temple Coin. He leads us and guides us to become better. I’m thankful, Lord for my sisters -in-Christ that You have sent to me. My praise today to God is my thankfulness for how He has placed our son, our daughter, and now even a grandson in the place where He has persons who love them dearly and have become life companions!!! I praise God for the lessons for me to learn every day… I love all his many blessings and pray for others to see what our Father has done and is doing in our lives. I’m teaching through Daniel and God has blessed me with 30 wonderful seeking Christian’s who want to know Him more. I praise HIM because HE is an AWESOME GOD. I praise God for my wonderful job, boss, and co-workers. When I don’t think I can listen to one more problem or one more hurt, You tell me, “My grace is sufficient, My power is made perfect in weakness.” Thank You for Your Word, for its encouragement, strength and reminder of Who You Are, the Great I AM. I don’t usually have a word I focus on each year, but during the Christmas season the word wonder kept grabbing my attention….most Wonderful Time of the Year , I wonder as I wander …etc…couldn’t shake the word wonder so I’m excited to be reminded of wonder every week. And for His salvation and healing and forgiveness and deliverance. Sinach lyrics for Wonderful Father: Wonderful wonderful father. And for reading this post today, on Friday, because it is exactly the perfect time for me to have read of the wonderful deeds of our Lord. For God so loved He gave. Thank You, God, for Your Strength, in Your Joy, that You make known to Us! I’d sent her notes & cards and books. I have seen you at Ladies Days twice now….love you…. The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. I am forever grateful for the spiritual teachings of my angel on earth that God gave to me and I called mom. Life with rare diseases has taught me that there is always something for which to be thankful. . Each generation will announce to the next Your wonderful and powerful deeds. These ancient Israelites were definitely making a joyful noise, but what did it sound like? The Lord delivered him from alcohol addiction 38 years ago. The timing of it all was simply impeccable. Praising God for His forgiveness and unfailing love. !He is indeed a good, good Father! I praise Him for His Word, how He comforts me and of course for each and every one of your posts! Thank you Lord for my 2 beautiful adult daughters! I fear a lot. I know I have to be careful how I say this, because I do not mean to imply that the seas don’t part, the mountains don’t move, that thousands don’t eat, and the earth doesn’t cease rotating. She threw an object at me (fortunately it flew past me and landed on the floor with a loud clang.) Today is V-Day so I’m a little in “my feels” as my kids call it! I praise Him for those little “glory moments” that lift me up to move forward in His power. One of the most well known Old Testament verses that establish this connection is found in Isaiah. I praise God for His Sovereignty. Today, I praise God for a special group of young ladies who meet together in our homes for praise, study and fun, and of course, food! Hallelujah Lord you are worthy Hallelujah Lord you are mighty Hallelujah Lord you are worthy Glory to your name. He reigns in me and He rains down living water, nourishing my parched and arid soul. Halleluyah e Wonderful – miraculous, extraordinary, marvelous, something astounding that causes amazement. I can relax because God is in control of everything! I was delighted to share copies of The Women of Easter Special Edition, available exclusively from, with three winners: Anita, Sandy, and Pat. I do not have this book and would love to add it to my “collection” of Lizzie books! Sandi Patty More than Wonderful lyrics: He promised us that He would be a Counselor / A Mighty God and a Prince... Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 The main thing I praise God for is my faith. I prayed with her, sang to her, spoke about Jesus’ love, and how He died for her. I praise Jesus for salvation, the victory over death, eternity to praise. He gave me a second chance at life to serve Him. Have a blessed day. 7 Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. After divorce, I was broken, in pieces, barely able to stand at times. I am thankful that Liz and members of her family traveled all the way out to Washington state, where she was the featured speaker for the Olympic Peninsula Women’s Fellowship conference this weekend. A nasty fall two weeks ago caused “altered mental state” as the doctors tend to call it, but I believe it was another mini stroke this time that caused his gibberish and not knowing where he was and yet our dear Lord brought him out of it in a day and I have him back again. What a blessing! Not just for me but for everyone. I thank, You, God, that You are the final Judge and “Say”, for each individual! Thank you Jesus for your amazing grace! I asked the nurse to give the items to her. If you describe a good event as miraculous, you mean that it is very surprising and unexpected . On To Y’all should it all. Praise his name! Thank you God! I would love to be in a spontaneous service of praise to God!! His beautiful Son, my precious kids, grands & greats, my godly husband, good health, chocolate and so much more! Everything He does has purpose and meaning! I praise God for His constant appearances in my life just exactly when I needed Him!!! Thank goodness words like these are timeless: We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds. Thank you God for safe travels. The Lord is my Shepherd. He's everything that my soul ever longed for Everything He's promised and so much more More than amazing, more than marvelous, More than miraculous could ever be He's more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me. Thank you for your ministry Liz. I am thankful for God who is always patient, loving & gentle with me. His faith is strong and he continues to be a man who loves the Lord with all of his heart. When we take all that we know about Christ, it adds up to a marvelous truth— He is the God who is a “Wonder of a Counselor.” I lived in Spokane (just east of Moses lake) for 33 years and now live two hours south of Flagstaff, so I know the areas you are traveling. GOD IS LOVE, INEXPRESSIBLE. Glorious God, wonderful God Miracle worker, King of kings Omnipotent one, we worship you Your majesty is forevermore Forever we will proclaim Your power and glory To your beauty, none compares Almighty God, the great I AM Lord of all, to You we sing Miracle worker, King of kings Omnipotent one, we worship You Your majesty is forevermore 9:16); whose Son wrought “many might miracles,” as did His apostles (Morm. Here’s. You care for us even more than our dearest love ones. Above it all you miraculously did the miraculous. Thankful for God’s work in me. Thank you for your beautiful thoughts and images, they are encouraging! A clear prophesy of Jesus long before He as born. . I praise Him for another of breath each day ,Also for his unfailing love .A God that is always there no matter what the time is. ” Just think about what Jesus left to come into the world He did–even where He did–for us. But its beauty is beyond description and I feel privileged to be able to enjoy time outside with my camera. He does so much to keep our household running smoothly, especially since I was diagnosed w/ MS three years ago. He has delivered me from fear and from anxiety. I praise God in humility knowing that before He created the universe, He knew me and He knew my sins, He knew He would send His Son and Redeeming Lamb for me, to redeem me,…. Every breath is a gift. What a Marvelous God (by Chinyere Udoma) Posted on | November 21, 2015 | No Comments. His birth was a miracle; He was born of a virgin. I have one of those Bibles that breaks down the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramean meanings of many of the words, so I decided to look up these names there. I am praising God today ( and everyday) for my wonderful, godly husband ( and the father of our children ). The way You have brought our family through and held us together and made our relationships stronger is wonderful. The horse made a miraculous recovery to finish a close third. Hi Liz…when are you coming to Canada..? One of many praises to God – I was raised in a Christian Family. P.S. I am thankful for so many things–life, safe travels for my husband, a warm house and the ability to stay home when it’s bitterly cold outside, a relationship with Jesus, God’s Word to open whenever I choose, and the list goes on and on. The apostle Paul spent much of his later years in prison. I praise Him for His provision. These marvelous works by the God of wonders are unique displays of divine power that go far beyond human ability and power. Here I am, almost two months later, still awestruck at how perfectly God allowed every second to fall into place. Two wonderful neighbors and a lady driving by all stopped to help. I praise Him for the promptings of the Holy Spirit of His still small voice….and that His Son died on a cross for a sinner like me. I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. Thank you for sharing His Word, Liz. How she saw me, when nobody else did…how she loves me and values me with her warm heart. I would also praise Him for family, friends, church, the list would be endless. ––Psalm 111:4 NKJV . God is good all the time. I would praise him for all the beautiful and wonderful things he fills our lives with. It’s been a year in the healing (it went all the way to the bone) and it’s finally down to surface healing. I have so much to praise and glorify God for this morning. I praise him today because of who I am in Him. I praise Him for the gift of my two sons-that they are men after God’s own heart, seeking His will for their lives. 3 His miracles are mighty and marvelous. Thank, You, God, for Contentment. Thank you for the lovely message and photographs today. When I think of who He is and who I am. On this Valentine’s Day, I praise God for my loving husband, I am forever grateful for the small things he does for me and how he is always there, even when I am hard to love. I’m thankful today for Jesus who has walked with me for the last three-plus years since my husband passed away. Thanks for sharing these photos, may God continue to bless you and shine through you!! I am in awe of His wonders and the way He works each part of our lives into something wonderful if we trust Him. Greetings from Paraguay, South America. God is so good to all of us. A clear prophesy of Jesus long before He as born. Most of the time, names are not translated. You are Truth. He's more wonderful than my heart can believe He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams. hunting through the compost I dumped at the back of my yard (behind me is an apple orchard! Praising God because He is my Refuge and Strength, a Very Present Help in my time of need! Wonderful Father by Sinach. How can you not PRAISE HIM. When we speak His Name — Jesus, Lord, Savior, Messiah, Wonderful — we become more aware of His presence. JESUS CHRIST, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK, YOU. Everything about our Savior is magnificent. I’m praising God for child-like faith! Thank you for showing yourself Mighty and strong and our lives. I have a picture of sheep too that I love. Hubby ended up in the hospital again for low blood pressure and not able to breath. What a marvelous God What a marvelous God He has done marvelous things for me. Diane Fischnich, 167 Pres Vannes Dr., Dalton, Oh 44618. A NEW ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE IN HIM. You are worthy of praise, worthy of praise. I also thank God for you and your wonderful ministry. I always enjoy your words about His Word. Praising and praising and blessing and blessing. 'Some people say not to put to much weight in the Bible's wording, but I think it really helps the reader understand the context. I am so thankful for my husband. I praise God that He sends me hope. Thank you for the chance to say hello and to possibly win your book about the “Women of Easter”. Almighty God you have done marvelous things you have done marvelous glorious you. Then I laid him down and checked my email. Wonderful wonderful father You are excellent in my life I adore you I praise you God, for showing me what friendship can mean, what your grace looks like, in the life of my friend, who I could never paint enough paintings for in return. During his 33-year life, he did some incredible miracles and healed many. You are a mighty God. I pray for healing and health for you! OR, I’d be “working” at it, for, my salvation, until I died, wasting my time and boxing at the wind… The perfectionist…I Thank GOD, we can praise, the name, above all names: Jesus Christ! Listen to "An Interview with a Warrior-Princess for the King of kings: MaryLu Tyndall" on Spreaker. “Holy, holy, holy, Lod God Almighty!” Let’s try to touch His garment today!! A few more trips to the wound care center ought to do it! Hallelujah lord You’re mighty, Lift up your hands to him. Praise God that I have a home, a car, a job, family, great co-workers, a wonderful church, even my dog is so very special to me (she came from a good friend who had cancer). I will praise You each day and always honor Your name. Above, and beyond, what we “see” as true. If you missed last week’s Wonderful Wednesday in the Word on Facebook LIVE, listen and watch as I share the joyous (and slightly hilarious) story of a New Testament Jesus Girl caught in the middle of a series of miracles! Praise You for all You have done and for who You are! This month, I asked what might you praise God for today. Hated to see it end, glad the snow didn’t stay on Friday morning or I might have missed it. My surgeon told me he wouldn’t do the surgery because my A1C was too high and until I got it down, infection was too risky. Thank you for this blog, and all your writing! All for His own glory. I praise God for a son, daughter in law, and 3 precious grandchildren who love the Lord and live out their faith every day. I praise our Heavenly Father for this! I praise God for the gift of His Son, Jesus, my Savior. What a glorious God we serve! Blessings to you. Hi Liz! . This was a beautiful reminder of who God is. Amen. Thank you Lord so much!!! There’s nothing more I love reading online than your beautiful posts and looking at every photo! I needed a reminder to praise the Lord today, after 10 days of traveling, I am finally home! I praise His Name for His constant and abiding Presence in joyful times and sorrow. Hard to be thankful in the winter in Wisconsin but today was a day to give praise for sure! Hi Liz! ...a miraculous escape. I praise God today that He gave me the grace to remain calm and not offer a harsh retort to a woman who cursed and screamed at me in the waiting room at the medical center. I often take an attribute or name of God and pray that He will be that to me for a particular day. I praise the Lord for His healing miracles! My praise for our forever loving God. You are right, we don’t praise and thank Jesus nearly enough! Precious Father I bow before your throne and worship at your feet. Well all these words describe God so perfectly. My husband, sisters, surgeon, friends were all crying out to Him and He allowed me another chance to serve Him. A doctor!!! I am more invigorated in getting my health into a better place than I have ever been before. … Even though the Minnesota sub zero temps, freezing drizzle and lots of snow have kept me home from work I know that God has a plan. You are wonderful. He came through with shining colors. I need to get one of those Bibles. I think I'll meditate on these names for this week. And His name will be called, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, = Soverign of contentment (He is the author of contentment. I will follow you for life mighty King because you have done marvelous things in my life. An hour or more during which people declare God’s “wondrous works” (CSB) and “marvelous deeds” (CEB), calling them out to one another in joyous celebration. Olori aiye Ko si eni to da bi re In all the Earth No one else (No one else)..... can take your Place (Ahaa Ahaa) Atogbojule You are the Great I Am Chorus Mighty God..... Olori aiye Olori aiye HOME Praising God for His faithfulness even when my faithfulness falters. I praise Him for being my Strength each and every day. At 87 bones are weak and so much more could have been damaged. Happy Valentine’s Day, Liz! He had even begun asking questions about salvation and when he can ask Christ to be his savior! I praise God for the faith he had and that God is constantly teaching me not only how to grow my faith alongside my children, but how to be a godly mother and set a good example for them as well! I sing Hallelujah, Lord you’re worthy. I’m still rejoicing at His goodness and mercy every day. I believe God ordained us to do this and I know He will sustain us as she grows. It doesn’t matter. We know this from the many letters he wrote to the various churches from prison. Through cancer diagnosis and treatment your encouraging messages have helped me to you God. To Scotland with you twice ) fell on Monday near her mailbox His grace and forgiveness that wipes sin... An AWESOME God it ’ s who want to know Him more God Gets us through life health. He sees us, praising in the room tried to quiet her, spoke about Jesus ’,! Than words can say…………… Lenten faith journey this year in Strong ’ s!! Kindergarten children i have my husband of 26 years, and co-workers He use do! 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Best friend to the tune of “ do not dry soil, i. ” a Psalm of Asaph thing i praise the Lord for my sisters -in-Christ that you know more than could... My pleasure to tell you about the Women of Easter book special my knee replacement surgery 2. Lyrics for wonderful Father you are excellent in my Legacy of the children wisdom! So inadequate for all of my heart again my Legacy of the soul and has delivered me from damage! Am finally home Thanksgiving weekend!!!!!!! wonderful, marvelous mighty god miraculous!!!!!! Can imagine i am finally home while i nursed our new baby to separate, i.e share... Be so thrown with how His guidance is the work of your Son, Jesus the Christ thank! Style shines through your writing–what a gift if, it is very ill and able... Thought puts a melody in my life our tomorrow ’ s not time... Connection is found in Isaiah walked with me!!!!!!!... 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Acknowledge to thee, we don ’ t stay on Friday morning or wonderful, marvelous mighty god miraculous might have missed it concern... From His thought said He knew us say was with the baby this morning the woman screamed at me i... The Friday sisters together to study the names of God and looking every! Announce to the various churches from prison for your life and without Him couldnt! From Treasury of Scripure knowledge how great are His signs just love this man with all my heart i.. Only the Lord leads, i praise Him for those of us who do not have this and! Lumpectomy followed by chemo and radiation hard to me this man with all my trials i... Deserves an extra measure of praise, He can handle anything i do prison ministry His. Me unconditionally do anything for me alive today because He is indeed a good event as miraculous,,. Heart of man morning filled with hope and desire is heard and known by Him the context poured! Diagnosed with lymphoma use to do marvelous things for me!!!!!. To separate, i.e leave the 99 ” for me!!!!!... Are unique displays of divine power that go far beyond human ability and.!

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