Valency. Sidereal day. It is possible that the asteroids are sometimes caught in the gravity fields of large planets; they then become satellites. Such observations indicate that the nebulae are all receding from Earth (and its Galaxy). Brownian movement. The minimum mass of fissionable material that can undergo a self-sustained chain reaction of nuclear fissions, such that the total fissions occur within a very short time. Magellanic clouds. Velocity 186,326 miles per second is considered to be maximum velocity in the universe for any material particle. Time required for a planet to circle its sun. The Eustachian tube, for example, is homologous with the first gill cleft in fishes, having been derived from it by evolution. Named after the Swedish physicist A. J. Angstrom. Shooting star. Essential to health, sometimes to life. Palomar is about 100 million light years away. Instrument that gives direction based on the positions of the stars and is independent of magnetism. Suggested changes/ corrections Ecliptic to Elliptic : (from ellipse. Increase in movement is increase in heat and vice versa. A heavenly body, viewed from Earth, is in opposition when it lies in a direction opposite to that of the Sun. Thermodynamics. Erroneous name for the luminescent phenomena associated with a meteorite. VocabularySpellingCity’s science words lists and learning activities can be integrated into a science curriculum in a number of ways. Sun. Interval between two successive returns of the Sun to the meridian; a variable period, the average of which is the mean solar day. Transistor. Insolation. 230+ F Words, Phrases, Sentences, and Reading Passages. Three space dimensions and the time dimension are continuous components intermingling to form the four dimensional continuum of the everyday world. Momentum. Hydrogen. Increasing velocity is positive acceleration; decreasing velocity is negative acceleration. Researchers are examining the causes of the disaster even as they advocate for rebuilding. A substance which alters the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any change. Long wave radio emissions coming from extended regions of the Milky Way. A deliquescent substance becomes a liquid when exposed  to ordinary air. A subatomic particle of negative charge, with a mass of 9.107X10-28 and a charge of 4.803X10-10 electrostatic units. Used commercially for filling electric bulbs. Aurora borealis. An instrument for timing the transit of celestial bodies and thereby determining their speed. productions that play an important part in regulating bodily functions such as growth. The theory was put forward by Fitzgerald in 1893, and was confirmed by the relativity theory (Einstein, 1905). May be accompanied by tremendous release of energy, or may be calm as in natural radioactive decay. I want waffles for breakfast. Imaginary property caused by the effect of electromagnetic waves on the retina. A decrease in the electronic charge gives a positive ion; an increase gives a negative ion. Illumination. The energy possessed by a body solely by virtue of its motion. Minimum distance between two points on a sphere. phase. A principle resulting from the theory of relativity which states that the total mass and energy times the velocity of light is constant for any coordinate system. A list of words that start with S (words with the prefix S). An instrument consisting of a coaxial cylindrical metallic cathode surrounding a wire anode. 1). Eclipses are such. It’s a fun and easy way to think about and talk about the F-words. Ontogeny. Light year. pipette. Distance represented by a parallax of one second of arc. Friction. A theoretical black body is completely athermant, i.e., absorbs all the radiant heat that falls upon it. Falling star. Dyne. Instrument for generating radio waves in the centimetre range. Lightest substance known. F Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Fall guy. It is just visible to the naked eye. Period of time equivalent to 1/86,164.10 sidereal day. The circle which the plane of the Earth’s equator makes on meeting the Celestial Sphere. A conception arising from the relativity theory in which the former ideas of the independence of three-dimensional space and one-dimensional space-time continuum. Fair exchange is no robbery. A list of more than sixty positive words starting with the letter F. Fantasize, Freedom, Friendship, Fellow, Forgiveness, Flow, Flexible, Fabulous, Fortune.. Has a year of 11.86 Earth years. Achromatic. Numerically, 3.14. Acceleration. As promised here are the words for your unlimited use.. A class of fossil reptiles which lived during the mesozoic era. An alternating series of antimony and bismuth rods that generate current when the junctions are heated, and so may be used as a radiant heat thermometer. 529. The point on the Earth’s orbit where it is at greatest distance from the Sun. Mars. For kindergarten science, there are 85 motion vocabulary words organized in 9 lists. Internal friction in a fluid restricting motion within itself. Rocket. Vacuum. Fundamentally is one word that starts with the letter F. Hope this helps :) Instrument that divides a light beam and then reunites it to form an interference pattern. Cosmic rays. Since all reactions in the universe are fundamentally irreversible, total universal entropy is increasing. Nylon. Diatomic. The ability of an animal or plant to resist infection by parasites (e.g., viruses, bacteria, fungi). Unit of brightness, found when a perfectly diffusing surface emits or reflects one lumen per square centimetre. research. Science is a 7 letter medium Word starting with S and ending with E. Below are Total 35 words made out of this word. The total weight of a neutral atom relative to the atomic weight of oxygen, which is taken as 16.00. Chris. Corona. The ratio of the distance traversed by a moving body to the time taken to traverse it, irrespective of direction. aluminum. Albedo. These words are known as boolean operators because of their origin as terms in logic. Chromosphere. The property of substances such as quinine sulphate to absorb light (or other electromagnetic radiation) of one colour (or wavelength) and to emit light of another colour (or wavelength) at the same time or later. Equal to the velocity divided by the wavelength. Thanks for the list quite helpful. It's due tomorrow! Solar day. Wilson can measure the angle that a pinhead in London would subtend at Carlisle. Light pressure. We stand at its centre. Magnetism that lasts only so long as the magnetized body remains in a magnetic field. Dispersion. Time required for the Sun apparently to revolve once on its own axis, relative to the fixed stars. No. Ohm. The unit of measurement for electromagnetic waves includes meters (m), frequency (f) and hertz (Hz). Definitions of words meaning sciences: ology words. Statistics. We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with s - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with S.In addition there is a list of Words that end with s, words that contain s.. Search for words that start with a letter or word: pH. harmony in thirds and sixths. Copyright 2021 Vocabulary University ®. All Rights Reserved. Rate of change of velocity. Harvest Moon. Nebulae. Thermocouple. Sound. f loccinaucinihilipilification. Equinox. Mars’ smallest moon; five miles in diameter. The law obeyed by gravity, light intensity, electric field discharge, etc. Any substance that tends to absorb water from the air is hygroscopic. Energy possessed by a sub-atomic particle by virtue of its revolution about its own axis. 17,180 binaries have been listed. Think of it as starting up your computer. Rest mass. Stereochemistry. Product of mass and velocity. Commutator. The line joining a planet with the centre of its orbital area. Phenomenon whereby a force acts on a body in such a way that motion results. Hermes is only one mile in diameter. An imaginary sphere on which the heavenly bodies are supposed to lie. Lamarckism. face-cord. Deport. Temporary magnetism. Find a Rock or Mineral Word for Each Letter See if you can think of and write down a rock or mineral for each letter of the alphabet. A hazy cloud of gas with a bright nucleus and a faint tail, moving under the Sun’s attraction in a highly eccentric orbit. Celestial equator. Simply, it means that matter and energy are interconvertible and cannot be either created or destroyed. Synonymous with asteroid, a small celestial body orbiting the Sun, not a planet. Diathermancy. Sky wave. Electromagnetic waves of length from 5X10-7 to 6X10-10 cm, produced when matter is bombarded by cathode rays. A. Adobe; Acrobat; Algorithm; AMD; Android; API; Apple; Application; Analog; B. This states that both the position and momentum of a particle cannot be accurately determined at the same time, due to the fundamental waviform character of matter. The oscillations which cause the edge of the disc to be alternately visible and invisible. Conservation of energy and mass. The essential character of magnetism is thought to lie in the regular end-to-end arrangement of the molecular aggregates in the body. Brian Busby on Canadian Literature, John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera, Recto / Verso - Rare and Unusual images from F. A. Bernett Books. Condenser. Final F Phrases and Sentences. Constant velocity finally reached by a body moving through a resisting medium under constant force. The scientific study of phenomena involving heat changes. Clusters. This principle has been extended to the nebulae, which appear to give off a redder (i.e. Tensor. Joule. Developmental equivalents. Geodesic. Words starting with SCIENCE: Find the complete word list here. Zodiac. Exploding remains of a supernova that was observed by Chinese astronomers in A.D. 1054. That part of the celestial sphere that contains the paths of Sun, Moon and planets. A curve resulting when a cone is cut along a plane that makes a larger angle with the base than that made by the side of the cone. Electron microscope. Hygroscopic. In the colonisation of barren areas, lichens are the first plants to gain a foothold and prepare the soil for more complex vegetation. The phenomenon obtained when mixed electromagnetic waves are separated into constituent wavelengths, each wavelength giving a separate image. At C you will find Cybernetics and at B Betelgeuse... Absolute. Meson. Zwitterion (n) a molecule or ion having separate positive and negative charged groups. An apparatus for converting changes in incident light into electrical impulses. Gravity. A stony meteorite, as distinct from a metallic one. A means of changing the frequency of an alternating current. The words of a language We have collected almost all the words related to Science and listed them here for your reference. Thermion. The particular form that energy takes depends on the characteristics of the system in which it is produced. The phenomen of the return to the liquid state of a substance that has become vaporized. Aerolite. Since circle area is computed in terms of the inexact constant pi, it is impossible to construct such a circle. Sun-spots. An independent source of light is essential. The point at which the Sun is in greatest declination. To see The Solar System, Eclipse and Science vocabulary vocabulary word lists, please go to the home page for word games, interactive worksheets, word puzzles and themed content that align with Common Core Standards. Pentode. Tanget. Thanks for the list quite helpful. Cosmic dust. Antonym, conjunction. He won a trophy for his science project. Encourage your child to learn letter sounds by practicing saying the name of the picture and tracing the uppercase and lowercase letter F in this printable worksheet. On an angle, the length of the perpendicular divided by the base of a right-angled triangle–giving the tangent of the opposite base angle. Ceolostat. Applied to optical apparatus which gives images free from colored fringes. Write an uppercase F and a lowercase f on the board. Use up to two "?" Electrical unit of work, done by a current of one ampere flowing for one second through a resistance of one ohm. A Aa: Hawaiian term used to describe a lava flow whose surface is broken into rough angular fragments. and 7X10-5cm. Diurnal. Neutrino. Unit of electrical resistance in which energy is used at the rate of one watt by the flow of one absolute ampere of current. Independent of all scale and comparisons. Term applied to phenomena occurring within the atom, and to particles therein. A. lenses have one sense of crown glass and one of flint glass. The brightest star near the Pleiades. The layer of Earth’s atmosphere roughly seven miles up. Second. Instrument for accelerating electrons or other charged particles by dragging them magnetically between two hollow semi-circular electrodes. A theoretical state in which space contains no matter. The thinness gradually increases until no atoms are detectable in any reasonable sample. fabiform. Neutron. Failing to plan is planning to fail. (From ‘goes’ meaning Earth.) The ‘wave’ however is not regarded as having a real existence, since this would entail a multidimensional hyperspace. Also means an eye-socket. Streams of fast-moving electrons and positrons, of much greater penetrating power than alpha rays. Faith will move mountains . Words That Start With F F is for fun in this alphabet coloring page featuring a beach day between friends. It has two basic axioms: (a) that the velocity of light is constant for all observers, and (b) that natural laws operate in the same way for all observers, and (b) that natural laws operate in the same way for all observers. Lambert. Hormones. » Merriam … Time required for the radioactive decay of one half of any mass of a radioactive element. Satellite. All large bodies, such as planets and stars, possess magnetism. The star it came from had a luminosity equivalent to 30 millions of our Sun! Infrared, radio waves, microwaves, gamma rays, X-rays are forms of electromagnetic radiations that are detected by specific instruments. Spectrum obtained by examination of light coming from an actual source (i.e., not reflected light). (2) Heat cannot be transferred continuously from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature. Mostly protons, but also some electrons and a few heavy atomic nuclei–up to the atomic weight of iron. The property of picking up water from the environment and dissolving in it. Alphabetical-All Subject & Themed Puzzles, Abolish, Adventure, Affect, Alchemy, Alignment, Allegory, Alliance, Alteration, Alternatives, Animation, Anti-utopia, Appeal, Atmosphere, Atomic, Automation, Cause, Change, Characterization, Characters, Chemical, Cinema, Civilize, Cliffhanger, Clone, Comments, Concepts, Conductivity, Creativity, Creatures, Culture, Cyborgs, Danger, Death, Deed, Dense, Development, Discovery, Disease, Distant, Disturbance, Document, Dreamer, Drugs, Earth, Eerie, Effects, Enemy, Energy, Envision, Episode, Events, Evidence, Experiment, Experimental, Explanation, Exploration, Explosion, Exposure, Extreme, Fantastic, Fantasy, Far-fetched, Fighting, Films, Fire, Fireball, Flames, Force, Force field, Function, Fundamental, Futuristic, Galaxy, Gale, Glimpses, Gothic, Gravitation, Hallucinate, Herbs, Hobby, Holographic, Horror, Hypnosis, Hypothesis, Ideal, Identical, Identification, Illegal, Illness, Illusion, Imaginary, Imagination, Increase, Inexplicable, Influences, Inhabitant, Interpret, Investigation, Magic, Magnetism, Manuscript, Marvel, Marvelous, Meteors, Microbe, Miraculous, Mistakes, Monstrous, Moon, Motion, Movies, Murky, Mysterious, Myth, Oasis, Observation, Odd, Option, Oracle, Order, Organize, Paralysis, Particle, Personality, Pestilence, Physical, Planet, Pleasure, Politics, Popular, Population, Potential, Potion, Prediction, Prehistoric, Preserve, Pressure, Probe, Problem, Product, Pulp, Purpose, Quantity, Queasy, Quest, Questions, Quirk, Reaction, Realistic, Reality, Recovery, Revolutionary, Righteous, Robots, Safety, Salvation, Scare, Scenario, Scope, Security, Senses, Sequence, Situation, Sounds, Space, Space station, Speculative, Speed of light, Spirit, Stage, Stark, Stars, Strange, Suspense, Synthetic, Tale, Technology, Temperature, Tense, Theoretical, Theory, Time, Time travel, Token, Trap, Travel, Undercurrent, Unexplainable, Unification, Unique, Universe, Unleash, Unmanned, Urge, Utopia, Vacuum, Victim, Violence, Virtual, Voyage, Wary, Weird, Whole, Wily, Winged, Wisdom, World. An instrument used for the study of alpha, beta, gamma and x-rays, in which the rays are passed through a vessel supersaturated with water vapour, leaving tracks of water droplets caused by ionisation. Change from one stationary state to another is accompanied by emission or absorption of energy. Zygote (n) the cell resulting from the union of … Entropy cannot decrease but must either remain constant for any particular system or must increase. Occultation. Dark nebula. Atmosphere. Heterodyne. Watt. Complementary colours. asteroid. Neptune. Plutonium. Molecular kinetic energy constitutes heat. Nadir. Your 14 page Career Interest Report will provide a list of specific matching careers. Artificial radioactivity. Temperature is a measurement of this in degree of molecular movement. 'When found, make a note of.' The average acceleration of any body falling to Earth in a vacuum is 32 feet per second per second. Atom. Effective energy produced in a nuclear reaction expressed in terms of millions of electron volts. The nearest galaxy to our own lies in Andromeda and is 750,000 light years away. Constructive process: a process or force that builds up features of the earth, like volcanos creating islands 2. Absolute zero: the lowest possible temperature. Jots. The point on a planet’s orbit at which it is nearest Earth. An instrument consisting of a mirror mounted so that it turns on an axis parallel to the Earth’s. Examples: calcium chloride, lime, silica gel. Instrument for the periodic illumination of stationary, rotating or vibrating bodies at the same frequency as the body is moving, thus making the bodies appear non-moving. A supergiant red star in the constellation of Orion. Collection of stars–such as the Pleiades–forming a fairly compact mass outside the Milky Way. Jots. A measure of the power of combination of an atom or radical expressed as the number of hydrogen atoms that an atom or radicle can combine with or replace. Magnetron. Thermionic valve containing two electrodes in the form of anode and cathode. One ten thousandth of a micron. Streptomycin. Absolute Date: An estimate of the true age of a mineral or rock based on the rate of decay of radioactive minerals. There are two such positions, one at each end of an elipse. (2) The radius vector joining each planet with the Sun describes equal areas in equal times. The atomic bomb contains two pieces of fissionable material that are hurled together to make critical mass at the moment of explosion. The single force identical in effect with the effect of several co-acting forces. 22-letter words that start with f. f luorotrichloromethane. Any body in line with the Sun and the Earth is in conjunction. Thanks for the list quite helpful. is a user-supported site. Face the music. The angle that the meridian and the vertical circle through a celestial body make with the zenith, measured as an arc on the horizon. In the opposite direction to the Sun, it is in opposition. Planck’s constant. About 10,000 years ago. Temperature rises as kinetic energy increases. Fair to Midland. The process of drying; removal of water. Symbiotic association of an alga and a fungus to form one effective plant, which is able to live under extremely arduous conditions. Resultant. Cloud chamber. For nearly 60 years, the telescope stood at the vanguard of astronomy, planetary science, and atmospheric science. Our digestive juices are catalysts produced by living cells. Normally the extrusion product of a condensed polymerisation of adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine. A hard aluminium containing 4 per cent copper and traces of manganese, magnesium and silicon. Triode. Nova. A material object cannot be properly described without mention of its time position. in air)–not to sounds that have higher than audible frequency (ultrasonics). Two star masses to one side of this galaxy and probably independent of it. A system for obtaining theoretical inferences from examination of numerical experimental data. Stationary state. Passage of a celestial body across the meridian. A quantal condition where only certain energy levels are permissible. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. A physical phenomenon that cannot be defined exactly unless a direction is included in the definition. 1a : oval. 6.624X10-27 erg.sec. lower frequency) light than they would if they maintained the same position relative to Earth. Half-life. Radioactivity induced by the bombardment of normally stable substance with charged particles of high energy or with neutrons. Acre-foot: The volume of water required to cover one acre of land to a depth of one (1) foot. An apparatus for the conversion of an alternating current to a direct current. Deuterium. The Moon’s albedo is 7%; that of Venus 65%. A state in which opposing forces are exactly balanced. Either galaxies or the stuff that galaxies are made of. They furnish far more knowledge of stellar physics than any single star could do and are under very active observation–although over a hundred years must pass before the collection of certain relevant data can be completed. An inert gas, present in the atmosphere to the extent of 0.8%. Individual spectrum produced when an element is bombarded by cathode rays. 23-letter words that start with f. f ibrolymphangioblastoma. Science Total Number of words made out of Science = 35 Science is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 11 points. annual. Streams of high-velocity Helium nuclei, composed of two protons (alpha particles) emitted from radioactive elements. Device in which the motive power comes from the internal recoil produced by internal combustion. Dielectric. Point on the celestial sphere that is immediately above the observer. Facts, Data,Trivia, Ephemera, Knowledge from any source - Letters, Diaries, Manuscripts, Journals, Notebooks, Recipes, Anecdotes, Reports, Art, Files, Snapshots, Documents, Formulas, Catalogues, Press cuttings, Memoirs, Trouvailles, Tales, Travel Diaries, Eyewitness accounts ('I was there'), 'I once met...', Quotations,Earwitnesses, Found Objects & Total Trivia. Science Total Number of words made out of Science = 35 Science is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 11 points. A few heavy atomic nuclei–up to the amount that falls on it mass by breaking up of fungus. In incident light into separate wave bands, as in natural radioactive decay of one dyne over. 7 % ; that of fish and they lived in salt water and ending with E. are! 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