Following the great deliverance are many lesser deliverances; both temporal and spiritual. THE GOOD, THUS RESTING IN GOD AND APPREHENDING HIS GRACIOUS DESIGN, BEING RENDERED TRANQUIL AND TRIUMPHANT AND INSPIRED WITH HOLY JOY. That is experience. His loving-kindness is better than life.(Homilist. Believers "will to do His will" only by His special grace preventing them; but they do really will, the act of willing is their own. He is not a mere spectator, He is the great agent in bringing these things to pass. Recorded Music Though the fig tree may not blossom (Lara George) This is a gorgeous song about having faith that God will not forget us, and one year, our very talented Elaine Loukes Potter sang it during the offering. Most were based on actual Scripture words, as was 'Scripture in Song - Songs of the Kingdom', which I think originated in New Zealand. (Handley C. G. Moule, M. Theologically sexy. (1) Freedom from eternal punishment. 6. An article explaining the connection of the Fig Tree, Israel and the End Times 5. I have tried never to let anyone go from my presence without a happy word or a bright thought to carry with them. (Sir John Lubbock. 2. Let us, in this spirit, cultivate the habit of holy resolves, as well as holy desires. The Almighty is suited to our capacities; adequate to our necessity; durable as our existence. But it may come, and in one degree or another it will, in every deep Christian experience, whether as personal failure or as a sense of surrounding failure. It is an everlasting joy. Bold professions are founded on the revealed glory of God's faithfulness and all-sufficiency, He is the Almighty God, and His faithfulness is engaged to support the people of His love and care. This song is for you my friend. Then the usual supply of the oil-olive trees is cut off. Let us, in this spirit, cultivate the habit of holy resolves, as well as holy desires. In the perfection of His nature, we rejoice in God. 1. "I will rejoice in the Lord." 4. It is satisfying. 17 Though the fig tree does not bud. Admiration of Divine excellence is the sublimest joy. They are always formed under spiritual influence. I have laughed and told jokes when I could have wept. 4. It is spiritual. As effectually curing the insolence of pride and the follies of prosperity. I do lots of counseling with people having marriage problems. "Yet," forelays the remedy. The will is called up. The supposition. 1. And happiness makes happiness. Micah 7:7 for a rich parallel. Gracious souls have a source of joy, when those of the ungodly are all dried up. To convince us of our entire dependence upon Him for all our temporal enjoyments. Though the fig tree does not blossom And there is no fruit on the vines, Though the yield of the olive fails And the fields produce no food, Though the flock is cut off from the fold And there are no cattle in the stalls, Yet I will [choose to] rejoice in the LORD; I will [choose to] … II. I had nothing I could give but myself, and so I made the resolution that I would never sadden anyone else with my troubles. 09 - But we see Jesus lower than angels. Micah 7:7 for a rich parallel. 2. On the contrary, it is the spring of deepest sympathy with souls, and of love-animated efforts for them. (5) If you can rejoice in God, you shall soon be in a country where neither famine nor scarcity can ever be experienced. Some say personal enjoyment of present salvation is selfish." He knows how even to rejoice in affliction. solves wings and flee away. In God they had swiftness. 1. THE EXERCISE OF A GRACIOUS HEART IN TIMES OF CALAMITY. 2. He will suffer patiently and meekly. The result. 03 - Brethren dwell in unity. But for His interposition, afflictions would have been unmixed evils. I. While bodily bondage is a great evil, spiritual bondage is greater; religion alone imparts to man the charter of freedom — the moment man receives true freedom he is happy, and not before. 2. It is a real joy. )Cheerful spiritsSir John Lubbock.A woman who had had many sorrows and heavy burdens to bear, but who was noted for her cheerful spirits, once said in explanation: "You know, I have had no money. It is always pure. The will is called up. JPS Tanakh 1917. II. When scarcity and want come as a judgment from God, then it is extreme and extraordinary, and beyond the course of nature. While there is a God, and that God is happy, there is no necessity that there should be any unhappy Christians." "The Lord God is my strength." Nothing in the subject should hinder our joy. "He will make me to walk upon mine high places." He will make all things work together for their good. and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen. My friends, once we comprehend and have confidence in this, no troubles: not Covid-19, nor financial crisis, nor the challenges of a generation, can take away the joy we have in Jesus Christ. This isn’t new, though. Only when it is pure. TRUE RELIGION (i.e., ITS DOCTRINES, PROSPECTS, EMOTIONS) DOES IMPART JOY. The soul, outwardly tried and tired, goes to Him who is "my hiding-place," and there is "compassed about with songs of deliverance" (Psalm 32:7).3. Such seasons are designed by Infinite Wisdom to answer some important end. The conditions. And the honour of our profession calleth us to rejoice. 2. II. The prophet supposes a condition in which he will be deprived of the common necessaries of life. Seek to attain clearness concerning your interest in the God of salvation, through union with Christ in effectual calling. 2. On the contrary, it is the spring of deepest sympathy with souls, and of love-animated efforts for them. (Sir John Lubbock. Scripture: Habakkuk 3:16-19; Jeffrey Arthurs Bio. Readings from the Old Testament are an important part of Catholic and Episcopalian ceremonies and often used in other denominations. 2. "They that wait upon God shall renew their strength, and shall mount as on the wings of eagles," etc. Habakkuk supposes the loss of all things, and yet he had unwavering faith in God, and supreme love to God. Such a failure is fearful to contemplate. Be well assured of the solidity of the foundation on which the joys of faith are built. On the Influence of Religion Under Privations and Afflict, Religious Joy Surmounting Temporal Adversity, The Possibilities in the Life of a Good Man, United Prayer for Removal of Temporal Afflictions, United prayer for removal of temporal afflictions, The possibilities in the life of a good man, On the influence of religion under privations and afflict, Religious joy surmounting temporal adversity. It is in the God of salvation that the believer greatly rejoices. (2) You will continue strangers to true happiness, while you remain strangers to the spirit of the prophet. Comp. The soul, outwardly tried and tired, goes to Him who is "my hiding-place," and there is "compassed about with songs of deliverance" (Psalm 32:7). Affliction does not injuriously affect our best interests. Men never break down as long as they can keep cheerful. 1. THE PARTICULAR SEASONS WHEN A TRUE CHRISTIAN CAN REJOICE IN THE LORD. I have always smiled in the face of every misfortune. "I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation." What is it to "joy in God"? Whatever the mind admires it enjoys, and enjoys in proportion to its admiration, whether it be a landscape or a painting. And He makes it manifest that they are His own, by taking them away at His pleasure. THE EXPRESSION ON THE PROPHET'S CONFIDENCE AND JOY. The shadow of Florence Nightingale cured more than her medicines; and if we share the burdens of others, we lighten our own. (1) From human neglect. (3) In such seasons beware now you endeavour to add to your own enjoyments at the expense of any others' comfort. "He will make my feet like hinds' feet." Success is to be sought and prayed for; we are not to ask for the discipline of failure. ADMIRE THE CHEERFUL HOMAGE OF THE PROPHET, AND CONSIDER SOME OF THE PRACTICAL USES OF ADVERSITY. The children of men still have to pass through such dark seasons. The servants of God are often contributors to the common heap of sin that brings down judgments. THE OBJECT OF THE CHRISTIAN'S REJOICING. I myself am happier than I would have been had I sat down and bemoaned my fate." The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, )Christian rejoicingHandley C. G. Moule, M. A.1. He is a King's son, and an heir of heaven. (3)In the amenities of society.But the highest joy we can know is to "joy in the Lord." 1. They are either to preserve or to extricate you from danger. 06 - Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me . The transitory character of suffering is powerfully calculated to sustain the mind under it. 2. You will find that a lot of the great free Christian music on this sight are scripture songs (i.e . 2. "I will rejoice in the Lord." Cheerfulness: — Cheerfulness is a duty we owe to others. Who is the God of salvation? Success is to be sought and prayed for; we are not to ask for the discipline of failure. When the soul is raised to contemplate holy objects. It refers to the present, and includes forgiveness, fellowship, and expectation. I. CHERISH A PROPER SENSE OF THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE AND OUR OWN DEPENDENT STATE. Then suffer the word of exhortation. Picture Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. Some say personal enjoyment of present salvation is selfish." The Desire for Love 1:2 The Beloved to Her Lover: Oh, how I wish you would kiss me passionately! SongSelect is the definitive source for worship song resources. "I will joy in the God of my salvation.". The joy of the wicked ceases when the fig trees cease to blossom, and the vines to yield their fruit (Hosea 2:11, 12), for it lies upon the surface; but the joy of the holy lies deep in the soul, and is a settled and abiding possession, and triumphs under the darkest circumstances of life. I have always smiled in the face of every misfortune. True religion imparts exercise and expectation to the mind. It is only in this character that He is an object of confidence and joy to us. 1. THE EXPOSITION OF THE TEXT. But for the most part afflictions are corrective, and not for purposes of discipline. A DELIGHTFUL EXPECTATION. It will come through our own will when it comes. The reference is here perhaps to the swiftness with which God would enable him to flee from the dangers which were overtaking his country. It will come through our own will when it comes. The highest spiritual joy IN THE MIDST OF THE GREATEST MATERIAL DESTITUTION is possible to a good man. Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. In spite of what verse 17 describes — apparent failure of our efforts for God, or apparent desolation of His cause around us. Some say personal enjoyment of present salvation is selfish." Personal joy compels affectionate work. "Yet." (Sir John Lubbock. They cause a momentary flow of spirits, but they only skim the surface of the heart, and do not take full possession of it. Such resolutions should be formed. And happiness makes happiness. 1. This was not always the case. and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails. The shadow of Florence Nightingale cured more than her medicines; and if we share the burdens of others, we lighten our own. Under its shadow I delighted to sit, ... 13 The fig-tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines in blossom give forth their fragrance. There is an old tradition that a cup of gold is to be found wherever a rainbow touches the earth, and there are some people whose smile, the sound of whose voice, whose very presence, seems like a ray of sunshine, to turn everything they touch into gold. "Although the fig tree," etc. These adverse circumstances befell the nation, and, as the result of the Chaldean invasion, the direst woes had to be experienced. I myself am happier than I would have been had I sat down and bemoaned my fate." The highest subject is God, His attributes and works. The resolve. It is a supernatural joy. Hence the failure of all these indicates the deepest affliction, the direst calamity (Psalm 105:33), and the picture of desolation is rendered still more complete when, in addition to these, the bread corn is represented as ceasing, and the flocks and herds as being cut off (ver. A. The moment a man feels that he is dependent for happiness upon God, he feels desirous to know, love, and please that Being. The privileges of God's people are not temporal, but spiritual. 2. It will come through our own will when it comes. (2) Freedom from the government of depravity. The soul, outwardly tried and tired, goes to Him who is "my hiding-place," and there is "compassed about with songs of deliverance" (Psalm 32:7).3. Though the fig tree should not blossom And there be no fruit on the vines, Though the yield of the olive should fail And the fields produce no food, Though the flock should be cut off from the fold And there be no cattle in the stalls, Yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. 12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. All things have been theirs. (1) temporal want occasioned by reverses in circumstances; (2) slander, charges having no foundation in truth, being made and resulting in mistrust and alienation; (3) mental depression, the strong man being brought down to the weakness of the child, the sturdy oak becoming feebler than the bruised reed; (4) bereavement, home being rendered "desolate as birds' nests, when the fledglings have all flown.". Like Paul they have "gloried in tribulation," etc. THO'THE FIG TREE DOES NOT BLOSSOM AND THERE BE NO FRUIT ON THE VINE THE PRODUCE OF THE OLIVE FAIL AND THE FIELDS YIELD NO FOOD THO' THE FLOCK BE CUT OFF FROM THE FOLD AND THERE BE NO HERD IN THE STALLS YET WILL I REJOICE IN THE LORD YET WILL I REJOICE IN THE LORD I WILL JOY IN THE GOD OF MY SALVATION GOD THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH "Ab" OR "4b". Not selfish sloth. 3. "I will rejoice in the Lord." FORMING RESOLUTIONS TO ABOUND IN THIS JOY. "In God," "the God of my salvation" (ver. 1. I. On its external side the Lord Jesus Christ's work partook of the pain of failure.2. It is not necessary to rob the world of any of its beauty, or to disparage the happiness it is capable of communicating. But in this scenario there are no signs for the future. Please add them in the comments below! A picture called "Cloudland," by a German painter, viewed at a distance appears a mass of gloom and cloud, but on closer inspection every cloud is an angel or an angel's wing; and so our sorrows, when interpreted in the light of this gracious design of our God, become changed into blessings. Perfect and unbounded confidence in God, in the wisdom, power, and mercy of God, must be the ground of all our religious hope. Great calamities afford scope for the development of great principles.Trials, if very heavy, kill little men, but make great ones. What to Do When Your Fig Tree Doesn’t Blossom. Man lives by the fruits of the earth. “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:”. He's swinging on a swing in the school playground. His loving-kindness is better than life.(Homilist. The thought that God is with us in our darkest experiences, working for our salvation and to secure to us the highest good, that the narrow path through which he, our Captain, causes us to fight our way will bring us to "the prize of our high calling," is indeed inspiring, and grasping it we may well press on, raising high our banners, and cheering the way and the conflict with music and song. 3. 10 My beloved spoke, and said to me: “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. They are a symbol of hopes to come. (ver. 2. The resolve. "Rejoice in God." "The Lord God is my strength." In spite of what verse 17 describes — apparent failure of our efforts for God, or apparent desolation of His cause around us. The Christian may rejoice because he knows his afflictions will have a happy issue. To lead us to the exercise of gratitude, when temporal blessings abound, and for the exercise of Christian graces in the hearts of His people. And He is the portion of the believer; a sure portion; an enduring portion; a never-falling portion; an unchangeable portion; and a satisfying portion. 4. It is a joy which this world can neither give nor take away. The conditions. And the very being and substance of these natural helps, carry with it this condition, that they are vanishing and fading. International Standard Version. 02 - Though the fig tree will not blossom. There is self-centeredness on one or both partner’s part, usually with an unwillingness to admit it and change. (1)We may rejoice in the works of God's hand. Moral admiration is enjoyment of the highest kind, and this in proportion to the grandness of the character. II. "I will joy in God. Resting in God and apprehending his loving working in our life experiences, he will prove himself our Strength and Song, and will become our Salvation. 1. )Christian rejoicingHandley C. G. Moule, M. A.1. I myself am happier than I would have been had I sat down and bemoaned my fate." This is a deliverance to the possession of the greatest good.This man has in him the elements of immortality. )Cheerful spiritsSir John Lubbock.A woman who had had many sorrows and heavy burdens to bear, but who was noted for her cheerful spirits, once said in explanation: "You know, I have had no money. The Maidens to the Lover: We will rejoice and delight in you; we will praise your love more th… The HIGHEST SPIRITUAL JOY is possible to a good man. 08 - ? In spite of what verse 17 describes — apparent failure of our efforts for God, or apparent desolation of His cause around us. It is the joy of personal appropriation, of objective pardon and peace — "my salvation." The saints are members of those societies and people who are thus punished. Without the Divine blessing, all men do is ineffectual. These rise in the character according to their subjects. It springs not from the world, but is derived from above. II. I have tried never to let anyone go from my presence without a happy word or a bright thought to carry with them. The thought which appears specially to have been present to the mind of the prophet was that of adversity as being God's loving discipline to result in the perfecting of the tried, and resulting in their salvation: "the God of my salvation." Scripture can be shockingly, sublimely, sensually, sexy. The blossoms on the fig tree and the grapes forming on the vine refer to those things you are trusting for the future. The will is called up. - S.D.H. )Christian rejoicingHandley C. G. Moule, M. A.1. God sometimes vouch safes a special exemption to His Church and children: but the saints have their share and portion in these calamities upon divers reasons. It is foolish to brood over imaginary troubles, and to magnify the evils of life. Since he has been justified by the blood of Jesus, there is no longer any condemnation for him. All music free. There is extremity arising from. The resolve. I. Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I … Download easily transposable chord charts and sheet music plus lyrics for 100,000 songs. The mediation of Christ is the ground of our hope towards God. In God they had elevation. Not selfish sloth. 11 For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The language employed is figurative, and strikingly suggests to us circumstances of the deepest human need. Personal joy compels affectionate work. When does the soul experience it! Such seasons are the consequence of man's sin. None ©1974 Scripture in Song. The will is called up. The fruit of the fig tree was an extensive article both of food and commerce. I had nothing I could give but myself, and so I made the resolution that I would never sadden anyone else with my troubles. II. Good men have always been enabled to do so. "Yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy," etc. It will come through our own will when it comes. It is a joy which is unspeakable and full of glory. 1:3 The fragrance of your colognes is delightful; your name is like the finest perfume. 1. It is the eternal ordination of God, that what man wants from the earth for his existence he must get from it by labour — skilful, timely, persevering labour. III. 10 - … )Cheerful spiritsSir John Lubbock.A woman who had had many sorrows and heavy burdens to bear, but who was noted for her cheerful spirits, once said in explanation: "You know, I have had no money. I have laughed and told jokes when I could have wept. The Jews were a favoured people. This language of hope and joy is a striking contrast to three things —. And happiness makes happiness. Song of Solomon 2:15-17. The vine was diligently cultivated from the earliest times, and, with its rich clusters of grapes and its refreshing shade, became a very appropriate symbol of prosperity; whilst the olive, living from age to age, and yielding an abundant supply of oil, was also typical of abundance. Afflictions in themselves are evil, they make a man morose, unkind, bitter, despairing,, devilish: it is only when applied by God that they become useful to the believer s mind. 2. I have laughed and told jokes when I could have wept. God's displeasure oft breaks out in this kind of judgment. A CHEERFUL RESOLUTION. Comp. A. None: Thou art my God and I will praise Thee; Tony Hopkins ©1972 Scripture in Song. The language and conduct of idolaters. It is the joy of personal appropriation, of objective pardon and peace — "my salvation." It is just a blossom, just a flower, and yet it is a tangible sign that the figs and the grapes are coming. It is, however, a universal truth, that God gives to a good man a holy alacrity in duty. Habakkuk 3:17 (NAS) Though the fig tree should not blossom And there be no fruit on the vines, Though the yield of the olive should fail And the fields produce no food, Though the flock should be cut off from the fold And there be no cattle in the stalls, Got any ideas of your own for any of these readings? Habakkuk 3:17-18 ESV / 63 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Some of the fruits of the earth are for enjoyment, and others for our support. Do we not rejoice in a healer? Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Deuteronomy 28:15-18,30-41 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: …, Jeremiah 14:2-8 Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up…, Joel 1:10-13,16-18 The field is wasted, the land mourneth; for the corn is wasted: the new wine is dried up, the oil languisheth…, Verb - Qal - Imperfect - third person feminine singular, To break forth as a, bud, bloom, to spread, to fly, to flourish, Preposition-b, Article | Noun - common plural, An olive, the tree, the branch, the berry, An action, a transaction, activity, a product, property, Verb - Piel - Perfect - third person masculine singular, Verb - Qal - Perfect - third person masculine singular, To cut down, off, to destroy, divide, exclude, decide, Preposition-b, Article | Noun - masculine plural, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT Prophets: Habakkuk 3:17 For though the fig tree doesn't flourish (Hab Hb). "Although," forecasts the misery. We must not sit down passive, and wait for a sensible impulse. The prophet supposes a condition in which he is deprived of the common luxuries of life. The joys of friendship are amongst the chief joys of earth; but the joys of friendship depend upon the purity, depth, constancy, reciprocity of love; and friendship with God secures all this in the highest degree. There is implied in the adoption of this truth, a firm belief in the superintending providence of God. In God they had strength. When is it enjoyed? For your lovemaking is more delightful than wine. Because it is a joy in God considered as the God of salvation. 1. The enjoyment of God will constitute the happiness of heaven. THE GOOD MAN RECOGNISES THE POSSIBILITY OF A TOTAL FAILURE IN THIS PROVISION. THAT IN THE VERY FACE OF THIS GREAT CALAMITY THE GOOD MAN TRIUMPHANTLY CONFIDES IN GOD. Comp. Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I … There is also implied a well-founded hope of interest in the God of salvation.The doctrine of providence would be a poor substitute to perishing sinners for the grace of the Gospel. 1. II. Joy in God is well grounded, because of what God is now doing for the believer. 3. 3. (3)In the amenities of society.But the highest joy we can know is to "joy in the Lord." 07 - Blessed be the Lord God of Israel. This was an experimental joy. There is an old tradition that a cup of gold is to be found wherever a rainbow touches the earth, and there are some people whose smile, the sound of whose voice, whose very presence, seems like a ray of sunshine, to turn everything they touch into gold. King James Version (KJV) "I will rejoice in God." The Old Testament is filled with beautiful pieces of scripture that talk about love and are popular wedding readings. Joy in God is well grounded, because of what God will yet do for His people. Believers "will to do His will" only by His special grace preventing them; but they do really will, the act of willing is their own. 5. 17). The result. Includes words and scores for public domain hymns. 1. Sin introduced this and every other misery. Deep reality of such trials. To manifest His absolute right over all creatures and things. TO POINT OUT SOME PROPERTIES OF JOY IN GOD. Be not surprised that the word is, "Rejoice evermore." In their production and breeding there is a great deal of uncertainty. He claims them all as His own. 2. Heaven is his future residence, and the universe his estate. "A merry heart is a continual feast to others besides itself." The prophet's ardent soul breathed the trustful language of our text. 2. Habakkuk 3:17-18 ESV / 17 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Personal joy compels affectionate work. Though the fig tree does not blossom ... ©1972 Scripture in Song: Bible Refs: Hab 3:17-19; LIST OF LYRIC SOURCES. If the promises were not believed, the soul would not rejoice. Although the fig-tree shall not blossom, etc. III. 18). 2. We all witnessed these words lived out as Mary was radiant with joy. He has righteousness in Him, and also strength, counsel, provision, and promises. Merciful God! (4) Let the oppressed poor remember to whom vengeance belongeth. It is the joy of personal appropriation, of objective pardon and peace — "my salvation." (Handley C. G. Moule, M. Habakkuk 3:17. In His works of creation, providence, and grace. His loving-kindness is better than life.(Homilist. On the contrary, it is the spring of deepest sympathy with souls, and of love-animated efforts for them. Variety of musical styles. III. 3. Micah 7:7 for a rich parallel. Just as an Altantic billow bears the reeling ship aloft, so does the mighty wave of trouble lift to notice a true son of God. Believers "will to do His will" only by His special grace preventing them; but they do really will, the act of willing is their own. "As thy day, so shall thy strength be.". Here is the low degree of the affliction, and the high degree of the affection. Lyrics. It is secret, "I will rejoice in the Lord"; and when seen, seen only in its effects. Though the fig tree does not bud and no fruit is on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though the sheep are cut off from the fold and no cattle are in the stalls. Believers "will to do His will" only by His special grace preventing them; but they do really will, the act of willing is their own. Deep reality of such trials. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away.” (Song of Solomon 2:10–13) Iain Duguid is Professor of Old Testament at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, and author of several books, including The Whole Armor of God: How Christ’s Victory Strengthens Us for Spiritual Warfare . They may fail from one of two reasons. "Yet." Introduction. Habakkuk 3:17-18 Though the fig tree should not blossom And there be no fruit on the vines, Though the yield of the olive should fail And the fields produce no food, Though the flock should be cut off from the fold And there be no cattle in the stalls, Yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. While the surface problems vary, the root problem is always the same. The failure of the vines is the next calamity. Why should the Christian rejoice in God under affliction? And also in their use. THAT THIS SUBLIME CONFIDENCE IS EXERCISED BY THE GOOD MAN BECAUSE HE HAS EXPERIENCED A GREAT DELIVERANCE. 3. Such resolutions are neither formed nor executed without a conflict. As proving the sincerity of some, and laying bare the treachery and baseness of others. It was in the God of salvation that Habakkuk rejoiced. III. IV. Though the fig tree does not blossom, (T. Hopkins) - Quality music for congregational singing, prepared by church musicians. "A merry heart is a continual feast to others besides itself." Improvements —(1) God can as easily take away the whole of our possessions as part of them. Do we not delight in a deliverer? We can trust the person of God even when we can't grasp the plan of God. To their subjects beloved to her Lover: oh, how I wish you would kiss me!! It intensifies our misery hope ; an experience and an expectation the pen happier! Has in him fig-tree not to ask for the discipline of failure deliverance to mind. Either to preserve or to extricate you from danger music for congregational singing, prepared by church musicians be Lord... 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