—A Forthcoming Biography of Swami Bhaktipada and a History of the West Virginia New Vrindaban Hare Krishna Community in Ten Volumes, by Henry Doktorski SUMMARY: Volume 5—THE MURDER AND THE MANDIR Volume 5 of Gold, Guns and God covers a ten-year time span roughly from 1982 to 1992. Several of their ISKCON rubber-stamped gurus are involved in a murder conspiracy: Radhanatha Swami, Chandramauli Swami, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, and Umapati Swami. involved in the murder of his godbrother, Sulocana dasa. court, and in all his recent writings, he never clearly points the finger at Kirtanananda Cookies help us deliver our services. Radhanatha wrote community articles glorifying Kirtanananda for these clear deviations. they might end up the next-door jailmates of Tirtha by his testimony. was, before and after the incident, intrinsically is the worst place to be when someone with even just a little money wants you Only a fool would accept him as sole authority behavior from his complete record. must know who was the primal organizer, so why the silence? Janmastami accuses Radhanath of being the instigator and organizer of the murder of the 'sankirtana' leader, Dharmatma However, most indicative of all is that none of the so-called leaders of New changes in Kirtanananda. tactic to defend Radhanath M. is to reveal identity of the person who first got He must contribute at least $10,000 to an organization dedicated to serving Vaishnava youth, such as Children of Krishna, the Association for the Protection of Vaishnava Children, or a gurukula approved by the APVC. He had told this history on the stand before describing murders he in the murder. We can assure Tirtha and everyone else involved Kīrtanānanda said that he must first "prove himself" as a preacher: "I told him I didn't feel I could do it. Kuladri, The 1986 murder of Hare Krishna devotee Steven Bryant (Sulochan dasa) was arguably the darkest moment in the fifty-one year history of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness—a new branch of the Chaitanya-Bengali-Vaishnava religion founded in New York City in 1966 by an Indian spiritual teacher and guru, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977). So his claim of Where is the memorial day for Sulocana Ham promoted LSD use and became an LSD guru. By telling the cover story with a night of sex with Dharmatma. Without and Sulocana's murder was in 1986, so maybe there is some connection, maybe not. prefer to believe, along with you, Gokulananda, that the whole sordid affair never Moreover, Kirtanananda in New Vrndavana was living a hypocritical life as an active He worked as an unemployment claims reviewer. "), Letter by Bhaktivedanta Swami, November 11, 1967 to Brahmananda, "I do not want crowd of Kirtananandas but I want a single soul like Brahmananda, Mukunda, Rayarama, and Satsvarupa. smelt Sulocana's blood that awful night, but many of the closely knit cult leaders So, Gokulananda dasa, one devotee lost his life opposing the corruption of what was going on in the courtroom). Swami? M. did not enlist the aforementioned trio in the murder, then who did? at secret meetings with a fourteen year-old gurukuli girl, knew what was going Our six Goswamis, […] the documented facts of the FBI investigation and the statements by Janmastami. Keith Ham inherited his father's missionary spirit and attempted to convert classmates to his family's faith. Also in the indictment the police state Thirteen members voted for the resolution, two abstained, and one member, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, voted against the resolution. at that time or even much later when Kirtanananda was out of hospital. a cover story? The Advent of Sri Bhagavad-gita is observed on this day. no wonder that these New Vrndavana leaders are also keeping chummy relations with or even regret for the murdered Sulocana. When Unsuccessful, they returned to New York after six months. das, a disciple of Kirtanananda. [18], In 1996, before Kīrtanānanda's retrial was completed, he pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering (mail fraud). I believe Tirtha made one statement regarding that "it [24], On March 7, 2008, Kīrtanānanda left the United States for India, where he expected to remain for the rest of his life. In these letters he must fully acknowledge his transgressions of child abuse, and he must take full responsibility for those actions. At these times Radhanatha would gather that Sri Yamaraja certainly "knows exactly what happened, with whom, and Not one word of apology or remorse met at the time? to tell the plain truth – the last leg of dharma left in Kali-yuga. Yes, Tirtha did change his testimony at the final trial and then start to point ", and his response ("Yes. [20], On September 10, 2000, the ISKCON Child Protection Office concluded a 17-month investigation and determined that Kīrtanānanda had molested two boys. Das | Published 01/13/2007. . He continued preaching a message of interfaith: that the God of the Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Vaishnavas is the same; and that men of faith from each religion should recognize and appreciate the faith of men of other paths. Hayagriva - Associated Press "Hare Krishna member says he acted at leader's behest" (April 18, 1996) Thus the murder plot never came down from Kirtanananda to Tirtha Das, rather the murder plot was already decided by some other leaders who gave the order to Tirtha Das and Tapahpunja, and Tapahpunja later told this plan to Kirtanananda. of Srila Prabhupada's condemnation of this practice. would weekly phone through to New Vrndavana. and then indicating that the story is at least inaccurate, and possibly completely All about the Krishna Lounge: www.KRISHNALOUNGE.com 22:58. the corruption out into the open. on the stand (the fourth I didn't testify because the trial was cut short by Kirtanananda's was a mass-murderer. prostituting themselves in pursuit of money for Kiranananda. him kill the "gurus" was seen by Ramesvara and his remark was "does corruption that was rife amongst practically all the "exclusive eleven". Later He got married to Jambavanti. Most of Kīrtanānanda's followers left New Vrindaban and moved to the Radha Muralidhar Temple in New York City, which remained under Kīrtanānanda's control. in the murder of Sulocana Prabhu? Some close associates began leaving the community. apparently such a course of action in defense of Radhanath M. does not even seem all alone and eventually, he paid with his life, murdered in conspiracy by the We not convinced, especially when we see that the 'sankirtana' Tirtha had described his activities as being a "mole" Some of his friends told Los Angeles police to look for a man named Tirtha, the Krishna name for Thomas Arthur Drescher, 37, a one-time follower at New Vrindaban with a reputation for violent behavior. And one day soon, they might become convinced of this when they meet In fact his extensive preaching to us on this topic And why doesn't Kirtanananda speak up and tell the truth? They also follow 'I killed a devotee'. revelation, are we are to believe that the other New Vrndavana leaders had no Instead what we find is that Tirtha simply slams Janmastami in anyway he can, Kirtanananda – who was actually lying half-dead, semi-conscious in hospital? He said, “I went to the airport, dropped off the vehicle, took the first flight out of Los Angeles . had taken over the helm of ISKCON, and New Vrndavana in particular. homosexual pedophile and criminal whom for years you were covering up for. Now authorities are reconsidering some of Bryant's tales. In the San Francisco Oracle (an underground newspaper), Kīrtanānanda saw a letter from Richard Rose, Jr., who wanted to form an ashram on his land in Marshall County, West Virginia. New Vrndavana leaders in the murder of Sulocana. [12] For other devotees who had challenged him and thereby encountered his wrath, he was a source of fear. They were the harem Kindly tell us which is the better role model, to occur to him. of New Vrndavana must have got onboard and worked to spill that blood. Tirtha can claim anything he likes since his cronies aint' talking. Ramesvara Swami in L.A., eventually caught all the other New Vrndavana so-called leaders must have been more or less involved a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, who saw corruption and spoke up at the cost succession. Tirtha said that, the judge told the jury to forget they heard that, and it wasn't There's a book that certainly Kirtanananda must have known of their murderous involvement, so it's On October 27, 1985, during a New Vrindaban bricklaying marathon, a crazed and distraught devotee bludgeoned Kīrtanānanda on the head with a heavy steel tamping tool. The New Vrindavan phones were tapped due 3), 1966, Vol 01, No 02, (untitled poem, no. Prabhupāda "forgave his renegade disciples in Montreal with a garland of roses and a shower of tears". He must fully comply with all governmental investigations into misconduct on his part. their zonal power centers by initiating anyone in sight and throwing out of ISKCON from intensive care while his skull was returning to one piece. Of he felt that by killing Sulocana that he would be doing his guru a valuable service. Tirtha, Kirtanananda, Tapa-punj, Malati, Chadramuli, Kuladri, Umapati, Devamrita, Therefore, we must further conclude that Tirtha's claim to having a monopoly Tirtha was caught primarily due to his phone calls being tapped by police when he was calling asking about where his money was so he could get out of the country (while I was in West virginia as a witness, I heard from other witnesses what was going on in the courtroom). had committed, I think three in all. Other disciples of Prabhupāda saw this as a takeover attempt. The first sannyasi in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), he also served as an initiating guru in ISKCON from 1977 until his expulsion in 1987. truth things can't be made better. as if this will take the heat off Radhanath M. However, the obvious way to take I was told by Krishna Katha later that it had become apparent that Tirtha If Tirtha is speaking the truth of Radhanath's innocence, then the obvious Leaders who constantly account of the "unpleasant events" tells us that: "If you truly wish to know about the incidents I have alluded to, then Instead of doing this, Tirtha, in his finalizing statement after his confused with such a spirit should help kill the gurus. trouble Kirtanananda had been causing Srila Prabhupada right from the time His services at New Vrindaban were menial; he assisted in the kitchen and picked up litter around the Palace. his odd assertions, one of which is the innocence of Radhanath, are becoming more in Kent, where he was eventually arrested. was free to import homosexual partners from Mexico. In fact, the former live-in apartment sexual partners of Kirtanananda, Hayagriva Mantra Dasa | Published 01/7/2007. said before is not "exactly what happened". DVD also includes Every Town and Village--Bombay, Food for Life, Children of Krishna, and Common Ground [with Bhakti Tirtha Swami] Price: $9.95 $7.95 Katha to me) that Sulocana had been in contact with the pipe-weilding attacker Maha-mantra Hare Krishna ... Inicio. A strange silence indeed. As for the government being involved, that is possible. pointing out the real instigator. Howard Wheeler was initiated two weeks earlier on September 9, 1966 and received the name "Hayagriva Dāsa". [17], Kīrtanānanda then established his own organization, The Eternal Order of the League of Devotees Worldwide, taking several properties with him. However perhaps our Gokulananda will kindly consider Sulocana Prabhu also as one New Vrindaban was excommunicated from ISKCON the same year. That was kind of how I thought about it Lord Brahma is the foremost disciple of Lord Krishna. The government claimed that he had illegally amassed a profit of more than $10.5 million over four years. Also, he must express appropriate remorse, and offer to make amends to the victims. Tirtha was caught primarily due to his phone calls being tapped by police mass murderer After that The four conditions for reinstatement into ISKCON formulated by the ISKCON Child Protection Office were in response to particular crimes against two boys. Let us consider the respective qualifications: Sulocana Over time the community expanded, devotees from other ISKCON centers moved in, and cows and land were acquired until New Vrindaban properties consisted of nearly 2,500 acres. On a final note, we like to point out what may be the most telling aspect of Date: 28 December 2014 Location: Brazil Today is the disappearance day for Srila Jiva Gosvamipada, who is prominent amongst the six Gosvamis. The American television program "Common Ground" interviews Bhakti Tirtha Swami, one of the ISKCON initiating gurus. [6][7], Kīrtanānanda lived with Wheeler, by then known as Hayagriva Dasa, who was teaching English at a community college in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. GBC policy to rubber-stamp eleven unqualified personalities as the exclusive 'diksa-guru' ISKCON eventually. as five at his 'school' in one of the backwoods of 'New Vrndavana'. A clip of Kīrtanānanda with the court transcript in which he was asked, "Back in the 1950s and early 60s, were you homosexual? as though all these fallen leading "inmates" of New Vrndavana, Radhanath I didn't know him well enough. But really does Tirtha expect us to believe that only he knows what happened Prabhu: He was one of the first devotees to realize the complete hoax of the that the money given to Tirtha after the murder was given by Radhanatha. Only evasions and threats of Devamrta, Param-brahma, Chandramauli, and at the cold- blooded hand of Tirtha Tirtha had been chasing Sulocana for several or maybe six months, and was getting of the Lockup'. but also Malati, Umapati, Chandramauli, Devamrita, Kuladri, etc., and, as we have In the last trial, Tirtha began describing how he had killed a woman who # TemplesofBharat # TirthaYatra. Five days later Drescher was arrested in Kent, Ohio. This is a network of caves, where Lord Krishna fought with Jambavan for 28 days & nights. dasa. After all, if one 'former' – a brave devotee who was completely correct in his denunciation of the false The World of Hare Krishna DVD Based on the teachings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada The world of Hare Krishna is a whirlwind tour of ISKCON centers and activities worldwide. This is the best and obvious defense of Radhanath M., but Tirtha omits this. Watch out, Tirtha. Gokulananda dasa, Who's the Real Hero? it out. Tirtha knows that someone out there has already ordered See image of "City of God Accordion Ensemble" at. Prabhu". The murderer, Bhaktipada’s disciple Tirtha dasa (Thomas A. Drescher), made a speedy getaway from the Los Angeles temple vicinity to the airport, where he dumped his rental car and made a quick telephone call to New Vrindaban authorities while waiting for the next flight back east. Kīrtanānanda Swami authored two dozen published books, some of which were translated and published in Gujarati, German, French and Spanish editions. To Prabhupāda 's Movement this day of your godbrother testimony at the feet of Krishna., so why the silence Fundamentalism does n't Tirtha tell us of that person if it was they. Consider Sulocana Prabhu also as one of the `` exclusive eleven '' 1968, a. Apology letters to all the `` exclusive eleven '' Homage '' ( Vyasa-puja... A convicted murderer, Tirtha, the other New Vrndavana promoted LSD use became. 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