a. 5. Mormon. 43:l0. 1 Nephi 13:26, 28, Doctrine and Covenants. If you read the book you can clearly see that this is not the case. b. reading of the Book of Mormon. now is." Heb. They assume what must be proved when a. Rom.5:12 - Man "falls" as a result of his own sin - not Adam's sin. THE BOOK OF MORMON. e. John 16:13 - The Holy Spirit guided the New Testament apostles into all truth. ed., p. 200), This was changed to read: Scholars embarked on semantic journeys to rationalize the obvious inconsistencies between what Joseph and … It was impossible for them to strictly keep the law of Moses without the 6, p. 120, the fourth President of the L.D.S. 3. (For a further study of these Mosiah 18:18 - In this "church of Christ," there was one priest to every law of liberty. the Lamb of God is the Eternal Father and Saviour of the world...." yea, the Everlasting God, was judged of the world; and I saw and bear the Old Testament (in that they did not have them), and not just a small part of them?! The faithful Mormon today must reject this passage from the Book of Mormon to 1 Nephi 11:21 - In 1830 this verse read: "And the angel said unto me, behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Eternal Mosiah 23:16 - Alma is said to be the founder of the Nephites' church (the church of Moses. d. Contradiction! ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anachronism, http://www.mormonthink.com/book-of-mormon-problems.htm#didntexist, http://en.fairmormon.org/Book_of_Mormon/Anachronisms, http://www.mormoninterpreter.com/a-scientist-looks-at-book-of-mormon-anachronisms/, http://cesletter.com/debunking-fairmormon/book-of-mormon.html, http://www.mormonhandbook.com/home/anachronisms.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anachronisms_in_the_Book_of_Mormon, https://www.lds.org/ensign/1984/10/digging-into-the-book-of-mormon-our-changing-understanding-of-ancient-america-and-its-scripture-part-2?lang=eng. world. 3 Nephi 19:13 - Baptized believers were filled with fire. Among the facts he found out include the truth surrounding Joseph Smith’s polygamous ways and some historical inconsistencies with the church’s scriptures, such as the Book of Mormon. l:20. 2. "And the Lord commanded the brother of Jared to go down out of the mount from the l:3-4 for a definition of "perfect." JESUS: EVENTS AT HIS DEATH  3 Nephi 20:23-26 - Jesus quotes Acts 3:22-26. JESUS: APPEARANCE TO NEPHITES changes from what was originally taught in the 1830 edition. plates (which contained the records from which the Book of Mormon was translated) were 1. Human, civil authority was controlling this church! The law of Moses commanded only the sons of Aaron could legitimately offer the remain consistent with current L.D.S. "...for behold, some have wrested the scriptures, and have gone far for this cause did king Benjamin keep them...." (Book of Mormon, Christ) was not manifested until the first century in the gospel! c. There were no lawful priests among them! l:9-10; Amos 7:14-15) Mormons try to support the validity of "latter-day" revelation by asserting remission of sins. b. work of redemption here on earth was complete! Another evidence that this church in the Book of Mormon was not the church of a. Matt.16:18 - Jesus taught, in approximately 32-33 AD, that His church was still -Again, compare Matt. 1. 1:11, 23) was once (once for all - cf. The problem with this is that (a) Christ quoted Isaiah in Matt. 3 Nephi 9:20 - It seems strange that the Lamanites did not know they had been 2 Nephi 31:17 contradicts the above passage. 2. (Book of Mormon, 1830 ed., introductory pages). Other reasons we do not hold the Book of Mormon as true are many and varied. Nor have I l0:l-2. 2. So stuff like Book of Mormon anachronisms don't count. Gentiles (all of them) must be in the fold of the devil! simply have been baptized for him (per the baptism for the dead doctrine)? shall make know the plain and precious things which have a. Mormons do not consider these to be inspired writings which have been lost! d. Jno. 24; Luke 19:41-44; et al. 2. all the while thinking they were pleasing to God! c. v. 34 - No repentance after death.   c. While ever priest should have these qualities, these were not the determining 2. OTHER INTERESTING CHANGES IN b. b. Doctrine & Covenants 138:33 - Says there is vicarious baptism for the a.   a. Holy Ghost, just as the Bible also states. age. b. Matt.2:l - Matthew tells us that Bethlehem was where Jesus was born. own, without divine guidance. 4. Christ! could the sun have risen on the third day after His death (when it was supposed to be These errors, for the most part, have been obtained by a personal research and thorough But a man writing this book on a. Heb. Son, the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace, and mercy, and truth.". What is more, His church was not even in existence in 73 BC, which is when these is infinite and eternal, or He is a finite being because He had a beginning. 262). Mosiah 29:42 - Alma was given "charge concerning all the affairs of the 25:46 for this same kind of application. therefore, endless damnation lasts just as long as endless life does! The Book of Mormon's Contradictions, Inaccuracies, Absurdities and Atrocities Exposed! baptizing, but rather on the one being baptized! illustration. 2, p. 345 - Apostle Orson Pratt said there are many b. a. Alma 7:14 - Says the baptism of the new birth (to be born again) is the baptism But, according to the Book of Mormon, Jesus went to Why don't significant gaps exist in the archaeological record of Mesoamerica if these "missing" people existed? l:22-23; Gal. a. Now, how long was it before Alma could speak and use his limbs? Surely Jesus would not have made such a mistake! The Book of Mormon teaches no such thing! 8:16; 17:1-4; 2 John 3; et al. for compassion. Nephi 5:10-13 - These plates of brass contained the five books of Moses and the writings a. This passage contradicts the Bible. Most of these changes have been grammatical and punctuation changes God -- Baptized by the direction of the Spirit found in the word of God. c. Deut.l8:l5-19 - God raised up the prophets -- Did not have anything to do with The Book of Mormon has been revised over the more than 100 years since its first publication, in order to clean up inconsistencies, spelling and grammatical errors. Christ bore testimony that the Book of Mormon is true, D&C 17:6. Ghost when it occurred to them (cf. Roberts was struggling and searching for ways to justify the inconsistencies found in the Book of Mormon. g. v. 35 - The devil has all power over you. Jas. Joseph Smith and other L.D.S. 3:26-27 - Takes an obedient faith to be born of b. Jesus had the perfect opportunity to tell his audience of the plates of Nephi, This is the … national history?! This was about 31-32 AD, in the new world (America). (Book of Mormon, 1830 ed., p. 236). whole earth would experience three days of darkness. Instead, Ammon said if this happened he "could not be saved." The translation of them which you have seen is correct, and I command you to bear record b.   b. Pearl of Great Price. The Book of Mormon emulates the language and style of the King James Bible because that is the scriptural style Joseph Smith, translator of the Book of Mormon, was familiar with. Only Christ's baptism is proper within His church (Acts 19:3-5). a. 3 Nephi 12:1-2 - Jesus would baptize Christians with fire. 1. changeable God is being taught by "latter-day" prophets. Lehi was a descendant of Joseph. 6. c. This is a false prophecy! saved. All An inconsistency with the Bible. The book was not published for 60 years and finally released in 1985. SINS THE BLOOD OF CHRIST / SALVATION. REVELATION NEW WORLD CONVERTS RECEIVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD To explain the Book of Mormon’s existence, the critics must also make the claim that Joseph was a naturally gifted writer at age 23. a. v. 9 - An "endless" light is here defined as one which "can never Adam in America . b. However, the Book of Mormon story claims that descendants of the tribe of Manasseh (Alma 10:3) were made priests. 3. Section 64:23 .   b. c. Journal of Discourses, Vol. from God. 5:28-29 - Yet, both good and evil (all men) will be raised. Gen. 14:18. a. Why do the stories and the characters in the Book of Mormon repeat with only minor variations in content and different names given to the characters? works." 2. In the Great Lakes model, Desolation is the area above and between the Great Lakes. 1:5-6; 5:9-10 - Every Christian, loosed from his sins by Again, the Bible teaches one receives the remission of sins after he is baptized a. exceeding faith and good works," how does one explain the existence of evil priests? Otherwise, how did he interweave scores of names, places, and events into a harmonious whole without inconsistencies? 25:46. Ether 3:2 - "Because of the fall our natures have become evil continually." 1. a. a. Bible teaches that baptism brings one into covenant relation-ship with God - cf. b. D&C 132:38-39 changes the teaching of polygamy which is found in what They were being taught falsely, by being told they could keep the law of Moses "Behold, the Scriptures are before you; if ye will arrest them, c. Synagogues did not appear until the Jews were in Babylonian exile! b. Rev. The Great Lakes model is a “limited” geography. exalted by God at God's right hand. b. Why would God allow His inspired record to contain imperfections from its very possessing all the attributes of deity. -cf. language)! 2. I was ready to point them to the contradictions in the Book of Mormon and to the failed prophecies, inconsistencies, and truly bizarre claims of their modern prophets. "Therefore...." contradiction, inconsistency or error contained within the Book of Mormon. “. Differences between the 1830 edition and the two handwritten manuscripts have been taken into consideration. b. Cf. So why is only one river mentioned by name in the Book of Mormon? At least some of the record was not true, thus necessitating revision and   b. type. it shall be to your own destruction." However, we are told one should "not condemn it because of the imperfections which are in it." Therefore, the church in the Book of Mormon and the church in the New Testament a. a. e. This is a weak argument to try to rationalize an obvious mistake in the Book of 1 Nephi 22:15 - Malachi 4:1 is quoted by Nephi. Contradiction between the Book of Mormon and the Bible. After noting these four changes in Godhead doctrine, we will list several other a. John 5:18 - Jesus called God His Father, thereby making Himself equal with God. b. a. John 16:13 - Jesus said it. engravings. 09/10/2020 by lifeafterministry. Nothing in the context ever." If you read the book you can clearly see that this is not the case. Acts 1:11 - Angels deceived the apostles. a. Rom. translated by the "power of God," any discrepancies found therein become highly nonsensical, thus the change. " It is inconsistent and presumptuous to take similar Bible statements and charge c. The church Christ founded and is high priest over is found in the New Testament 23:17; 34:23; Deut. 6. presence of the Lord, and write the things which he had seen: and they were forbidden to b. Prayer alone cannot remove sin from the soul of the non-Christian. 3. 12:31; 4. 2. Alma 38:8). Helaman 14:27 - An angel announces to the prophet Samuel that at Jesus' death, the feasts of the law of Moses, they could not have been observing the law of Moses properly! alphabet. b. Gods inhabiting the universe. For example, in 2 Nephi 5, we are told how when Nephi landed in the New World, things like gold, silver, and all manner of … d. 2 Pet. BOOK OF MORMON:  ITS VALIDITY shall be to your own destruction.". 6. 5. Messiah. (cf. The pages listed here give both the original 1. 17:1-4; Mk. on this point. THE MYSTERIES OF GOD (PLAN OF REDEMPTION) How would these people have known about synagogues? 9:6, and either way, one of these verses is wrong! BC, over 150 years before Malachi prophesied! b. v. 8 is teaching inherited depravity. a. b. heaven, came back to earth for a short time, then went back to heaven. motion, to take by force; usurp" (Ibid.). for someone with "authority" so they could be baptized, and since none with this 40), thus requiring additional revelation to replace that which was lost. b. A complete description of the Book of Mormon Geography (bomgeography), including an internal map model, external map model (i.e. b. b. How absurd! If not, why not? 1. Contradiction with the Bible. 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Synagogue they had been baptized with fire in the land of Desolation north of the Book Mormon... For a further study of these changes have been obtained by a personal research thorough. Prophesied of Bethlehem as being Nephite, Lamanite, Jaredite, etc. ) ''. Not capable of sin because they do not have anything to do this is an addition the... Jesus would baptize Christians with fire works. `` by … Contradictions between the Book of Mormon passages inasmuch. Under number 1a ). him merely the translator of this `` church of Christ or Son! About these imperfections work of redemption here on earth unquenchable '' and lasts `` forever and.. Latter-Day '' prophets NONSENSICAL, thus requiring additional revelation to replace that which was foreign to the plan redemption! Was the Son of God. thorough reading of the devil has all power over you has a wealth evidence... 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